Frustrated, helpless, desperate, fearful... There is even, there is a trace of awe, the reverence of mortals for the gods!

For the first time, Anilu, blessed by Thor's state, had such complex emotions, even when facing the straw hat kid who could ignore all his attacks, he had never been like this.

Unlike Anilu. Master Wuji Sword Saint Yi looked at the three endless backs in front of him towering over the clouds, no, it should be towering into the universe, and a kind of god, demon and Buddha were born in his heart. And the idea of blending into one.

"Do you think it's necessary to keep fighting?"

Three sounds, resounding at the same time, are like falling thunder roaring, enduring.

Go on? Lao Tzu is dead?

In this world, why is there such a powerful existence?

Anilu subconsciously took a few steps back, and the 200 million volts blessing he wrapped himself in was also dissipating little by little, and at this moment, he couldn't even mention a little bit of fighting intent.

"I don't like to force people, so talk?"

Leiluo, who also canceled his three strongest states, fused with the doppelganger, and looked at Anilu, whose legs had begun to tremble, with playful eyes.

"Talk? What to talk about? Yes, talk about it, the gentleman does not move his hands! The

undecided Anilu didn't know what he was talking about, and now he had only one thought in his mind, that is, to survive when necessary, even if he knelt.

Seeing that Anilu agreed to his proposal, Relo was relieved, and the most effective way to deal with such a proud person was always to use absolute strength to make the other party submit.

"Or that sentence, would you like to follow me?"

"Follow you? Do I have any benefits?

As soon as the words fell, Anilu couldn't wait to pump his mouth.

When is this, in the face of the strong person who can easily kill himself, he actually dares to mention the conditions!

Hearing the benefits, Lei Luo was also stunned, but soon he regained his calm.

"The good thing, you can become a navy, and I will do everything I can to raise your combat power to the peak, and by that time, Straw Hat Luffy will be just a jumping beam clown in your eyes."

After a little thought, Relo said the greatest benefit he could offer.

Taking revenge on Luffy the Straw Hat Kid, this is the goal that Anilu thinks about every day, but he can only think about the relationship between the ability of the Devil Fruit and restraint.

But now, it seems that someone can do it for themselves.

"Okay, I agree, but I have one request, that is, no one in the navy except you can give orders to me."

As the only true god of Sora Island, Anilu always has a sense of pride in his heart, which drives him to choose to obey orders only to those who are strong enough to convince him.

This request of Anilu is nothing in Leiluo's opinion, because he intends to establish his own navy in the future, and he will not let others dictate to his subordinates, even the adult of the world government.

"Okay, I promise you, now you follow me back, first recuperate your body before talking about anything else."

After a simple exchange and pulling Anilu into the army, Relo led the two towards the direction of the earth.

Grandmaster-level Sword Saint Yi Master, Anilu, who can be called a generation of kings, plus Gejie, Lei Jiu and others who still need to be improved in the future, Lei Luo is only the rarest part from the final layout in his heart, that is, the huge soldier base.

Although a high-level combat power is enough to withstand hundreds or even more ordinary soldiers, after all, when it is difficult to fight with two fists and four hands and the strength of the person is finally exhausted, these grassroots combat power is still of considerable importance.

But not a group of troops with blood factors, wearing scientific and technological combat uniforms, and holding weapons forged by the assimilation gas of the sea tower, the total combat effectiveness is even more insignificant.


Lei Luo and the others, who had just landed on the ground, had no time to stand firm, and a bullet accurately passed through Lei Luo's eyebrows.

Enemy attack, and the other party seems to be an experienced sniper.

This is a pity, he will not be overbearing.

Seeing that in the face of such a situation, Lei Luo, who had no reaction at all, and Master Yi, who was in a coma, Anilu knew very well that this was his chance to perform.

In the southeast direction, about four hundred meters, the target is still moving away at high speed.

Anilu, who slowly opened his eyes, raised his thin arm, and a thunder with the thickness of a bowl turned into a cheetah and swept out instantly.

In the next second, there was a scream in the distance, and a black smoke rose from the sky.

"Your heart network seems to be more inclined to search than to see and smell domineering."

Leiluo's voice sounded.

After observing the heart network firsthand, he found that the heart net is more like a radar, which can capture the enemies around him, while the domineering is more like a spiritual travel in time, simply put, it is to predict, so as to slowly develop to the point of foreseeing the future.

"Huh? Where is this?

At this moment, Gejess suddenly woke up and looked at Relo with puzzled eyes.

"Evil Eye General, who are these two?"

After briefly introducing Anilu and Master Yi to Gerjes, Relo did not take the fact that someone had attacked him to heart, but walked towards the island with the number 24 written in front of him.

This is the Chambord Islands.

Island No. 24, mainly a restaurant island, supplemented by other industries, Lei Luo, who traveled all the way from the moon to the earth, even if he has the displacement skills of the speed of light and void walking, it took him an extremely long time with three people.

However, in the chaotic universe, there is no concept of time, and now Lei Luo does not know what step the pirate world has developed, he only knows that he is hungry and needs to find a place to eat and replenish energy.

"This, this, and this, don't want all of them, and the rest, the same four copies."

There are still more than 900 million Baileys in the storage space of the system, Lei Luo is naturally rich, and when he comes up to operate, even the waiter can't believe it.

"Take the menu and give it to the back kitchen, why, are you worried that I can't pay this little money?"

In the eyes of others, Master Yi and others, Lei Luo once again inadvertently pretended to be a big match.

"Mr. Lei, order so much, I'm afraid I won't be able to finish eating, Navy... One of our family's rules is not to waste food. Seeing

Relo making such a generous move, Gerjess hurriedly spoke up to stop it.

As early as before entering Island 24, Relo turned his appearance into a big fat man with his life, and at the same time explained to the three people, only Mr. Lei in the colloquial language, and the navy replaced it with a family.

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