After gifting Chi Inu the cultivation methods of the first five gates of the Eight Gates of Dun Jia and the mysteries of physical arts such as Table Lotus Hua, Lei Luo set out on the road to find Aini Road alone.

"Only the first six doors?"

The yellow ape walked in slowly from outside the office, his face somewhat surprised.

Originally, in his heart, he thought that the eight-door Dun Jia was Leiluo's unique skill and would not be easily taught, but the reality was that Lei Luo handed over the first five cultivation methods without any hesitation.

As for the latter three gates, this is already related to the Peacock, Day Tiger, Sunset Elephant, and finally Aoyi Yekai, naturally will not be taught by Lei Luo to the personnel who remove the accidents under his command.

Empty Island, Kingdom of God.

Lei Luo, who finally came here through various tedious steps, just asked an old man about the whereabouts of Aini Road, and the whole street instantly became quiet, and everyone stopped one after another and stared sideways at Lei Luo.

"What are you doing?"

Lei Luo, who was a little hairy by the stare, barely squeezed out a kind smile.

For Anilu's whereabouts, Relo is naturally very clear, after he was defeated by Luffy because of his restraint in using the fruit ability, he fled to the infinite land in his mind and ruled over.

And the so-called infinite earth is the moon of the world.

According to common sense, after so many years, the shadow brought by Anilu should disappear, why do the residents of the empty island still react this way?

Could it be that Anilu is back?

A bold idea appeared in Relo's mind.

"Young man, Anilu has been away from the empty island for many years, and no one knows his whereabouts."

Facing the coldness in the words of the originally enthusiastic old man in front of him at this moment, Lei Luo felt more and more that this matter was not simple.

"Then bother."

After thanking the old man, Lei Luo's figure disappeared around an alley corner.

With Leiluo's departure, everything on the street returned to its former normal, as if there had never been a visitor from outside.

On that day, above the realm of the empty island gods, it was shrouded in a faint golden light.

"Elder Divine Soldier, today a young man came to the empty island to inquire about Anilu."

The old man who had spoken to Relo earlier was now kneeling in front of a large hall made of gold.

At this moment, an army led by a pair of twin brothers suddenly burst out of the air.

"Meet Zhongwu, Master Xiaogo!"

It turned out that since Luffy and his party left, the men and horses led by Ganfort announced that there would be no more oppression on the empty island and that everyone coexisted peacefully.

However, what no one expected was that some of the priests under Anilu had not died, and through various methods such as separation and sneak attacks, they were imprisoned by Ganforer and others, and regained the control of the empty island in the palm of their hands.

"You said someone inquired about Anilu's whereabouts? What is the identity of that person?

"Looking at his appearance, he should be a few years older than the straw hat kid at the beginning."

As soon as he heard the words of the straw hat boy, Zhong Wu and Xiao Wu's faces suddenly changed.

To this day, both of them can clearly remember how Anilu fled in embarrassment.

"It's a pity that Lord Ashan noticed the abnormality in the sky, and he can't return for the time being."

Ah Shan, the former chief priest of Anilu, the current leader of the empty island, contains a strength far beyond ordinary people under his tall figure, and often uses a large number of slashing shells as the main means of attack.


Suddenly, a behemoth fell from high in the sky, stirring up dust in the sky and leaving a human-shaped pit on the ground made of gold.

Could it be an enemy attack?

Because of the dust drawbacks, Zhong Wu and the others did not see what landed, but at this moment, the figure that slowly fell from the air had a trace of contempt on his face, and he was definitely not good.

"Hey, boy, what kind of person, actually dare to make trouble here!"

Xiao Wu stretched out his arm, and a large shell was aimed at the comer.

"Didn't he tell you?"

The person who came chuckled and flicked his fingers, and the impact shell in Xiao Wu's hand was completely shattered because it was difficult to absorb all this power.

With just one blow, Zhongxiao Wu, who understood that the person was powerful and matchless, turned his head and fell his gaze on the old man who was constantly trembling.

"It's him! It was the news that he inquired about Anilu! The

old man pointed at Lei Luo and shouted like crazy, because he had just inadvertently forgot to look at the deep pit, and saw the dying priest Chief Ah Shan among them.

A strong man inquired about the news of Anilu, could it be that this is Anilu's enemy?

Zhongxiao Wu did not dare to hesitate for a moment, took out a shell and put it in his mouth and blew hard, and the loud sound instantly resounded throughout the Kingdom of God.

In just a few minutes, there were enough god armies that exceeded a thousand, tightly encircling Relory three circles outside the three circles.

"Why hasn't Chief Ashan returned yet?"

A confused realization appeared in his heart, and once again blew the shell representing the highest assembly instruction.

Different from the previous assembly, this time, it was like a clarion call to war, because Lei Luo moved!

"Hey, boy, retract your feet, did Lao Tzu make you move?"

The arrival of the army has given Xiao Wu enough confidence again, he does not believe that everyone who comes to the empty island will be as terrifying as the straw hat boy.

For Xiao Wu's reprimand, Lei Luo smiled and really retracted his right foot, which had only taken one step.

Knock knock!

At that moment, the army of gods, which numbered more than a thousand, seemed to have been drained by someone, rolled its eyes, and fainted with foam at the mouth.

Is Relo really just taking a step?

No, it's because his speed is too fast, and he has reached a realm where these weak people in front of him can't see clearly.

"Last time, did Anilu ever come back?"

"No, no."

"Very good!"

Boom! Boom!

Lei Luo's words fell, and two laser beams shot out from his fingertips, easily taking away Zhongxiao Wu's life.

Now that he learned that Anilu was still deep in the moon, Relo had no intention of staying.

As for the biggest problem now, it is necessary to wait here until dark to identify the location of the moon.

"Get out!"

Lei Luo, who was sitting on the ground, glanced at the old man who came to complain in front of him.

As a navy, killing these bullies belongs to upholding justice and saving the people from the dire straits, but in the end, the old man is just an ordinary resident of the empty island, and there is no need to execute.

Time flickered, dark night replaced the clear sky, and among the twinkling stars, a crescent moon slowly rose.

That is the destination of Relo's trip - the moon!

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