The next day, the proclamations issued by the world government, as well as the newspapers printed by the major newspaper offices, all closely revolved around the four current admirals of the Navy.

"Boss, don't let this kid compare you to the overlord-colored domineering achievements."

"Jesus Bu, what are you talking about, the boss will definitely be compared to that kid named Leiluo!"

"Well said, Lucy Road!"

"Haha, the cooperation between the fat man and Jesus Bu is really tacit understanding!"

On an island, red-haired Shanks and Ben Beckman sat in front of a campfire, smiling at their companions who drank loudly in front of them.

"Captain, the harvest of this naval conscription is not small, according to the information I gathered, that Lei Luo, as well as Green Bull and Fuji Tiger, are all first-class top powerhouses!"

Ben Beckman took a puff of his cigarette and said to Shanks that he had always been closely aware of the Navy's whereabouts.

At this time, a cold man carrying a pitch-black knife suddenly appeared on the island, causing the originally active atmosphere to be instantly stagnant, and only Shanks picked up the wine in his hand and threw it casually.

"Hawkeye, we are partying, you just came, come and tell us about a new admiral in your navy!"

In the face of the redhead's warm invitation, Hawkeye, who was a familiar guest of the red-haired pirate group, did not have a little shelf, sat casually in front of the bonfire, and drank the wine in his hand.

"I have good news for you, Luffy the Straw Hat Kid, who studied with Hades Renly before, and now he is already on his way to the New World."

The originally condensed atmosphere, with the appearance of Luffy the straw hat kid, became hot again.

"Hahaha, Hawkeye, drink and drink, Lao Tzu is happy today!"

Above the island, the redhead laughed.

On the empty island, a tall body comparable to a giant jumped down, stirred up a large wave on the sea, and sank to the bottom of the sea.

After a long time, the giant suddenly walked out from the bottom of the sea, carrying several sea king corpses in his hand.

"The new four admirals of the Navy? Oh? And a hairy boy?

The giant casually used the newspapers scattered in the air, and a weird smile appeared on his face.

On that day, Kaido, the captain of the Hundred Beast Pirates, attempted suicide again.

Kalebali, an island with a clown flag flying.

"Oh? At yesterday's award ceremony, were there actually four generals?

Bucky, the clown who had initially built the Bucky Express Company, looked at today's newspaper and picked up the phone worm next to him with red hair on his head and three scars at the corners of his eyes.

A branch of the Navy somewhere is dead at the moment, and the stench of blood permeates the entire sea.

"Captain, all the navies have been slaughtered."

Wearing a wrestling mask, Badges crushed the last navy head in his hand and turned back to Blackbeard, who was munching cherry pie behind him.

"Hehehe, since the things have been obtained, this His Majesty's position in the Seven Martial Seas is useless, it's time to meet with the navy as the emperor of the sea!"

Blackbeard swallowed all the cherry pie in his hand, and on the newspaper under his feet, there were four big characters of Evil Eye Leiluo.

"Senior Renly, Aunt Xia Qi! Big things are bad!

"Xiaoba, what made you so flustered? Come, drink the saliva. "

Chambordi Islands, in Xia Qi's tavern, Xiao Ba looked flustered.

"Aunt Xia, quickly inform Senior Reilly and the Straw Hat Kid that the Navy appointed four new generals yesterday!"

"That's bad, Rayleigh wrote that Little Monchi has embarked on his journey to the new world."

Xia Qi took off the cigarette butt in her mouth, and a helpless wry smile appeared on her face.

However, the whole world, whether it is the navy or pirates, or the seven martial seas of His Majesty, the matter of the four new admirals of the navy has caused an uproar in it.

If there is a big change in which force because of this matter, it is the BIGMOM Pirates.

"Snagg, Kriji, Smuge! Quick, inform everyone to destroy all today's newspapers, and don't let your mother see the news that Relo has become an admiral!

Perospero had the most anxious look on his face.

Once Aunt knows about this, her idea of killing Relo will only become stronger, even if the final end is BIGMOM Pirates against the entire navy.

And this kind of thing, Perospero will never let it happen.

Understanding the seriousness of the situation, the three of Shnag hurried towards the outside of the house, but before the three of them could walk out the door, they saw a gloomy Katakuri.

"No need to go, my mother watched the whole process of the live broadcast of the admiral award ceremony yesterday."

The news brought by Katakuri caused the three generals present, a military master, and the most senior cadres in the BIGMOM Pirate Group to look terrified.

Could it be that the war with the Navy is coming so soon?

This thought surfaced in each of them and could not be dispelled.

No, why did the mother know about this and still not call all the children to a meeting?

Suddenly thinking of something, Perospero hurriedly looked at Katakuri, hoping that his grumpy mother would make the right decision that a sea emperor should make on this crucial decision.

However, Katakuri's answer was a helpless shake of his head and a sentence that the four people were most afraid to hear.

"I have already persuaded my mother, but in the end, my mother directly issued the highest level of the dark world chase and killing order without authorization!"

The Dark World Chase Order is the most terrifying chase order on this sea, and the people who can initiate the chase and kill order are the strongest ones who dominate the side in the second half of the great voyage, and the highest level can only be launched by the existence of the sea emperor level.

What is the dark world? A virtual world that includes pirates, navies, world governments, draco, bounty hunters, and more, where you can abandon your obvious identity and get enough items to satisfy you as long as you can complete the mission.

At the same time, anyone who completes the pursuit and killing order of the dark world, his identity will be permanently kept secret by the initiator of the hunting order, and it is precisely because of this that there will be forces claiming justice who secretly join it.

"Now it's like the Navy declaring war, the consequence must be failure, even if it is the destruction of Whitebeard at that time, we can't do it!"

"It's over!"

"Cut, it's a big deal to let my mother issue a few chasing and killing orders, and solve all the red dogs and yellow apes!"

Perospero and Katakuri looked at their younger siblings with different attitudes, and only felt a headache to death.

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