Cake Island.

At this time, a tall and fat woman wearing a pink and red dot dress, with thick eye shadow and bright lipstick was grabbing a handful of sweets in front of her and chewing wildly.

This scene, from the point of view of etiquette, is extremely unsightly, and even using rudeness to describe this woman's rudeness is too much, but it is this unbearable scene, but no one dares to stand up and drink.

All this is because that woman is a legendary figure on this sea, the aunt of one of the four emperors - Charlotte Lingling!

"Mom, for the commander of the Jemal army, Vince Mockgarge, the son advises you not to completely believe that as long as we get all his scientific research results, then we must abandon him immediately."

The person who spoke was Aunt's eldest son, Charlotte Perros Perot, a thoughtful talker.

For this son of his own, the aunt originally valued it very much, but his words were too much, even if they were all contrary to the ears, it would make the aunt tired of it, and finally chose to ignore it.

It is precisely because of this that the position of the top cadre of the four generals of dessert is not Perospero, but replaced by Snagg, whose bounty is a full 100 million Baileys lower than him.

"Shut up, it's rude to talk while others are eating, didn't I teach you?"

"But Mom, people like Gaji are really not worth it..."

"If you dare to mention something related to the Jemal Kingdom, don't blame your mother for being ruthless and senseless!"

"Haha, I can make my biological mother feel bored, I really am not a qualified son!"

Perospero has always been optimistic and self-deprecating, it doesn't matter if his words are heard by his mother, anyway, his status as a military master in the pirate group is unshakable, and everything only needs to be resolved after consultation with his younger brother Katakuri.

In the distance, Katakuri, who was sitting alone on the candy roof, was a little annoyed by his eldest brother, but he understood that everything about his eldest brother was for the development of the entire family, so he had always been on his side.

Suddenly, Katakuri's whole body was excited, and his eyes showed extreme disbelief.

"Second brother, what's wrong?"

For his younger brother, who has a top-notch knowledge and domineering, Perospero has always paid special attention to his every word and deed, just as he captured the picture just now.

"Big brother, I just saw that my mother will become extremely angry in the near future, the reason is related to the navy I mentioned to you before, as for the specific process... Snag will make it clear when he comes back. "

It is very rare for the aunt who is enjoying the food to suddenly become angry, because no one will ever dare to disturb the pleasure in the aunt's heart at this time, even if it is Perospero, it is just to see and receive, and never dare to say more.

Just when Perospero wondered what news Snag would bring about the navy that could make the aunt fall into a rage, the temperature of the entire cake island suddenly rose, but wherever the figure in the distance passed, it seemed to have been fried, turning golden and crisp.

Charlotte Snag, anxiously returned!

Sweets already contain great heat, coupled with Auntie's fat body, sweat has already soaked her clothes, and now the sudden rise in ambient temperature has completely destroyed Auntie's appetite.

At this time, in the hands of the aunt who stopped eating, the half-bitten cake had been crushed by her.

To be able to make the aunt who would not hesitate to mobilize to destroy a country for sweets make such a move, the anger in her heart is no longer described.


Auntie's sharp voice hovered above the entire cake island, and a suppressive force that did not attack the flesh and specially made the soul feel fear instantly crushed everything, and finally all gathered on Snag, who was kneeling in front of Auntie and did not dare to speak.

"Mom, don't be so angry, Snag came back so flustered this time, presumably there must be important news, after all, the second brother let him go to protect the safety of the country you didn't let me mention."

It seems that Perospero's words played a role, and Auntie's mood gradually calmed down.

Obtaining the various technologies of the Jemal Kingdom has always been the most important thing in Auntie's mind at present, and there must be no mistakes.

As the BIGMOM pirate group that has been at the bottom of the four emperors' forces for many years, Aunt has long been unhappy with this ranking in her heart.

Now that Whitebeard is dead, the sea is still a three-legged moment, if you can get the technology of the Jemal Kingdom, then the BIGMOM Pirates will become the most powerful pirate group.

It is precisely because of this that anything related to the survival and belonging of the Jemal Kingdom will make her force herself to be rational.

"Mom, there is a kid named Lei Luo who just joined the navy, alone, he wiped out the entire Jemal Kingdom, except for Lei Jiu, who joined the navy, there is no one alive!"

Snagg's words instantly attracted the attention of all the cadres and ministers on Cake Island.

The Jemal Kingdom was wiped out by a recruit egg alone, and with Snag in the presence of Snag, could it be that the navy named Relo has a terrorist force comparable to the level of a naval admiral?

"Find, go find it for me!" Be sure to find out that kid named Relo, I'm going to thunder his soul!" Under

the roar of Auntie's fury, innocent buildings were destroyed wantonly.

Since his plans are all in vain, then the person who ruined his plans should not think about living well in this world!

In the face of wanton destruction, the unsane aunt, the cadres and ministers fled extremely tacitly, they did not want to put a free life for that damn navy in front of the huge creature of the mother.

"Snagg, what the hell is going on?"

After hiding in a quiet place, Perospero asked Snag.

"That navy named Lei Luo is too powerful, I think only the second brother and mother can fight him."

Snagg's description caused Perospero and Katakuri to look at each other and no longer speak.

Now there is no need to say more, in the navy's big conscription, it really accidentally found a treasure, and it is also a top treasure.

"You said that Vince Mockrejiu is still alive and joined the Navy, right? I remember that she also had a brother who worked as a cook on the Straw Hat Kid's boat. "

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