"This tournament is conducted in two pairs

..." According to the rules explained by Akainu, there are a total of six rings in this competition, the period is one day, and the six people who stand in the ring at the end are the winners and can obtain the status of vice admiral.

The rest are converted in the form of points, with a few points added to the victory, and then military ranks are determined according to the number of points.

In addition, the only thing to note is that you must not kill your companions, otherwise you will be stripped of your military post and sent to a prison.

"The battle of recruits, start now!"

With the order of the red dog, the atmosphere instantly became active, and everyone locked their eyes on the ten empty rings.

This seemingly simple rule hides something extraordinary.

If a strong man, after a full day of hard work, will eventually appear a decline in combat effectiveness due to mental fatigue, that is the opportunity to pull him off the stage.

Similarly, if several people discuss the use of wheel battles to consume the physical strength of the defenders, it is not unavoidable, but it is unknown who will enjoy the final results.

Just when everyone was hesitating whether they should step forward and occupy the ring at this moment, a tall figure dragged a blind man holding a long knife, slowly walked out from the crowd, and each stepped onto a ring.

"Even General Green Bull and General Fujitora are also required to participate in this competition?"

Looking at the blind man standing quietly in the center of the ring, and the tall figure sleeping upside down, most people helplessly turned their eyes to the remaining four rings.

Isn't it a wasted effort to challenge a strong person who already has the combat power of a great general?

"Did Lei Luo and Lei Jiu also choose to occupy the ring at this time?"

As the two most dazzling stars among the people who returned from this wave of conscription, Lei Luo and Lei Jiu's actions naturally attracted everyone's attention.

It seems that driven by the four people, the eager recruits below the ring finally no longer hesitate and rush to the rest of the ring, or challenge the first four.

As an existence that no one dared to challenge easily, Lei Luo focused his attention completely on the ring where Lei Jiu was.

"Captain Dusty, challenge!"

Looking at Dusty who walked into the ring next door and wore powder-framed glasses, a faint smile appeared on Leiluo's face.

Dusty is Smogg's direct subordinate, although she is only a major, her strength is generally okay, but compared to Lei Jiu, it is still much worse.

Then again, why haven't you seen Smog lately?

Relo, who was still guessing where Smog had gone, also sounded the voice of the challenger in his ears.

"Current Colonel Kebi of the Navy, challenge Mr. Relo!"

Lei Luo turned his head and quietly looked at the tall young man who appeared in front of him.

Kirby, Luffy's friend and Karp's apprentice, created enough to change history during the Top War.

"You are not my opponent."

Perhaps the future Kebi will become a naval hero comparable to Karp, but now he is a rookie at best, and he may not even be able to make a move under the hands of the real strong.

In the face of Relo's contempt, Kebi laughed self-deprecatingly.


I saw that Kebi suddenly stepped on the ground with his legs slammed on the ground, and his figure appeared in front of Relo like a ghost, and the navy six-style finger gun was launched!


With the real touch coming from his fingertips, Kebi was overjoyed, even if this attack hit was only because of his own sudden attack.

According to Karp's description, Relo is far from being as powerful as any admiral in the Navy, and now, Kebi is the only chance to understand the gap between himself and the admiral.

"Not bad, it's a pity that you are still too weak."

Leiluo's voice came from the edge of the ring, and Kebi, who looked up, only saw that Lei Luo in front of him turned into a golden light in an instant, and disappeared.


It is true that Kirby has always been weak, but he has never given up working in the direction of becoming stronger!

"Mr. Leiluo, this is a six-style hybrid technique that I developed myself, I hope to mobilize your fighting spirit a little."

After adjusting his mentality slightly, Kebi jumped in place and continued to climb in the air with the help of the ability of the moon step.

What is this kid doing?

Relo never paid attention to any of Kebi's actions, just as an elephant never cared about a weak ant desperately crashing into him.

Soon, Kebi, who had reached the critical point, flung his waist, and the whole person stood upside down above Leiluo, and fell at great speed with the appearance of his right finger.

"Is it a combination of iron and finger guns?"

With just a glance, Lei Luo could see what the six-style hybrid technique in Kebi's mouth was, just like Kebi's current move.

First go up and use the moon step to raise yourself to the high point, then use paper painting to change your movements, and finally condense the finger gun while casting iron blocks throughout.

The blessing of the force brought by the acceleration of gravity, the solidity of the iron block sacrificing its own mobility, and the destructive power of the finger gun are perfectly integrated at this moment, this move is indeed a good idea!

However, in the face of Kebi's offensive, Relo just stood quietly in place.

Kebi's move combines strength and defense, and it may have a miraculous effect against ordinary people, but in front of Lelo, who has the speed of light, it is like a snail crawling, extremely slow.

The next moment, Lei Luo's eyes were slightly cold while turning sideways, and the aura of the king who was above everyone burst out, just by looking at his face, Kebi lost consciousness.

It is indeed a good thing to have a heart that is not afraid of strong enemies, but no matter how strong the mind is, it will definitely not be able to make up for the hard gap in strength.

This was Relo's first lesson to Kirby.

"My God, Colonel Kebi is already an upstream existence among the younger generation, and he was actually killed by Lei Luo with a single look!"

"Is this the strength that a real strong man has?"

"That's overlord color domineering!"

For the noise of everyone, Lei Luo did not pay attention, but locked his eyes on the person who recognized the overlord color domineering.

It was a man who looked more elegant, but had a brutal muscle, and for some reason, from his body, Lei Luo could feel the same breath.

The breath of the overlord!

"It seems that this big conscription has really found a lot of powerful existences."

Lei Luo said lukewarmly.

Overlord color domineering is a person's innate ability, which is the courage that cannot be cultivated.

Anyone who awakens the overlord-colored domineering, as long as he does not die, can basically occupy a place on this sea in the future.

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