At this time, it was close to the early morning, but Relo was still standing in place dumbfounded, because before he left, he suddenly realized a very serious problem, that is, how to solve the problem of breathing, which is closely related to life, in the moon in a vacuum state.

"Is Anilu really alive on the moon?"

Lei Luo couldn't help but send out a sentence of torture from the depths of his soul.

People are destined to be inseparable from oxygen, even if Anilu is an empty island resident, he is born with less demand for oxygen, but in the vacuum universe, can he survive until now?

"System, in the absence or not, do you have an oxygen tank or something like that?"

As a last resort, Relo had to ask the bastard system for help.

Last time on Venus Island, I wanted to borrow one billion yuan systematically, and said that there would be no interest increase in January, and I only needed to make up a little god-level lottery points in the later stage.

But this pit daddy's system has automatically deducted a little god-level lottery points without notifying Lei Luo, and when Lei Luo took the initiative to hand it in, it was actually kind enough to accept it.

In this way, coming and going, Lei Luo, who had originally completed three tasks, finally had only a little god-level lottery points left on hand.

"That thing is not, but as compensation, in this lottery, this system will give the host Turtle Breath Dafa!"

As long as you practice it, you will not be affected by the discomfort caused by the lack of oxygen supply for a long time.

"Hmph, even if you still have a little conscience, then let's draw the lottery!"

As soon as the words fell, the unchanging turntable of ten thousand years reappeared in Leiluo's mind.

S-level skill: armed color domineering.

S-level skill: Turtle Pie Qigong.

S-class props: mercury friezes.

SS level reward: Wuji Sword Saint.

S-Class Weapon: Magic Sword - Apophis.

S-level skill: Wind Queen Qi Gate.

Armed color domineering, exclusive to the pirate world, no need to explain too much.

Turtle Qigong, is the Dragon Ball world, the earth's once first martial artist Turtle Immortal developed a luck stunt, the power will change according to the strength of the user, but there is no doubt that the destructive power of this move is definitely the top.

The Mercury Ribbon, a piece of equipment from the League of Heroes, is designed to release all controls while increasing movement speed, and after system enhancement, the Mercury Ribbon restores one-fifth of the user's physical strength when it plays its original role, triggering up to three times a day.

Wuji Sword Saint, whose real name is Master Yi, the highlight of this lottery, is a swordsman from Ionia, the last descendant of the Wuji Way, whose strength has reached the realm, and can take the lives of others in a single breath.

However, Master Yi advocates peace, and he will never use violence until necessary.

Magic Sword - Apophis, an artifact from the dungeon world, has the most windy giant sword shape, at the cost of slowing down the speed of casting, in exchange for unparalleled destructive power!

The Wind Queen Qimen, one of the eight strange skills under the Inhumans.

Qi Men has skills, and the queen of wind is king. Among the thousands of worlds, there are many Taoist techniques like night stars, among which Qi Men Dun Jia, Reverse Water Bagua and Taiyi Xuanshu are the most, and this Qi Gate after the wind is the ultimate heaven-reaching technique based on the three!

Seeing the six prizes of this lottery, Lei Luo was also in a much happier mood.

Not to mention the existence of the SS-level reward Wuji Sword Saint, just this time there is no pit daddy like Toye Lake and Spirit Ball, it is already the most imperial time in Lei Luo.

"Hurry up, hurry up, draw!"

Lei Luo, who had been impatient for a long time, immediately gave instructions like the system.

The turntable turned rapidly, and Leiluo's heart kept beating.

If he can draw the Infinity Sword Saint, then even if his next few draws belong to the ranks of super non-chiefs, he will never complain in the slightest!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the S-Class Award... No, it should be an SS-level reward: Infinity Sword Saint!

"I'll go to your second uncle and his uncle, are you teasing me?"

At this time, Lei Luo's face was full of black lines, and just now the pointer obviously stopped on the mercury belt, but just silently set a flag in Leiluo's heart, and the pointer actually moved again, and finally left it on the portrait of the Wuji Sword Saint.

Other people's systems are all kinds of open and hung all kinds of invincible, how did they get to their own, such a pit?

Just as Lei Luo continued to reverently greet the ancestors of the founder of the system in his heart, a deep male voice sounded in his ears.

"My sword is your sword!"

Headquarters of the Navy.

The furious red dog grabbed a naval soldier's throat and carried it in the air, and the thick smoke with high temperature in his mouth burned the navy's face one blister after another with just one mouthful.

"Say, who issued the Dark World Chase Order!"

Leiluo's departure is known to no fourth person except for Akainu, Tina, and Lei Jiu.

Just now, when Karp was about to ask Relo some questions about the seventh gate of the Eight Gates of Dun Jia, he was mistaken for Relo's sneak attack.

With Karp's skill, he easily countered this person, but when the navy investigated his information, it was found that this was a newcomer who had just registered in the military.

Just at this point, the most terrifying hunting order in the world instantly appeared in the minds of the top of the navy.

"Ahem... Cough...... Well! The

navy breathed hard, but the extremely powerful fingers of the red dog were extremely accurate, and the force happened to be grasped at the point where it was not enough to kill, but it was difficult to breathe.

However, what Chi Inu did not expect was that this navy actually chose to bite his tongue and commit suicide at the last moment.

"Mighty and unyielding? Then you will be reduced to ashes in the last pain.

The red dog sneered, and the palm that pinched the assassin's throat slowly turned into boiling lava, turning a living person into a pile of black ash in an instant.

Those who have come into contact with the dark world understand that anyone who dares to reveal their employer or assassin identity will be considered a public enemy, equivalent to the highest level of hunting order.

It's not so much that I don't know when and how I was killed, and I was scared overall, or I was better at choosing to cut myself off now.

"Launch a chase and kill order against the admiral, and have enough ability to pay the remuneration, it seems that Relo that kid has provoked a guy who is not small this time, these bastards on the sea are really terrible!"

The yellow ape shrunk his neck and looked very scared, but there was no trace of timidity in the trademark lewd smile on his face.

"Didn't that kid just come back from the North Sea? Come, call Lieutenant General Tina and Lieutenant General Lei Jiu.

The green bull smiled slightly, and an irrepressible fighting intent already appeared in the depths of his eyes.

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