
"Who scolds Lao Tzu early in the morning?"

Lei Luo, who was constantly speeding up the warship with Shinra Heavenly Sign, suddenly sneezed.

"It is said that I will go back to rest in the evening, and it is only a matter of time before I arrive at the headquarters."

In the cabin, Tina, who came slowly with a dream, gently put on her major general cloak for Relo.

Along the way, she has experienced too many things, and for the teenager in front of her, she no longer knows what kind of feelings she thinks in her heart.

However, Tina always believed that as long as Relo returned to the naval headquarters, he would be directly promoted to a very high position, and sooner or later the navy would build that imaginary era of peace for the world under his leadership.

"I'm fine, but you, you were tossed by this little guy last night, right?"

In the middle of the night, Relo saw many times that the lights in Tina's room went off and on, turned on and off, and tossed until the wee hours of the morning.

"Last night it was Lei Jiu who was taking care of this little guy, and I was used to deep sleep, so I didn't suffer anything."

Indeed, as a cadre of the Navy, you must always ensure that your spirit is clear and avoid some decision-making mistakes, so every senior naval officer has a special method to let himself enter the deepest sleep as quickly as possible.

As for Lei Jiu, because of Leiluo's arrival, there were no more casualties on the warship, so she could only share a room with Tina, the only woman on board.

Without a naval sleep method, she must be sleeping soundly in bed now.

"Tina, what is that island for? Why was such a large statue of the god Venus built? "

Far away, Relo saw a huge statue in the center of an island, with a delicate face and perfect body, which is the embodiment of love and beauty in mythology, the most envious existence of all women - Navis, the god of beauty and love!

Looking in the direction pointed by Relo, Tina's face instantly showed extreme excitement, but it was quickly forcibly suppressed by her, and all this was also seen by Relo.

"It's supposed to be a place for shopping, right?"

"Well, Venus Island is the place that every woman yearns for the most."

"Let's go, let's take a look?"

"But aren't you in a hurry to return to headquarters?"

Hearing these words, Lei Luoguan smiled, and his heart couldn't help but warm.

It turned out that Tina forcibly suppressed the excitement in her heart in order not to delay Relo's return to the headquarters.

"We'll wake up Lei Jiu later, let's go up and stroll."

"But you..."

Before Tina could finish speaking, Relo stood up and asked all the naval soldiers on the warship: "There is Venus Island ahead, do you want to go shopping, and by the way, enjoy the beautiful women from all over the world?" "

Shopping! Venus Island! Beautiful women from all over the world!


The three elements in Leiluo's words were quickly extracted by the navy, and they were just at the age of blood and qi, watching all kinds of marine life on the sea every day, and when they heard the beauty, the restlessness in their hearts had long been unstoppable, and they all cheered hysterically.

"Tina, the people's heart, I don't think you should refuse everyone, right?"

"Well, let's take the day off today."

Seeing that Tina agreed, Relo hurriedly raised his right arm and shouted long live.

"Long live Major General Tina!"

"Long live Major General Tina!"

"Long live Major General Tina!"

Looking at the enthusiastic appearance of the naval soldiers, Tina smiled, lowered her reddish face, and played with the little guy of Dream.

Relo's move, firstly, to satisfy Tina's inner wishes, and secondly, to elevate Tina's image among these naval soldiers, this stone and two birds' approach naturally made Tina feel warm in her heart.

About an hour later.

"At six o'clock in the afternoon, we will meet here, now, let's play!"

At the ferry port of Venus Island, with Tina's order, there was an unconcealable smile on their faces, and the naval soldiers in civilian clothes simply ran wildly to the center of the island.

Delicious food, young and beautiful girls, and the handsome clothes, here we come!

"Wow, Sister Tina, you are really wearing this cheongsam in the world!"

"Lei Jiu, this broken flower dress of yours can only be controlled by a heavenly girl like you."

Relo sat on the sofa in a clothing store, watching the countless beauties in front of him try on all kinds of clothes one after another.

Pure line, cute department, royal sister department, loli department, sexy department...

At this moment, the lamb in Leiluo's heart was about to collapse.

Vienna Island, what kind of woman's yearning, this is clearly a man's paradise!

"Sir, do the clothes that the two ladies tried need to be packaged?"

Suddenly, just when Lei Luo was not thinking about the feast in front of him, a gentle and lovely voice suddenly sounded, fiercely pulling him back to reality.

yes, how can you not buy clothes when you try them on?

Since you want to buy it, you have no money.

"I lean, a piece of clothing sells 120,000 Baileys, why don't you grab it?"

Casually flipping through the prices of a few pieces of clothing placed beside him, Leiluo's restless heart instantly cooled by half.

Now he just wants to change the previous sentence, Vienna Island is a paradise for single men.

At this time, Tina and Lei Jiu, who had just come out of the fitting room, saw Lei Luo's face full of sadness.

"It's okay, it's enough for the two of us to come here and try it, anyway, these clothes are rarely worn."

"Sister Tina is right, there is no need to spend so much money on clothes."

Tina and Lei Jiu, one is a rear admiral of the navy, the other is the eldest princess of the Jemal Kingdom, both of them are extremely understanding, and with Leiluo's identity, there is simply not so much money to spend.

"You two can rest assured to try, open to change, as long as it is fancy, buy it, I said, even if it is the resurrection of One Piece Roger, it is not easy to make!"

In order not to make the second daughter feel regretful, Lei Luo said without thinking.

"Actually, I used to be a bounty hunter, although I am not particularly rich, but it is still possible to buy a few clothes, so you two are welcome, otherwise I will be angry."

In the face of Lei Luo's follow-up addition, excitement appeared in the eyes of Tina and Lei Jiu again.

With Leiluo's terrifying strength, even if he has only been a bounty hunter for half a year, the wealth he has is definitely not something that ordinary people can imagine.

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