In the square of the naval headquarters, like a water man, Lei Luo felt that the whole person was almost collapsed.

At this moment, only the backs of the red dog and the yellow ape appeared in front of him, and as for the Warring States, it was in the form of a big Buddha between Lei Luo and Kapu.

"Is the gap so big?"

Relo squeezed out a self-deprecating smile with difficulty.

However, if it were not for the restrictions of this world's rules, Chakra would not have been condensed and ninjutsu would not have been able to be used.

No matter how strong Karp is, he will not be his opponent!

Obviously, the Red Inu and Yellow Ape are positioned to help them resist Kapu's attack, while Sengoku is throwing their power into the air to avoid unnecessary destruction and death.

"Hey, boy, what is the blue gas around your body just now?"

Karp still had his arms folded to his chest and asked Relo.

"Sweat, this trick will consume a lot of water in the body in exchange for strength."

Seeing that Karp was still unharmed, Relo didn't even feel like he could laugh.

"Then there is time to teach the old man."


The last two words blurted out, and Lei Luo fell to the ground with a bang and fell into a fainting.

"Sakaski, it seems that Lieutenant General Karp not only did not reduce the heroism of the year, but even better, you can remember not to mention Ace in front of his old man in the future!"

The yellow ape, who felt that his arms were about to be broken, did not forget to joke about the red dog.

It's just a pity that in the face of the yellow ape's ridicule, the red dog snorted coldly and turned away.

"It's been opened up again, it seems that I want to cultivate well!"

The yellow ape, who understood that the red dog was not injured, smiled and turned into a golden light and left, leaving only the Sengoku alone who sighed.

"Karp, do you have to stand even if you are unconscious?"

Sengoku, who had returned to his normal form, looked at Karp, who had a hearty smile on his face, and sighed.

Since Roger was executed, the forces on the sea have gradually stabilized, and this guy has not had a big battle for a long time.

"It seems that before Kebi inherits the title of naval hero, this kid will first inherit the title of your strongest navy."

The Sengoku who dragged Lei Luo and Karp, looking at the sunset that had completely set in the distance, and the rising moon, a thick expectation appeared in his eyes.


"Bellumeber, wake up, do you remember how the two of us fell asleep in the harbor?"

As soon as the fishing rod moved, Kebi, who was awakened by it, looked at the sea in front of him that had been stained red with blood, and kept pushing his friend next to him.

"Huh? Where is the smell of blood and fish, it's so disgusting... I grass, what's going on? After

seeing the scene in front of him, Berumeber, who was half asleep, suddenly stirred, and his brain instantly awakened.

The two who remembered what happened last night did their best, and the last memory stayed at a loud bang, and then they didn't know anything.

"Could it be that a strong enemy has attacked or that the extremely vicious criminals on the sixth floor of the undersea prison have escaped?"

Faced with Berumeber's conjecture, Kirby shook his head, because in his memory, he vaguely remembered that the loud noise seemed to be mixed with an extremely familiar breath.

Marshal's office at this time.

The red dog, who had not slept all night, stared closely at the lewd figure in front of him who sneaked into the office, without saying a word.

"Ouch, Lord Marshal didn't go back to rest."

The yellow ape who turned around was really taken aback.

"What's the matter, just say it, don't waste the old man's time."

Faced with the cold attitude of the red dog, after hesitating for a moment, the yellow ape squeezed out a slightly embarrassed smile, took out a piece of paper from his pocket and put it in front of the red dog, turning into a light and shadow disappearing without a trace.

I, Admiral Borusalino, temporarily unable to use my arms due to sore arms due to last night's work injury, hereby apply to the Marshal for leave, hoping for approval!

Looking at the contents of the paper, the red dog's face sank, and the leave note was burned to ashes by lava in a blink of an eye.

"Fujitora, bring Borusalino to my office."

After putting down the phone worm, the red dog silently waited for Fujitora's arrival.


"Water... I want water...,"

the awakened Relo murmured.

Because of the shock of the seventh door of the Eight Gate Dun Jia, the water in Lei Luo's body evaporated seriously, and if this happened to ordinary people, he would have died a long time ago.

As it happened, someone handed him a large bucket of water.

"Boy, you're finally awake!"

"Lieutenant General Karp?"

Slowly sat up, still feeling extremely sore all over his body, Lei Luo saw Karp sitting in front of him at a glance.

Also experienced a big war, this old man woke up earlier than himself, how can he still look like nothing happened?

At this moment, Lei Luo couldn't help but shout perverted in his heart about the setting of the original book in Karp.

"Boy, what are you calling? Hachiko, isn't that right, Dun Jia? It's not right either. "

Eight Doors Dun Jia."

"Yes, yes, as the saying goes, it is better to choose the day than to hit the sun, today you will teach the old man!"

In the face of Karp's urging, Leilo really felt that people were more dead than popular.

The current self has not fully recovered, but Karp is completely a nobody.

"! Karp, Relo has not yet passed the period of weakness, besides, when he recovers from his injury, he will also want the battle of recruits, how can he teach you kung fu?

Sengoku, who pushed the door in, gave Karp a blank look.

"Battle of recruits? What is that? "

For Leiluo, a naval white, Sengoku is happy to explain it for him.

The battle of recruits is the solution that the government came up with for the post after this big conscription.

The new navy and the old ministry in the conscription can participate in this war.

To put it simply, the world government decided to issue military positions according to the strength of the strength, that is, only those who are strong enough can hope to be qualified for higher positions, and the strongest person can directly become a general.

"Didn't Marshal Akainu discuss with me, and I will be a general next week?"

After hearing the introduction of the Warring States, Leiluo's already not very beautiful mood became even less beautiful.

Originally, everything went well, and when you woke up, everything changed, which is equivalent to a duck in its mouth suddenly coming to life, spreading its wings and flying away, and drinking a pot of soup by the way.

"This is a temporary notice issued by the World Government this morning, we can't help it, besides, with your strength, no one should be able to shake your steps."

Warring States saw Leiluo's dissatisfaction at a glance, and hurriedly spoke out to comfort him.

"Yes, your kid can be on a par with the old man, who will be your opponent with those recruits?"

Karp echoed.

Lei Luo, who heard the words of the two, did not reply, because at this moment, in his mind, the system's mission prompt tone suddenly sounded - mission trigger: Admiral!

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