"Have you heard? The battle between the Yellow Ape General and Lei Luo, Fuji Tiger and Green Bull actually sank half of Ice and Fire Island!

"I seem to have seen a tiger appear on the sea in the distance, and a super large ray of light!"

"Huh? Did I just see half of it alone and suddenly faint?

"Brother, me too, we are really miserable, faint and inexplicable, missed a visual feast in vain."


Gerjess and Adams looked at the heated discussions in the mouths of the passing navies, all about yesterday's decisive battle on Ice and Fire Island, and helpless smiles appeared on their faces.

Yesterday, the two of them only remembered that Lei Luo transformed into a brand new form, and then the yellow ape seemed to condense a light array, and then he didn't know anything, only knew that he was in the marshal's office after waking up.

Even after resting all night, the two of them still did not forget the cold eyes of the red dog, and the words that dared to reveal what they saw and went to the underwater prison for the rest of their lives.

"You actually beat miserably on a hairy boy?"

In the marshal's office, the red dog's tone was extremely frivolous, and it seemed that he couldn't help laughing out loud.

And the object of the red dog's ridicule was the yellow ape who was sitting on the sofa opposite him in the way of Ge You's paralysis at this moment, with a lazy face.

"The old man is here to guide the newcomer, plus to save those two brats, otherwise victory for the old man is just a flip of hands."

"Oh? Is it? Then you now explain as an admiral where did you go after yesterday's battle, in those three hours from the end of work?

"Hehe, Sakaski, your suspicion is really getting worse and worse, how can a good employee like an old man be absent from work."

Facing the smiling yellow ape, the red dog gave him a blank look.

The two have been dealing since they were teenagers, who is the yellow ape, can he still not be clear?

"Okay, let's get down to business, what do you think of Leiluo's true combat strength, and can he be qualified for the position of this fourth admiral?"

Admiral, representing the face of the Navy, the strength must be strong on the invincible side to be competent.

In the current navy, Akainu knows very well that not to mention the older generation, nor their own generation, not to mention the current younger generation, it is too weak to wait for Smog and the generation that will soon inherit the naval inheritance.

Today's Smogg, the strength is at the upstream level in his generation, aside from the world-famous powerhouses such as the red-haired Shanks and Hawkeye Mihawk, who are about the same age as him, it is just a Doflamingo, a cargo that can be killed by a pheasant in seconds, Smogg is far from a match.

The future of the Navy is so uncontested, Akainu naturally can only choose strong people from the younger generation to support the face of the current and future Navy, which is why he values Leiluo.

Young enough, strong beyond the lieutenant general!

"How to say, the strength that the kid showed in front of me, although it is not as good as the Four Emperors, it should not be a problem to be a competent general. However, that kid still has a great improvement in the domineering of the three-color, plus the hole cards he has exposed or is still hidden, I believe that he will not be an opponent even you and me in the near future.

The yellow ape closed his eyes and recalled.

During the battle with Leiluo, the yellow ape found many times that Leiluo's eyes faintly turned red, but he was quickly forcibly suppressed.

But in that short-lived time, the yellow ape's domineering appearance constantly told him that he was invincible and must escape!

In addition, in the video that Tina once sent back, Relo used some of Susano's means when killing Victor, which also made the yellow ape unforgettable.

There is also the door of death in Lei Luo's mouth, and in the later conversation, the yellow ape learned that once the eight doors of Dun Jia opened the last door of death, it was already a clear line with humans and entered the realm of God.

Although it is said that after the door of death is opened, it can only last for a short time, and it will die, but that sentence is enough for ordinary people to obtain several times the power beyond the admiral, even if he wants to mention it now, the yellow ape is still shocked.

"Eight Gate Dun Jia? Could it be that he fought Lieutenant General Karp in the first place? A

touch of fanaticism suddenly appeared in the red dog's eyes.

If what the yellow ape said is true, then the navy will reach an unprecedented level of strength.

"You think too much, Lei Luo said that this trick has extremely high requirements for people's physical fitness, although ordinary people can also practice, but if you want to open the final door of death, it may take years, or even a lifetime, to carry out high-intensity exercise. Besides, even the first few doors bring more physical load than you and I imagined. "

How can the yellow ape not know what the red dog thinks.

"As long as ordinary people can also practice, then it is not a problem to open the first few doors."

Looking at the red dog whose feverish flame in his eyes was getting higher and higher, the yellow ape had to sigh helplessly.

This guy who is bent on carrying out justice is too extreme and does not think about the consequences at all.

However, if Lei Luo is willing to teach the Eight Gates Dun Jia to the Navy, it seems to be a good choice.

"Little ghost, do you mean that?"

Somewhere in the naval headquarters, Karp and Sengoku sat cross-legged with their eyes closed, and the moment they opened their eyes, there were faint blue waves of qi beating around their bodies.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Lei Luo was also quite speechless, the physical fitness of these two old men was too strong, even if they had just cultivated, they had changed to the point of being infinitely close to opening the seventh door.

"Do you two want to learn too?"

Inadvertently noticing the adoring Kirby and Berumeber with their eyes flashing, Relo asked with a smile.

Do you want to learn the Eight Doors Dun Jia? The answer must be yes, do you need to ask?

However, Kebi and Berumeber only nodded slightly after thinking about it.

"Mr. Leiluo, this is your unique skill, although the two of us also want to learn, but if you don't agree, we will not secretly ask the teacher for advice."

"Come to me when you want to learn, don't talk so much nonsense."

In the face of Kebi's politeness, Lei Luo directly chose to ignore it, the eight doors of Dun Jia are not a secret that is not passed on, as long as they have the patience to insist on high-intensity training every day, they will be taught, and there is no harm.

"Really? Thank you, Mr. Relo!

"It's okay, it's okay, you two see, there are many acupuncture points in the human body, and these eight places limit the potential of the human body, the so-called eight doors of dunjia, that is..." Since that

day, in the sea area around the naval headquarters, every morning, two teenagers have swam desperately again.

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