"Waste? I'm not scared enough!

Lei Luo smiled helplessly, and then turned his gaze to look at the menu, and Master Yi and Anilu were about to fall to the ground.

After the great battle on the moon, coupled with the fact that since he appeared on the empty island, Master Yi has not had food for a long time, and his chest has long been hungry against his back.

And Anilu, the last time he ate, it seems to be two years ago? It had been so long ago that he wasn't sure if he would still use the various utensils correctly.

"Mr. Lei, this is the supreme VIP card of our restaurant, I hope you will smile."

At this moment, a middle-aged man dressed in gorgeous hair walked to Lei Luo's side with a smile on his face, and in his hands with white gloves, he was holding a card made of pure gold and set with small diamonds with three VIP letters.

"The boss is the boss, and he really can be a person."

After casually throwing this VIP representing the highest treatment to Gerges, Relo smiled at the man.

No matter what industry, whether it is Wen or Wu, there will be two kinds of people, one is the same as the waiter, and the other is a person who is very good at doing things like this boss.

That's why employees are employees.


At a dining table not far from Relo, a short man in a straight striped road suit slammed the red wine glass in his hand on the table.

"What a rude woman, it really poured my appetite! Come on, go and gag her mouth to Lao Tzu!

"Godfather, this is near the headquarters of the Navy, if we act so brazenly, I am afraid that we will cause unnecessary trouble!"

Faced with the reminder of his subordinates, the short man glared angrily at the next table, and the steel fork in his hand was also pinched by him to deformity.

Attracted by this scene, Lei Luo followed the man's gaze, only to see a young woman with long pink hair, wearing denim strap shorts and white half sleeves, and the pair of brown boots on her feet made the straight and slender beautiful legs more and more attractive.

The appearance is young and beautiful, the figure supported by a pair of long legs looks exceptionally tall, coupled with the heart-shaped lipstick on his fragrant lips, it is a rare stunner in a hundred years.

It's just a pity that the appearance of the woman grabbing the food in front of her with her hands and stuffing her mouth indiscriminately is simply the embodiment of rudeness in the world.

"Haven't you done it yet? Are these cooks missing arms and legs? The plates are all bottomed out, didn't the waiter see it? "

Yes, as soon as the woman spoke, the original beautiful image was greatly reduced in Leiluo's heart again.

The rude woman with foul language, if she sits next to herself, she will also make herself have no appetite, and at this moment, Lei Luo somewhat understood the mood of the short man.


Just as the short man, who was holding back the anger in his heart, stuffed the paper ball into his ear and was about to enjoy the delicious steak he had just served, a pair of slender jade fingers took it away and stuffed it into his mouth with lightning speed.

"Ah! Blanch! So hot! Yes

, the rude woman began to snatch the food of the guests around her, which was hot on her mouth, but she swallowed it anyway and continued to snatch food from the table beside her with both hands.

"Hey, uncle, by the way, filet migon is best cooked in three, your seven points are a little old."

After robbing Lao Tzu's food, there are actually so many mouths!

"Fuck, believe it or not, Lao Tzu is now shooting you down!"

Finally, the middle-aged man who had been silent for a long time could no longer bear it, pulled out the pistol pinned to his waist, and in a noise, the muzzle of the gun was buckled on the rude woman's eyebrows.

"You're fucking threatening Lao Tzu fucking again!"

Seeing this, the rude woman was not to be outdone, and her oil-stained palm directly grabbed the short man's collar.

Most of the words were foul language, and Relo did not hold back a laugh, and it was at this time that his afterlight caught a glimpse of the panicked-looking Gerjes.

"What's wrong? Are you not feeling well? "

In Leiluo's cognition, even if Gejieth is just an ordinary person with the protection of Master Yi, after experiencing the speed of light traveling the universe, his body will be somewhat uncomfortable.

However, the answer given by Gejess getting up and leaning down his ear shocked Relo.

Born in the West Sea, captain of the Flame Tank Pirates, the "godfather of the gang" Cappenbeki with a bounty of 138 million Bailey.

and Joe Ellie Boni, the "big stomach girl" from the South China Sea, captain of the Bonnie Pirates, with a bounty of 140 million Baileys.

After the war between the two tops, they were rated as the existence of eleven supernovae.

Leiluo, who tried to recall the plot of the original work, remembered that the scene in front of him did not appear, but he had already seen this kind of thing for a long time, after all, because of his appearance, the original story line had begun to shift.

"Boss, the guest is making trouble with you, don't you plan to take care of it?"

Lei Luo, who had not yet planned to expose his identity rashly, asked the restaurant owner who was watching this scene with a smile next to him.

"Mr. Lei, in the eyes of those of us, customers are gods, and quarrels between customers are like a battle of gods, how can we mortals be embarrassed to intervene."


Faced with the reply given by the restaurant owner, Lei Luo smiled, and they thought that there was actually such a thing.

"Hey, you two have the same fortune as me today, you can't kill or see killing, otherwise you will be unlucky."

In the restaurant, where saber rattling and death could occur at any time, a man with blonde hair, a slender figure, and six vertical lines on his forehead above his eyes slowly pulled Becky and Bonnie over.

Captain of the North Sea Hawkins Pirates, the "magician" Basil Hawkins with a bounty of 249 million Baileys.

With just a glance, whether it was Relo and Gerges, or Becky or Boni, they recognized the identity of the blond man.

"Hawkins, you'd better tell the truth just now, otherwise Laozi will collapse with you!"

Becky slowly withdrew the pistol.

For Hawkins, what is really famous in the world is not how superb his combat effectiveness is, nor what earth-shattering things he has done, but his divination technique that almost never makes a mistake.

This drove Becky to subconsciously choose to stop.

"Fucking an egg, don't fucking show up in front of the old lady next time! Waiter, serve the food, what to see!

Bonnie's violent temper, even if Becky has chosen to stop, but she is still not spared.

Chambord Islands, three supernovae....

This information quickly rotated and reorganized in Leiluo's mind, and a big question appeared in his mind.

How long has it been since he went to the moon to recruit Anilu, and whether it is the extremely evil era he thinks of now.

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