"The Infinite Dao will leave this person with a painful lesson!"

Master Yi said calmly, no matter how powerful the enemy is, he will always maintain a calm mind.

For this battle, Relo did not worry much.

The real damage caused by the Infinite Way can hurt the body of the natural ability, plus the seven-degree compound eye above Master Yi's head can provide him with a broad perspective, even if Anilu has the blessing of the heart net, the real gap between the two is not so huge.

Just gently swinging the sword, the sword slash that emitted a pale green light seemed to turn into a thousand, and the next moment a thousand slashes merged into one, and in a moment of movement, the subtle sword qi spread, causing the space to shake while not shattering it.

"What a move, a thousand opportunities!"

When Lei Luo saw this scene in front of him, he couldn't help but marvel in his heart.

One and a thousand respectively mean the extremely small and the large, and the vertical and horizontal sword qi has the power to crush space, but it coexists with it, and this move is extremely powerful without causing a devastating blow to external objects.

The Infinite Way is really the ultimate road that accommodates the extremes of a hundred rivers and advocates peace!

Feeling the terrifying coercion contained in the slash that flew towards him, Anilu's face sank, and he raised his right arm and beat the taiko drum on his right shoulder, and endless thunder vented out from his body.

At the same time, Anilu's left hand was not idle, beating the taiko drum on his left shoulder in a slow but rhythmic rhythm, constantly gathering the unbridled thunder on the surface of the moon.

With the corners of Anilu's mouth slightly raised, the shocking Lei Wei Geshi, a phoenix-type thunderbird and a wolf-type walking beast went up and down, and crashed towards the slash in unison.

There was no deafening loud noise, only brilliant blue and blue colors spread in the vacuum, and the aura of destruction continued to spread in the universe, and even the position of the moon shook.

"No, I remember that Anilu's two moves only need to beat the taiko drum separately, why did he knock two at the same time?"

Lei Luo, who sensed that something was wrong, suddenly sounded something and wanted to remind Master Yi, but it was too late at this time.

A crystal dragon composed of thunder appeared from Master Yi's visual blind spot, shredding the previous cyan and blue mixed colors, whistling and killing Master Yi, this is Anilu's trick - 60 million volts Treylong!

Of course, that whistling sound was just Relo's own imagination.

With two 30 million volt tricks as a feint, and then paving the way for the subsequent killing moves, Anilu's combat skills and strategic deployment are very clever, not at all like being defeated by a little ghost who has just gone to sea, and finally fled to the moon in embarrassment.

Fruit ability restraint? Laughed, the heat energy burst by this level of lightning is enough to ignite the rubber, and in the end, even the slag is left.

Strength gap? Anilu's physical skills are indeed very poor, but with his domineering ability (heart net), he is even more capable of developing fruit abilities than the yellow ape, coupled with such an excellent combat mind, he should not be defeated by a hairy boy at all.

As for asking why Anilu still lost to Luffy in the original book in the end, the answer is only the three words of plot killing.

"Sure enough, my heart is in vain, Anilu's combat effectiveness is infinitely close to the level of a general."

Just by just a fight, Relo already had a rough judgment of Anilu's strength.

Such a talented person, if he learns the eight doors of Dun Jia and then perfects his domineering, his future strength will definitely not be weaker than Whitebeard!

Amuni Mo Fo Moko coaxed....

A sudden chanting of scriptures attracted Leiluo's attention.

At this time, Master Yi floated the long sword in his hand in front of him, and put the two fingers of his other hand in front of his mouth, and his whole body was covered with a dark green light.

The thunder dragon arrived as promised, but the moment it touched Master Yi's body, Master Yi canceled his meditation state in an instant.

"The highest damage reduction in the game? Good guys, the game characters will operate high-end! "

Relo, who is an avid fan of the League of Heroes in the real world, although his favorite game character is not the Infinity Sword Saint, but he is familiar with any high-end operation of this simple brainless hero.

However, what happened next made Lei Luo very strange, because Master Yi, who avoided the first impact damage, did not choose to take advantage of this gap to take a deep step to dodge the subsequent destruction, but launched a sword move alpha raid against Lei Luo!

The green light spot flashed three times in succession, leaving a cyan trajectory on the body of the thunder dragon, and when the fourth and last flicker of the green light was extinguished, Master Yi, who was holding the blue front, appeared in front of Anilu, followed by a sword.

"Will the landing location of the Alpha Raid be displacement in front of the final target?"

Now, Lei Luo, who was still worried about whether the Infinity Sword Saint would be weakened in the pirate world because of the different fighting styles, was overjoyed.

Sure enough, no matter how the fighting style changes, the sense of battle and the on-the-spot reaction honed in the life and death battle will never dissipate.

Anilu, who had never seen Infinity Sword Dao, was a little blinded at this moment, he didn't know how the green-clad opponent in front of him ignored his thunder dragon and appeared in front of him, but one thing he was sure of, that is, with elementalization alone, he could not block the sword that was about to pierce his chest.


Anilu did not dare to relax in the slightest, and directly collided all the thunder in his body, and the light generated between the collisions actually managed to temporarily transform his thunder attribute into a more ethereal light attribute, and at the same time, there were countless tiny thunder snakes attached to Master Yi's body.

This move of electric light is the strongest defense in Anilu's close situation, and in the defense, there is also a counterattack, which is enough to paralyze the opponent's entire meridian in a short moment.

"Two future general-level powerhouses seem to be waving to me."

"Evil Eye General, what are you talking about?"

High above the earth, Lei Luo, who had just told Gejeth about the operation of the Turtle Breath Dafa, suddenly had a look of ecstasy on his face.

"Nothing, nothing, you're ready, I'm going to speed up next!"

Relo, who casually fooled Gejies, was still unable to calm the excitement in his heart.

Whether it is the Wuji Sword Saint or Anilu, they have extremely strong combat power and infinite potential, as long as they are cultivated and an independent navy that is enough to fight against the four emperors, it is just around the corner!

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