Naval Headquarters, formerly New World Naval Division G1.

Countless journalists from all over the world gathered at this moment, and the officers of all naval departments, except for those who were on special missions, also returned.

Such a huge scene, even if Akainu was originally a marshal, could not be seen, and all this was because of the unprecedented move of the Navy - the promulgation of a general!

The previous navy, whether it was the era of the Warring States as a marshal, or the marshal of the era of Steel Bone Empty as an era, had never appeared on such a scale, and this time, the navy actually released the news that it would appoint four generals.

After the war, the navy plummeted, and this time, it was the red dog who proved to the people of the world and the unscrupulous pirates on the sea that the navy has never fallen and has not decayed!

Most people, from the age of 40, will reach the real peak of strength, until the age of 50, will decline, and the special case of Relo is the best choice for the Navy to regain face.

A general who looks to be about 20 years old, everyone knows, this is the existence of the powerhouses who surpassed Karp, Roger and Whitebeard who stood on the top of the world when they were young.

"Victor, the saber-toothed tiger who once dominated the New World, seems to have been killed by that young general."

"I heard that that young general only relied on one man and one ship to destroy the entire Jerma Kingdom!"

"I've also heard that he single-handedly ended the myth of the North Sea Giant Demon!"

"The other two generals, it is said that the strength is also not weak The terrifying existence of the four emperors, as for that young general, who knows if he is a work packaged by the navy."

"Hahaha, I didn't see it with my own eyes, and I would never believe that there would be such a young powerhouse in the world!"

"Is the Navy really going to establish an era of peace without pirates?"

Without waiting for the top officials of the Navy to appear, fierce discussions began all over the world.

In the eyes of most of them, perhaps the vine tiger and the green bull do indeed have the combat power of the four emperors, but no one wants to believe that as for any glorious achievements released by the navy about Lei Luo, in their eyes, it is more like a packaging, a false powerhouse specially created in order to maintain the face of the navy.


The sound of a long horn came from the sea, a warship with a huge naval flag fluttering came from the sea to ride the wind and waves, and the people standing at the bow of the ship were Kapu, Sengoku, Akainu and other high-ranking naval officials, and the four generals who were on the cusp of the storm.

The warship landed, Lei Luo walked from the top down from the ship, facing the picture of the sea of people, he did not have any dodge, and the whole process was neither humble nor arrogant.

As early as yesterday, the Navy headquarters had already completed the award of the honor to the vice admiral and the newcomers below the post, in order not to have any accident today to steal the limelight of the three of Leiluo.

"Thank you for coming from all over the world, today..."

Akainu chanted the cliché line in his hand, and no one was willing to listen carefully, because this was the countless times they had heard it, whether it was Karp's promulgation of the title of Naval Hero or the appointment of the Navy's successive high-ranking officials, it was this set of rhetoric, which had never changed.

After a long time, the speech ended, under the shouts of the red dog, led by the yellow ape, followed by the green bull and the vine tiger, and the last four-person squad of Relo strode onto the stage representing the highest naval salute.

"In the second step, the four adults of the three armed forces, the commander of the three armed forces, Gang Bone Kong, the former Marshal Sengoku, the naval hero Karp, and the current Marshal Sakaski, will issue medals and uniforms to the four generals respectively!"

With the medal representing the supremacy of the Navy being put on his chest, the four of Relo took the cloak from Kapu and threw it behind them.

At this moment, a breeze blew, accompanied by the word justice on the four-person cloak, and thunderous applause resounded throughout the sea.

"Next, the general's speech!"

With the third step of the award ceremony, Lei Luo was suddenly stunned, why did no one mention to him that he had to give a speech?

Fortunately, though, Relo was the last to speak and had plenty of time to conceive.

"The old man is the yellow ape Borusalino, I won't say much about introducing myself, this re-election, the old man hopes that the navy will be united..."

"My name is Green Bull, my real name is too long to forget, as for why I want to join the navy, it must be to maintain world peace."

Between the yellow ape and the green bull, the contrast is extremely obvious.

Both of them are clearly capable of being in their fifties, but the yellow ape looks lewd and has a lot of nonsense, and at the same time, his body exudes a lazy aura all the time.

On the other hand, the green bull, with a tall figure and square blood, the heroic spirit between the eyebrows is close to the heart, and the handsome and unparalleled appearance coupled with the high coldness brought by the short speech instantly attracted a large number of fans.

"Hello everyone, I am Fuji Tiger smile, the goal is to protect the safety of everyone, and not let the interests of the people be desecrated by pirates..." Fuji

Tiger's personality is very gentle, and he treats people equally regardless of his status, and the heart buried under his chest and always worried about ordinary people has also gained a lot of fans for him.

"Hey, boy, did you think of the code name?"

Karp's voice suddenly sounded.

"What codename?"

"Yellow Ape, Red Dog, Blue Pheasant, Vine Tiger, and Green Bull, these are all code names they came up with according to their abilities... emmm: You won't be completely ignorant of the award ceremony, will you?

Looking at Relo's slightly furrowed brows, Karp called me grass in his heart, didn't anyone do his homework for this kid before?

Lei Luo, who also looked at Kapu, was constantly reproaching Karp in his heart, if it weren't for your old man pulling me to practice the eight doors of Dun Jia every day, how could the people sent by the red dog visit no one again and again.

"I hope everyone can work hard with us!"

Fujitora bowed deeply to everyone, and his speech ended.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on this young man who was created by the navy as a myth and had a helpless face.

Leiluo, who was already about to think of a speech word, was so disturbed by Karp, let alone a code name, even the tirade in his mind disappeared.

Looking at Lei Luo's expression that he couldn't say a word for a long time, Chi Inu's face suddenly changed, and his eyes burst out with a fierce glow that wanted to eat people, and he glared at Lei Luo.

He did not expect that this man, who had high hopes for himself, would actually make such a low-level mistake at this critical juncture.

"Hahaha, it turns out that he is really a young man who has never seen the world."

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