On Island 24 Civilian Street in the Chambordi Islands, a tall building appeared out of thin air, and Becky and Master Yi were no longer seen.

Next to the building, there was Gojes, who stood in place stunned, and an old woman who collapsed in front of him, looking terrified.

"Evil Eye General, did you see where Boni went?"

After helping the old woman to safety, Gerjess turned to Relo and asked.

Strange, where did Boni run? Her breath is obviously still around here.

Lei Luo was also puzzled by this, but just when he used the Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Writing Wheel Eye to check the breath in the bodies of everyone present, a message suddenly popped up in his mind.

"That old woman just now, she's Boni herself!"

Although the original manga does not mention what Boni's Devil Fruit is capable of, she seems to be able to turn herself into a child or an old man to avoid people's eyes.

"That's it, let her escape again."

Relo, who used his domineering to see that Boni had fled to the port, did not choose to continue to pursue, because just now, he vaguely saw a long-nosed man with goggles in the sea of people, fleeting.


There was a sudden violent explosion in the castle that appeared out of thin air, and then a green figure flew out of the smoke, and he did not forget to swing a sword qi with his backhand on the way.

However, in front of everyone's eyes, the lower body of the castle suddenly turned into tank tracks, and the upper body appeared a shield formed by a mud swamp, and various types of guns and ammunition.

This is Becky's fruit ability, with a castle at his personal disposal, and with just a thought, he can create anything he wants in the castle.

Seeing that his sword qi was exhausted in that mud, Master Yi did not choose to continue to strike, but put the long sword in front of him, and the sound of chanting came out of his mouth, and the green light wrapped him like light, and the meditation state was turned on!



What is called a rain of bullets, this is a rain of bullets, only by Becky alone, can burst out enough firepower of an army!

"Evil Eye General, this sword master you recruited is so powerful, he was actually able to block such a fierce firepower with only sword qi!"

Gejie's whole person was shocked, but at the next moment, the scene that appeared in front of him made his whole person stunned.


With a loud bang, dazzling thunder light roared out from Master Yi's body, followed by scalding scarlet blood.

This is Anilu's Thunder!

"How so?"

Not only the people watching the battle and Gejie, even Master Yi, who was the party concerned, and Anilu, the owner of Thunder, were also full of confusion.

As the only person present who knew the reason, Lei Luo did not speak, but glanced at the scorched straw doll that appeared in the air behind Master Yi at an unknown time.

This move is Hawkins' trick straw doll, and its effect is to transfer the damage you have received to others.

In the face of the thunder that seriously injured him, Master Yi's hands quickly clasped several acupuncture points on his chest, stopping the blood at the same time, the plateau bloodline opened, and he had to fight quickly to avoid such a situation in the future.

For Master Yi's reaction, Lei Luo had nothing to say, but because of what was happening in front of him, he stood in place dumbly, and even Anilu, who had not even used defensive means, disappointed Lei Luo.

In life and death battles, there are many variables, and if you can't keep a calm mind and guess the enemy's abilities, then this person will never become a real strongman.

Although Hawkins, who had been adrift on this sea for several years, was bent on escaping, he did not mind seriously wounding the overwhelmed navy, adding to the chance of his escape.


I saw Hawkins pull out the long sword on his waist, and before the sound of the sheath reached the human ears, the blade body made of fine iron instantly decomposed, and when they appeared again, it was still a long whip with alternating straw, appearing on Anilu's chest.


The heart-rending sound of eating pain sounded, and Anilu's figure turned into a ray of thunder and passed away extremely quickly.

He couldn't understand why the opponents he encountered were so fucked, either the fruit ability completely restrained him to death, or Leiluo's kind of monster that couldn't see its depth even if he looked up, or it was like the blond man in front of him, while the attack was ineffective against him, he could easily break through his elementalization.

This has never happened before!

"Anilu, calm down, your speed is far above Hawkins, plus the heart net, the person who takes the initiative in this battle will always be you!"

Leiluo's voice sounded, and there was a strong hatred that iron could not become steel.

At the same time, Becky, who was fighting Master Yi on the other side, was not so easy.

An experienced sword hao, and also has this special ability similar to armed color domineering, since he does not want to be captured by the navy, he has to use the hole card.


Becky's body suddenly grew and enlarged, and his human appearance was replaced by the city wall on the way, but in a few seconds, a giant that looked like an inhuman castle appeared in front of everyone.

"That's Becky's stunt, full-size big boss!"

Gejess exclaimed, he was also from the West Sea, and he knew this trick of the sea thief Becky extremely well.

If Becky's previous state was only equivalent to an immobile fortress, now he is like a city that can move at any time, whether it is people, horses, or guns and cannons, it will continue to rush out of the black hole at his wrist until the enemy is completely crushed.

"Come out, my army!"

The deep sound of the castle giant was quickly replaced by the galloping of ten thousand horses and the roar of the gun chariot, and in the black holes on the left and right sides of the body, it constantly exuded a terrifying and powerful morale.

"Although the enemy is many, one blow is slashed! Wuji Kendo Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect! The

figure of the Wuji Sword Saint slowly levitated into the air and closed his eyes.

At this time, the sword qi around his body was born from his body, and he was unmatched, and the energy that permeated all directions was like a violent wind coming, wanting to smooth everything.


At the moment when thousands of troops rushed out of the castle giant's body, Master Yi's eyes suddenly opened!

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