"What's that?"

Gerjess and Yax looked at Relo in the distance, and the agitation in their hearts was once again pushed to a climax.

Whether it was the Yellow Ape's Tiancong Cloud Sword before, or Lei Luo in this state, it left an indelible deep impression in the hearts of the two of them.

Strong, strong that cannot be described in words, this is the real top powerhouse in heaven and earth!

"Leiluo, it seems that you are not at your peak now."

I don't know if it's his own illusion, the yellow ape can feel that when Lei Luo uses the eight doors of Dun Jia, every time he opens one, there will be a roar in his body, but the seven sounds seem to be not the limit.

Because these seven sounds came from the bloodlines of all parts of Leiluo's body, and finally surrounded the heart, there seemed to be another one.

"Yes, there is another one, but that one is the door of death, and once it is used, the enemy will die, and I will either die or be crippled."

Only those who have personally cultivated the Eight Gates of Dun Jia will understand that after Metkay fought against the Six Spots, it was not that Naruto did not treat his leg bone, but that the bone had been completely twisted into powder, and then burned by the high temperature in his body.

The door of death is the supreme mystery born to death, and the unredeemable death in exchange for the mystery of great effort!

"I hope that in the next blow, you can observe carefully, and you will not waste the old man's risk."

The yellow ape took a deep breath, and a trace of fear appeared in his tone.

Those who are naturally capable of the Devil Fruit, why should they be afraid of physical skills? Moreover, his next blow will inevitably be the day tiger, and among the day tiger, is there other secrets hidden?

One mystery after another appeared in his heart, but Lei Luo didn't think about it for too long, after all, even with his physical fitness, he couldn't hold out for too long in the state of the seven doors fully open.

"Then I'll make a move, Day Tiger!"

Leiluo's fist swung out at an extremely slow speed, but this punch, every inch moved, would attract all the surrounding forces, and in the last moment, the tiger roared into the sky, and the white tiger the size of a small mountain opened its blood basin and slaughtered towards the yellow ape.

Just as Lei Luo punched, the yellow ape did not stop for a minute, and one unfathomable handprint after another continued to appear in his hands, and the appearance of each seal also emptied the light around him, turning into a multicolored vertical light array, blocking in front of him.

"Ultimate Flash!"

With the yellow ape's hands finally pushing forward, the light array became dazzling, and the naked eye could not see directly, and at the same time, a ray of light energy suddenly burst out and collided with the day tiger.


The Ice and Fire Island began to collapse, countless huge waves were stirred up on the sea, and huge energy ripples continued to spread, even if it was the naval headquarters hundreds of miles away, you could feel a trace of vibration.

"Lei Luo can actually force the yellow ape to the point of moving to the point of being real!"

The red dog's eyes narrowed slightly, and his gaze locked on the distant skyline through the window, the dazzling light.

"It's rare that the yellow ape didn't release water in the battle, and I don't know if Relo has a chance to win in the end."

Lieutenant General Tsuru rubbed his ears and said to Sengoku and Karp, the endless roar of the tiger really startled him.

"Lieutenant General Crane, is it impossible for the Yellow Ape General's elementalization to avoid this trick of Lei Luo?"

Kebi and Berumeber couldn't believe that this man, who looked only three or four years older than himself, was actually able to swing a blow that exceeded the limit of the yellow ape's endurance

: "Hahaha, Warring States, what is that kid's move called a tiger, but it has touched the limit of physical skills infinitely, even if it is me, I am not sure that he must be stronger than him in this regard."

"Hey, the yellow ape is going to suffer some hardships this time, after all, the armed color domineering is a new power condensed after the physical skill reaches a certain realm."

Karp and Sengoku looked at each other and said in harmony, although they did not think that Relo would definitely win, they definitely did not think that the yellow ape could easily win.

After a long time, the island of ice and fire was over.

The original two figures have completely disappeared, only Lei Luo, who is lying on the cold ice and panting heavily, and the yellow ape whose clothes are mostly shattered, and the two young figures in a coma.

"Thank you... General Yellow Ape... Keep your hands... As well as pointing.

Lei Luo smiled at the yellow ape with difficulty, now because he has maintained the state of seven doors full open for a long time, his muscles in his whole body have become sore and unbearable, at least for a short time, he has been unable to move freely.

Just in the early days of the fight, Lei Luo still didn't understand what the yellow ape wanted him to observe, but just after the two of them attacked for a long time, a little darkness gradually emerged above the day tiger, and then told Lei Luo...

Armed color domineering, he will too!

However, it is a pity that the ultimate flash of the yellow ape is better in the end, which makes Lei Luo, who was suddenly forced to lift the seven-door state, and temporarily unable to move, could not be stopped at all.

Fortunately, the yellow ape discovered this in time, risking itself being devoured by the day tiger, and forcibly transferred the ultimate flash to Ice and Fire Island, so that the originally complete island is now only half the original size.

As for the young figures in the two comas, it was Gejes and Yax, who were stunned by the overlord-colored domineering aura that erupted from the bodies of Lei Luo and the yellow ape, and were submerged by the waves.

This is what Lei Luo admires the most about the yellow ape, he did not expect that the yellow ape could actually incarnate the beam of light and save the two through the layers of huge waves under the premise of being severely damaged by the day tiger.

"It seems that everyone else is quite right, the old man has slightly relaxed his domineering cultivation because of the strength of the shining fruit, otherwise he will not be so embarrassed by your kid!"

Looking at the blood flowing from time to time under the golden light on his chest in front of him, Lei Luo knew very well that the yellow ape was not lightly injured by himself this time, but he also seemed to have a trick similar to light therapy, and was constantly treating his injuries.

"But it's so humiliating to say, the old man is a generation of admirals, but he was made into this seriously injured ghost by your kid, but for your sake, after you recover, it's time to clock in after work, and the old man won't worry about you."

At the mention of clocking out of work, the yellow ape once again returned to its former obscenity, and the iconic smile and the happy appearance of dancing could not help but make Lei Luo feel speechless.

Are you fucking seriously injured? Even if you are seriously injured, why are you still lighting a cigarette now?

Seeing the yellow ape smoking on the side, smirking, and from time to time the lewd appearance of Ouye's villain Dezhi came from his mouth, Lei Luo had to mobilize the phototherapy technique by himself, while constantly recalling the last collision between the two just now, and remembering the feeling when the armed color domineering was launched.

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