
After more than ten seconds, Lei Luo slowly exhaled a turbid breath, and when he opened his eyes at this time, the flickering essence in his eyes announced that he had reached his final form.

However, it is not over.

"Eight Doors Dun Jia, open!"

With a sharp drink coming from Leiluo's mouth, a light flashed between his eyebrows, and then the aura that had climbed to the peak actually broke through again!

A terrifying momentum erupted from Lei Luo's body and rushed straight to the sky, but even so, there was still a strange power that constantly impacted the acupuncture points in his body.

"Isn't it over yet?"

Feeling the changes in Relo, Kapu's fighting spirit that had not been ignited for a long time was also ignited at this moment.

Open door, body door, raw door, injury door, du door, jingmen!

Lei Luo opened six doors in a row, and his body was surrounded by thick green light, and at this moment, even if he stood in place without moving, he gave people the feeling that he could burst out the divine power that shook the nine bulls with a single move!

Activate the armed color domineering!

Before Relo could take action, Karp's body had instinctively completed the full body of armed color domineering.

In the next instant, Lei Luo and Karp moved very tacitly, the speed was so fast that the naked eye could not see it at all, and they could only judge their location based on the sonic booms that sounded from time to time somewhere.


The two people who suddenly appeared appeared in a two-fist manner, but what was strange was that the collision after raising the aura to the peak caused the destructive power was not as good as before.

And this is just because the two of them have mastered their power and precision to an extremely deep realm, and although one move is simple, there is no useless waste.

Taking advantage of one of Leiluo's gaps, Karp turned his fist into a claw, his hands suddenly clasped Leiluo's wrists and elbows, and then his waist suddenly exerted force, throwing Relo into the air.

As we all know, when fighting, the most taboo thing is to be in the air, because after the feet leave the ground, people will not be able to burst out with full strength, and their movements will be greatly restricted.

Seeing such a good opportunity, Karp slammed his left foot on the ground, and pieces of gravel the size of a human head were held in his hands, wrapped in armed color domineering, and thrown towards Relo.

At this time, the Warring States jumped up, because he knew that Karp's armed domineering was definitely not something that a young man could bear, even if he had the power to destroy the Jemal Kingdom alone.

However, at that time, the Warring States found that Lei Luo not only did not have the slightest panic, but seemed to have a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Towards the peacock!"

The friction of Lei Luo's light-speed fist instantly ignited the air, turning into fireballs and reflecting it, as beautiful as a peacock opening the screen.

In the air, the fireball collided rapidly with the pitch-black stones, and the dust in the sky completely covered Leiluo's figure, and according to the sound of punches in the air, it could be judged that Relo and Karp were evenly matched.

"It's enough to be able to do this, but it's still a pity!"

Sengoku smiled helplessly, and the moment he saw Karp's figure disappear from the place, he already knew the final ending.

Who is Karp?

A navy that chased after the famous sea thief and fled everywhere, a navy that used only one punch to beat 500 million bounty-level green peppers to the navy that has been incognito for several years, a navy known as a hero, he is a symbol of invincibility!

"It's over!"

The red dog sat back in the office chair, and the yellow ape closed his eyes, they never imagined that Karp would lose to Relo, even if it was a draw.

"Eight Doors Dun Jia shocked the door, open!"

Leiluo's voice came again, and the dust in the sky was instantly blown away by the momentum he burst out at this moment, and the entire naval headquarters was constantly shaking because of this sudden impact!

How can it be!

The suddenly violent crowd looked at the smiling young man in the air who was wrapped in blue qi waves and his hair was all upside down, and his eyes showed extreme shock.

Lei Luo, actually took Karp's all-out blow!

"Boy, it's good, even if it's Sakaski, they may not be able to take the punch of the old man in this situation."

"Lieutenant General Karp, boy, I can't maintain this state for long, so give the last blow!"

In the face of Karp's unstinting praise, Relo slowly retracted his fist and fell to the ground with a swoop.

The final blow?

Karp smiled, the fighting spirit in his body became more and more high, since this form could not support for too long, then the last blow!

"This move is called Day Tiger!"

As soon as Lei Luo breathed in, the aura around his body rushed towards his right fist extremely quickly, and even before he made a move, he could already feel the power of destroying the world and the earth.

Looking at Lei Luo's slowly retracting fist, Karp nodded, and also raised his right fist, and the ink-black armed color domineering on it became more and more intense.

Since he recognized that Leiluo's last move was physical skills, Karp naturally would not choose to dodge, and it was his style to fight hard.

"Seven Gates Aoyi Day Tiger!"

With Lei Luo's front fist swinging, with him as the center, the air within tens of meters around was all emptied by that punch, and faintly this mighty tiger roar came out.

"Day Tiger? That's a good name!

Looking at the huge white tiger that gradually appeared in the air and pounced on him, Kapu smiled, just a very simple punch, without half a bell and whistle.

"Damn it! Sakaski! Borusalino! Fujitora! And you, Doflamingo, don't hurry up yet! The

Warring States, who had already incarnated in the form of a big Buddha, shouted angrily at the surroundings, he did not expect that the competition between Lei Luo and Karp would actually develop to such a point, which was enough to crush the naval headquarters!

At that moment, the white tiger, the black fist, the Buddha palm, the lava, the light bullet, and the breath of the king collided with each other!

The thunder is endless, the sky and the earth change color, the terrifying aftermath spreads, the naval headquarters is crumbling, and on the sea surface within thousands of meters around it, the corpses of sea creatures continue to emerge, even if it is the sea king, all of them are spared!

"Karp, you're fucking crazy!"

With the passage of time, this earth-shattering scene gradually stopped, and only the voice of the Warring States rage resounded in the sky.

In the distance, with the help of the fruit ability to grasp the clouds, Doflamingo, who was constantly moving away in the air, looked back at the large hole above the firmament behind him that had not healed for a long time, and then looked at the five people below, and a little cold sweat slowly slipped down his forehead.

"Two monsters that are not people, or I slipped away early, I'm afraid I would have at least be crippled just now!"

Inhuman monsters, this is the only word in Doflamingo's mind that can be used to describe the horror of Relo and Karp.

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