"With your attitude, in my hometown, I will definitely give you a zero bad rating."

Zero bad reviews? This new word puzzled Snagg.

However, the three words sauna have touched the bottom line of Snagg.

You can say that his strength is the weakest in the dessert four general stars, or you can say that he is not even as good as the other four emperors' imperial deputies, but if you say that his ability is as comfortable as a sauna and has no destructive power, then he will only be fried into slag!

The next moment, the earth that had returned to normal boiled again, the heat was rumbling upwards, and the entire hall was like an oil pot, which was a punishment that even ghosts would be afraid of!

"Yes, yes, that's it... Ah~comfortable~"

Relo's voice was like a moan, after drifting on this sea for so long, he was experiencing the thrill of sauna again for the first time.

With a wave of the Snag long knife that was stimulated by Relo again, the invisible sword qi turned into a violent wind and blew away all the heat, leaving a deep crack on the wall of the hall in the distance.

At the same time, it was also exposed that he was only wearing a pair of underwear, leisurely suspended in the air, and looked intoxicated Leiluo.

Why do you suddenly feel a little cold?

"Hey, why don't you respect the privacy of your guests at all? Lao Tzu hasn't dressed yet! Relo

, who hurriedly shook off the sweat on his body, scolded Snap while wearing clothes, like a customer who did not achieve the expected effect after consumption.

"You really use me as a bathroom, don't you?"

In the face of Relo's ensuing provocations, Snag's figure turned into a blue light and rushed to Relo's side, and the shining long knife was gradually covered with bright black on the way to slash.

This is armed color domineering.

Gaji, who recognized Snag's ability at a glance, smiled even more in his heart, it seemed that the recruit named Relo was about to end his life, and the Jemal Kingdom was about to find a new backer.

However, in the next moment, Kaji's wide open mouth did not burst out laughing with joy, but silent shock.

"I said that you are a person, how can you face each other with swords without saying a word, I will give you a bad review, and Auntie does not know."

At this moment, Leiluo's left hand casually pinched the long knife that was slashed at him, and his right hand continued to wear clothes.

How so? How could this person's brute force be so terrifying?

Snagg, who had exhausted all his strength, found that after his long knife was pinched by Relo, he began to stand still, which was completely a pure strength gap.

Lei Luo, who already has a strange body, coupled with the blessing of a layer of mysterious swords, let alone Snag, even Whitebeard is not necessarily his opponent in terms of single physical strength.


Just as Relo was getting dressed, the left hand that held the long knife flicked lightly, and the humming sound of the rapid vibration of the iron piece was like a thunder explosion, and the huge force spread along the blade to Snag's hands, almost making him crack, and he almost couldn't hold the hilt.

"I'm here this time to eradicate some stinky rats that secretly act, and it has nothing to do with the BIGMOM Pirate Group for the time being, so you'd better stay still and don't force me to do it."

For Snag, the back-pot man who was removed from the Dessert Four Stars by his aunt after being defeated by the future supernova monster Urki in the original book, Relo really didn't want to waste time with him.

Moreover, it is now estimated that Tina, Rejiu and the others are about to arrive in the territory of the Jemal Kingdom, and if he allows Snag to leave, his character will definitely threaten him with Tina and Lei Jiu as hostages.

Therefore, leaving him where he is is the best option.

"Just by yourself, you still want to wipe out our entire Jemal Kingdom? Could it be that your tech clone legion and Lord Snag are a pile of garbage?

While Shnag hesitated whether he would help the Jemal Kingdom, Gaji spoke, binding the kingdom to Snag in a few words.

To be honest, before Operation Slag, Katakuri had quietly told him that the navy that had come to destroy the Jemal Kingdom was shrouded in a fog that he could not see, and if there was any situation, he must retreat in time, even if there was no Jemal 66 in the world since then.

But now, the scheming Gaji still binds Snag to the entire Jemal Kingdom with a single word, so that he can only choose to fight now.

"You should know very well that you are not my opponent, so don't waste my time."

Relo snorted softly.

For Slag, it is completely easy for Relo to kill him, but once he kills Shnag, he will definitely attract endless retaliation from the BIGMOM Pirates.

In order to implement justice, Chi Inu's unscrupulous character of doing things, once Lei Luo begins to be chased and killed by his aunt in Beihai, then it is very likely that Chi Inu will be removed from the navy on the grounds that the current navy has suffered heavy losses and cannot be enemies with the four emperors, resulting in his mission never being completed.

Of course, there is also a possibility, that is, the red dog let Lei Luo go, but it will not eliminate his identity, but once Lei Luo is powerful and wipes out the BIGMOM Pirate Group, he will be ordered by the red dog as a naval marshal to eliminate the other four emperor-level forces.

This kind of thing being used as a gun, Lei Luo naturally will not accept it.

"Lord Snag, don't worry, I have just given the order, and soon the soldiers of Jemal will come in combat uniforms to kill this unmanned navy with you!"

Gaji sneered and looked at Relo, he didn't think that a young man could be strong enough to deal with a general star alone plus the entire Jemal Legion.

However, at this time, Snag still did not make a move, because in his heart, he always felt that Relo seemed to be really like his brother Katakuri said, shrouded in a layer of fog, a layer of fear fog that made people chill.

"Since you are still a scientist, how long have you been giving orders, haven't you found out that no captain of a squad has responded to you until now?"

Relo's words were like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and they thuded in Gaji's mind.

Yes, as a king, he had ordered that he would receive a reply from everyone in less than a minute, but today, three or four minutes had passed, and the communicator beside him had not received any reply.

"What the hell is this thing for?" No way? How did you get this done?

Suddenly, a bright light with a sense of technology shot out from the throne under Gaji, which was cast into a large screen in the air, and in the center of the screen was Lei Luo, who was playing with the communication instrument in his hand.

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