New World Navy G1 Division.

After a long journey on the sea, Relo finally arrived at the place where his heart was in mind.

I thought that according to my glorious achievements along the way, it should not be difficult to mix a general, at least it should be a lieutenant general, but what De Relo didn't expect was that the red dog would actually let him participate in the Dao power test with this group of people who returned to the headquarters with this group of big conscripts.

"That's it, seeing that the war on the top is about to end for two years, it's better to mix an official and a half-job quickly, by the way, let's go and have a good relationship with Fuji Tiger and Green Bull now."

Reluo, who helplessly walked to the square, swept his gaze over everyone, looking for his target.

At the moment, the noisy square is overcrowded, let alone looking for someone, it is already good to know that you are there.

For this group of people who returned to the headquarters, the red dog was generally quite satisfied, after all, there were some Devil Fruit ability people and some powerful people with great prestige in some areas.

"Everyone gather, line up in ten columns, don't waste the old man's time off work."

A slightly lazy voice resounded in people's ears, and thousands of points of light and all directions came leisurely, and on the high platform, they gradually converged into a slightly obscene figure.

Admiral Yellow Ape Borusalino.


Before the yellow ape could stand firm, the magma giant fist that suddenly appeared in the air suddenly smashed down, and the golden light scattered again, staring again in another place.

"As a general so lazy, don't blame the old man for being ruthless next time!"

Looking at the red dog standing in his previous position, the yellow ape just smiled.

The point of not showing mercy is at most literal, and if you want to catch the light, the red dog is afraid that it will take a lot of effort.

"Start the quiz!"

The red dog snorted coldly, the person he was most optimistic about in this test was Relo, and Tina had said that Relo's fruit ability was somewhat similar to that of the yellow ape, and he didn't want a future admiral to be a lazy office worker.

This seemingly small farce is over, but it teaches a lesson to every newcomer who is new to the Navy and is still proud.

The fastest yellow ape, the most destructive red dog, this is the undoubted terrifying strength of the admiral level, the apex of the newcomers' eagerness!

Maybe it was unintentional, or intentional, the scene in front of him was not important in Leiluo's eyes, and what really shocked him was the tall figure standing on the left back of the red dog and wearing the uniform of the general's justice army - Fuji Tora!

"The plot development is not right! Why did Lao Tzu want to participate in the Dao Power Test here, and the Vine Tiger and Green Bull had already become generals? Seeing

this scene in front of him, Lei Luo was quite dissatisfied, but he had no choice, and could only choose to continue his boring test for now.

Dao power, the counting unit used by the Navy to reflect a person's combat strength, 10 Dao power is equivalent to an ordinary naval soldier.

Having said that, most people understand that this Dao force test, to put it bluntly, is to detect a person's physical strength, that is, how destructive a blow with all his strength is, and does not indicate the level of real combat effectiveness.

For example, a Devil Fruit ability with pure physical strength of 500 powers.

The animal department can easily burst out several times the physical strength with one punch.

Nature, on the other hand, cannot gain any enhancement of strength through fruits.

However, if this is not domineering, it is an enemy of animal lines and not natural lines, let alone large-scale destruction, the former is even more incomparable to the latter.

Therefore, although Dao power represents a person's physical strength, it cannot represent a person's real combat strength.

"Jack Ross, Dao power value 700! The next Relo! The

moment Lei Luo walked out of the formation, the eyes of the three generals on the high platform were instantly attracted.

Each of them wanted to see how powerful this god-like man would be in the mouths of Tina and all the soldiers on the warship.

"Brother, can you all push back and stay away from me?"

Relo's voice sounded, and a great confusion appeared on the faces of the newcomers testing on both sides of him and the testers.

"Do as he says!"

"Thank you, Lord Marshal!"

A young man who was so concerned by the red dog was an extremely attractive gimmick, and all the other test people also stopped what they were doing, and all quietly looked at Relo, who was moving his joints.

I think that at the beginning, the current marshal and the general's red dog and yellow ape, the two who punched out more than 4,000 terrifying numbers, did not fight like this.

Now they want to see if this young man is grandstanding or self-righteous.

After all, the material used in this force detector is so strong that no one has ever been able to shake it except Karp.

"Fujitora, what do you think?"

Looking down at Lei Luo, who had not made a move for a long time, but was just warming up while letting the people around him keep retreating, the red dog asked and answered to the Fuji Tiger behind him.

"Lord Marshal, I am a blind man, what do you want me to see?"

"If you play poor, the old man will throw you out as a bomb tomorrow to blow up the pirates, do you believe it?"

"Just kidding, this kid is full of blood and qi, and his every move seems light, but he has a strong and heavy attitude, and his punch is probably expected to be equal to Lieutenant General Karp."

"Oh? Do you think so highly of him?

After receiving a very high evaluation from Fuji Tora, Akainu sneered instead.

Karp, that is a mythical existence, relying on his own pair of iron fists, beat the old generation of pirate overlords on the sea, the Cross Pirate Group, to fall apart, even if it is a strong person of the level such as Roger and Whitebeard, he was very jealous of the navy at that time.

"If this little boy in front of him can be equal to Karp, doesn't that mean that he can still kill the old man?"

The red dog snorted softly again, for Karp's repeated threats to kill himself, he has always had a lot of shadows in his heart, even if the Warring States did not hold Karp one day, then...


After doing a series of warm-ups, Lei Luo slowly exhaled a turbid breath.

Leiluo, who was already extremely physically fit, through the training in the North Sea and the blessing of the mysterious sword, even he himself did not know exactly how far his pure physical strength had reached.

At least, one thing was clear to Lei Luo, everyone present, including those three general-level existences, absolutely no one could go head-to-head with their own flesh!

Suddenly, Lei Luo took a deep breath and instantly emptied all the air around him, and at that moment, his eyes emitted an unconcealable edge!

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