In the vast universe, there are countless secrets and billions of planets, among which whenever a star burns, there are galaxies composed of its core, such as the well-known solar system.

In the solar system, there are eight planets, and the bluest of the eight is surrounded by a moon, and this is the moon.

As far as the eye can see, there is no life on the moon, and on the crated surface, there seems to be a faint flash of thunder, and a golden light has landed.

"Master, is there really a human being here?"

Master Wuji Sword Saint Yi, who had also learned the Great Method of Turtle Breath, asked Lei Luo, who was also full of confusion beside him.

According to normal biological settings, there is only an endless vacuum on the moon, and even if weak humans stop here for even a second, they will become an eternal corpse due to ultra-low temperature and breathing.

However, Raylo's goal, Anilu, does indeed rule the satellite, and when it comes to evidence, the constantly alternating thunder is the best proof of this.

What's more, in the original world, there used to be a special race on the moon.

"Sure enough, the world of comics cannot be viewed with common sense."

While whispering, Lei Luo quietly canceled the Turtle Breath Dafa, but found that he was on the moon and was not affected by the lack of oxygen supply.

It was at this moment that Lei Luo realized one thing, he seemed to have been slaughtered by the old fox of the system.

"Comics? What is a manga?

"This is the vocabulary of my hometown, I just say it casually, you don't have to take it seriously."

Lei Luo, who was explaining for Master Yi on the surface, quickly swept the surface of the moon, and the most dazzling place of thunder and lightning must be the location of Anilu.

However, the Lei Luo duo, who had already turned the entire planet, let alone humans, did not even see any living things.

This point can't help but make Lei Luo very different, can it be said that Anilu is dead?

But according to the setting of the pirate world, the thunder fruit has not appeared on the sea again, which means that the previous capable person is still alive, even if it is only surviving, it is still not dead.

"Strange, why is this?"

Lei Luo's expression became more and more puzzled.

Is Anilu dead or alive, where is his body if he is dead, and why is there a trace of him if he is alive?

What's going on with all this?

"Master, be careful!"

At this moment, Master Yi jumped up, his figure turned into a green light, and he kept jumping in the space, and the long sword in his hand flashed with a strange light.

Silently, fragments of a small star turned into rubble and fell on the surface of the moon, making its already uneven surface even more potholes.

No sound in a vacuum!

Lei Luo, who understood why the star fragment explosion did not make a sound, was even more puzzled, according to the laws of physics, he and Master Yi should not be able to hear each other, but why they could not hear the roaring thunder and the explosion of the star, but the dialogue between the two had no effect.

"Because the Wuji Sword Saint belongs to the reward issued by this system, it is connected to your heart, and the two of you just spoke on the surface without sound, but there is just an invisible bridge between your spirits."

After systematic explanation, Lei Luo reluctantly accepted this world setting that is closely related to real life, but slightly different.

Suddenly, in the depths of the lunar earth, a bearded cat, covered with stains, a scrawny man burst out of it, and there was a trace of joy in his extremely contemptuous eyes.

Finally, after so many years, I finally saw a living human being again!

Although Relo immediately recognized that the person who appeared in front of him was the Anilu he was looking for, he now faced a bigger problem, that is, how to talk to Anilu.

"System, is it there?"

"The host encounters a problem system that can't be helped, but there is a person in this world who can temporarily change the air environment of a planet."



Suddenly realized, Lei Luo slapped his forehead.

Yes, Gejess can use the ability of the air fruit to mobilize a part of the air from the earth and the moon, and he only needs to create a closed space with six rods of light, after all, in addition to the never-ending darkness in the universe, the most thing that exists is the light that is swallowed up in an instant.

Just do it, Relo separated a shadow doppelganger on the spot, walked in the void and the speed of light, and quickly rushed to the naval headquarters to find Gejies.

"Master, what you just did seems to have annoyed the person above."

The voice of Master Wuji Sword Saint Yi sounded in Leiluo's mind, and when he looked up, he only saw Anilu in the air, and his hands were replaced by thunder light at this moment.

In an instant, two dazzling thunderbolts rushed towards Lei Luo and Master Yi respectively, and without air barriers, the speed of these two thunders was at least several times larger.

Highland bloodline opens!


Two figures, one green and one gold, moved rapidly on the surface of the moon, but the two thunders seemed to be brilliant, closely following the two, curved or straight, without dragging mud and water.

"This bastard has been alone for a long time, has he caught up his brain?"

Lei Luo, who did not intend to force his attack, complained in his heart, he really couldn't figure out why Anilu suddenly burst out and attacked.

But at this time, the smell of blood gradually spread.

Leiluo, who turned his head to look, saw that Master Yi was mobilized by Anilu because of the gap in speed, forming a pincer momentum, even though Master Yi had reacted extremely quickly into the meditative state, but still left a wound on the shoulder, and the blood was suspended in the air one by one in the shape of beads.

Although Master Yi has always advocated the justice of freedom and peace, and believes that violence is not the solution to trouble, when the other side has the heart to kill, he will definitely resist at the first time, just like his line - the key to immortality, just don't die!

I saw Master Yi's left hand touching the tail of the sword from the hilt of the sword, and the light cyan light flashing on the long sword, even Lei Luo trembled because of this.

The most special real damage in the League of Heroes seems to have a similar effect to the Overlord-colored domineering, that is, it has the ability to harm the entity of the natural Devil Fruit ability.

"Yi, this battle will be handed over to you."

Lei Luo casually pinched the thunder that was pursuing him into nothingness, and stood quietly in place.

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