"Smogg, you are the navy, you represent justice, justice cannot indiscriminately kill innocents!"

On the sea, there is a pirate ship that is already dilapidated and may sink into the abyss at any time.

Above it, there was a thick smoke, and below that smoke, dozens of cold corpses, as well as several seriously injured and dying cadres.

"Lord Lieutenant General, we have received orders to escort all the pirates captured on the way to the nearest prison, wouldn't it be a little inappropriate for you to do this?"

Looking at the cruel scene in front of him, even the naval soldiers who had always been on the opposite side of the pirates were a little unable to stand it, and they all spoke out to dissuade Smogg's indiscriminate killing.

Although Smogg is not a top master, his righteousness and style, and his demeanor, have a large number of admirers in the navy.

And these people, who have never seen their idols want to slaughter like today.


As if moved by the pity of his soldiers, Smogg took a hard breath of smoke while withdrawing his own smoke, the thick white smoke covering his face, and his expression could not be seen clearly from any angle.

"Gu Lulin, you are right, it is my inappropriate approach."

After a long time, a sentence slowly spit out from the mouth of the smoker made the faces of those pirates appear a little happy.

Hahaha, can survive! What a stroke of luck today!

Swish! Swish! Swish!

At this moment, several spikes condensed by white smoke penetrated the chests of the pirates, and even at the moment of death, their faces still showed their joy because they could live.

And the warm blood, along the deck of the pirate ship, soon left at the feet of the navy soldiers, the disgusting smell of blood did not affect anyone at all, because at this time, they all widened their eyes, looking at Smogg's familiar and unfamiliar back in disbelief.

"Listen, if you face the pirates, you must be killed!"

In Smogg's voice, there was no coldness or killing intent, just boundless burning anger.


Why did Lord Smogg become like this?

Why is he who has always cherished life, so addicted to killing today, obviously yesterday he was still the big brother who fought with everyone!

The answer to this matter, no one except Smogg knows the reason, and the only clue that can be provided is the crumpled newspaper in his hand, written with a word.

Compared with the shaking around the world, the naval headquarters is much quieter, from the generals to the miscellaneous soldiers, all waiting for the orders of the red dog.

"From today's newspapers, I think everyone has seen that the reason why the number of admirals has changed from three to four is to correspond to the four emperors. However, in the case of a tie in the top combat power, it is the fighters under their respective command who will decide the victory! A

simple sentence or two from the red dog greatly boosted morale and made the junior officers of the Navy understand the importance of their existence.

"So, now for freedom standing, each of you has the right to choose to follow your favorite general."

Another sentence instantly tied the hearts of every soldier to the navy.

Such a democratic and free place is absolutely unmatched by other forces.

What should have been a chaotic and disorderly autonomous stand has ended this time in surprisingly time.

As a re-elected general, Yellow Ape has long had a loyal following and new admirers.

As for Green Bull and Fuji Tiger, the former has attracted many young people with strong blood and vigor because of their ideal as a confident goal, and the latter has chosen their final belonging because of their gentle attitude.

Perhaps because he did not control his emotions for a while yesterday, the killing intent that burst out and the existence of this pair of scarlet eyes, Lei Luo found that there were very few people standing behind him, to put it bluntly, these people were old friends on the warship led by Tina and Lei Jiu.

Lei Luo, who smiled bitterly, did not expect that he was so unpopular, but this is good, the number of people is small, and there is a lot of energy to train the elite of a hundred miles.

An elite division is enough to withstand thousands of troops!

"Yax, Gerges, why don't you two choose a team yet?"

After a long time, the voice of the red dog suddenly sounded, which also attracted Leiluo's attention.

At this moment, both Gerjess and Yax, who were standing on one side, had a hard time deciding.

The strength of the yellow ape and Lei Luo, the two of them can be said to have seen it with their own eyes, but one of them is lazy, and the other has that performance yesterday.

Then put his eyes on Green Bull and Fuji Tiger, although it is rumored that the two are extremely strong, but the strong should not be unknown for decades, plus they have never participated in the navy before, and it is very likely that they will not know how to lead the battle.

For a team, the basic combat effectiveness of the soldiers determines the lower limit of whether the army is strong or not, and the leader's talent and actual combat experience are the foundation of raising the upper limit.

"The old man is old, and it is enough for so many children to be willing to follow the old man."

"I don't need to be hesitant."

The yellow ape and the green bull were the first to say that the rejection in the two would not be a stain on Gejess and Yax, because everyone could understand that this was to cede the two high-level combat power to Relo.

"Two children, you can choose to join the old man's team."

Fuji Hu said righteously, but his hands were holding the green bull and the yellow ape, and there was a sly smile on the face of the two who turned his back to Gejie.

At present, three of the four generals have already expressed their position, and the difficult problem left to Gerjes and Yax has become a unique channel from multiple choices.

After the two walked behind him, Lei Luo arched his hand at the three yellow apes.

"Leiluo, you mean that you are going to go out and find the members of the team yourself?"

After the personnel allocation was over, Relo directly followed the red dog to the office and put forward his own ideas.

In Leiluo's heart, he already had a set goal, that is, to have the strongest thunder fruit ability in nature.

"Yes, it's just that the old man still has one more thing to ask for."

"Lord Marshal, but it doesn't hurt to talk."

"About the Eight Doors Dun Jia..." Hearing the four words of the Eight Doors Dun Jia

, Lei Luo instantly realized.

Chi Inu saw the battle between Zi Lei Luo and Karp, and must have learned more about the cultivation of the Eight Gates Dun Jia from the mouth of the yellow ape.

Such physical skills that can directly enhance the combat power of the entire navy in a short period of time, the red dog naturally will not let go.

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