After Lei Luo, who looked at the two beauties casually picking up a fur coat and walking into the fitting room, the expression on his face instantly disintegrated.

"That, can work to pay off debts, just wait until I have time to come, until the account is paid off."

"This gentleman, this shop does not have this rule."

"Is it okay to get a discount?"

"I'm sorry, sir, that we don't have this rule either."


These two words were originally used by Lei Luo to express the helplessness in his heart, but they happened to be heard by Tina and Lei Jiu, who had just tried on clothes.

Is Relo praising me for being beautiful? Then this body must be bought!

Hey? That seems to be a good one!

Looking at the second daughter who misunderstood her meaning and tried more and more clothes, Relo sighed silently, turned around and sat back on the sofa.

Every time he encounters something that is not a matter of life and death, but he can't solve it, Relo will try to ask the system for help.

"System, I used to see that the protagonists in other novels have the function of the mall system, don't you have this?"

"This system can only be used for lotteries, there is no such thing as a low-level reward of currency."

"So what the do I do now?"

For the answer given by the system, Relo was simply crazy.

He has already praised Haikou in front of Tina and Lei Jiu, and if he can't pay in the end, it will definitely greatly affect his image in their minds, and the plan to make a girl that was hard to make is over.

"In this system, there is a loan function."

"Huh? Listen carefully?

Suddenly, the system seemed to be kind and proposed a completely new feature to Relo that he had never heard before.

"It's very simple, one billion Bailey only needs to repay a little god-level lottery points," a little god-level lottery points

is equal to one billion Bailey, how does it feel a bit of a loss?

At the beginning, Lei Luo did think so, but then he remembered that he was a navy and not a pirate, he only needed to deposit this money in the bank, couldn't he complete the cycle of money making money?

It seems that this god-level lottery points are not too bad.

"Then what are you waiting for, first change a billion for me to spend, hurry up."

"Sorry, the host's current god-level draw points are 0, and direct redemption is not possible."

"..." Lei

Luo, who was speechless for a while, only felt that he was hurt by the brain door of the system qi, and after being silent for a long time, he still did not control his emotions.

"Then what the are you talking nonsense!"

"Don't worry, this system has said that it is a loan function, and it is possible to carry out credit accounts."

"All of them, or you are the best for me, quickly exchange one billion for me first."

With Leiluo's extremely attentive smile, after a clanging in his mind, the storage space that came with the system was instantly filled with countless green and largest denomination banknotes, without a trace of space.

Before crossing, as a three-nil youth without a car, a house and no money, Lei Luo had never seen so much money, and he didn't expect that there was so much cash for a billion.

"All of them, love you!"

"Don't worry, remember that this is a loan, if you can't hand over 1 god-level lottery point within a month, then it will be the president's interest, and..."

"Okay, okay, you go to rest, I'm going to start consuming!"

At this time, Lei Luo instantly understood why those nouveau riche wore big gold chains and twenty jewelry rings on ten fingers.

With so much money, if you don't spend it, you can't put it at home, so crowded that people don't even have a place to sleep!

"Waiter, come here!"

Lei Luo sat on the sofa and beckoned to the waiter in the distance who had previously embarrassed himself one after another.

Now he understands another truth, that is, if you have money, you will have the confidence to really speak.

"Hello sir, is there any other help?"

"How much can you sell this store?"

"Last time a customer asked like this, our boss gave him a seven-fold discount, about 10 billion."


Sir, are you meeting with our boss?"

"No, no, no, I'll ask."

Lei Luo, who barely squeezed out a little smile, was obviously a little embarrassed.

At this moment, he once again understood a truth, that is, there are people outside people, and a mountain is higher than a mountain!

After a long time, the scorching sun was empty, and Tina and Lei Jiu, who had been busy all morning, finally stopped trying various types of clothes.

"Waiter, check out!"

"A total of 76,253,800 Baileys, just wipe you with zeros, 76 million, is it cash payment or card?"

The waiter who made Lei Luo repeatedly embarrass himself has already used the card machine, such as a large amount of consumption, who will bring so much cash?


With a loud noise, a mountain of Bailey appeared in the open space in front of Leiluo, which suddenly stunned everyone present.

"This is eighty million, no need to look for it, the rest is my tip for you."

Lei Luo waved his hand gently, not caring about the shocked mixed with a little envious gaze of the people around him.

There are still a full 920 million Baileys in the storage space of the system, which is still filling the space that is large enough.

"Leiluo, where are you hiding all this money?"

"My fruit ability is just a use."

"That's great, these clothes will be handed over to you, save the trouble of carrying."

In the face of Tina and Lei Jiu's request, Lei Luo's face twitched, because as early as when the second daughter asked him this question, the system had already emphasized to him again that the inside of the storage space of the system was only allowed to store the prizes of the lottery.

Headquarters of the Navy.

"Report Lord Marshal, report to General Yellow Ape, Relo They have successfully annihilated the Jemal Kingdom, and it seems that there was also the general of the BIGMOM Pirate Group, Charlotte Snag, present."

Inside the marshal's office, a private reported to the red dog and the yellow ape who was ready to take advantage of the laziness during the lunch break and was caught by the red dog.

"Yo yo, it seems that my future partner has been completely confirmed."

The yellow ape said with a lazy smile.

As early as a few days ago, Fujitora and Green Bull had already been invited by Akainu to become brigadier admirals, only to carry out the final promulgation ceremony.

"Fuji Tiger and Green Bull are two very famous, and Lei Luo is just a hairy boy who suddenly appeared, plus he is so young, the old man is afraid that directly promoting him to a general will make the soldiers dissatisfied."

Akainu put down the newspaper in his hand and sighed silently.

"Sakaski, don't worry, it's a big deal to let that kid Relo go through the process of enlisting in the Navy, anyway, as long as he performs well enough, no one will say anything."

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