The moment Master Yi waved the Qingfeng in his hand, countless long swords composed of sword intent swept down in the air, as if a violent storm was unstoppable!

The sword qi flying in the sky, the sword momentum like the heaven and earth, and the sword intent like a broken bamboo, the three are perfectly integrated, even Lei Luo is amazed.

"Good swordsmanship!"

As Master Yi's opponent, Becky, who was not Jianhao, couldn't help but sigh at the subtlety of this move in his heart.


One after another, the slaughter roared straight into the sky, the armies armed from head to toe rode on war horses made of machinery, and did not flinch in the face of sword qi, and in the back row, soldiers with guns and shells or cold arrows completely placed their focus on Master Yi's thin body.


The explosion resounded in the air, and the smoke covered the human eye!

"Good opportunity!"

After Hawkins took advantage of the imprint of his hands and chanted a strange incantation in his mouth, the long knife that had recovered to his iron body stabbed into his lower abdomen.

No blood flowed out, no internal organs fell, some were just endless straws, quickly intertwined in the air, gradually forming the appearance of Hawkins.

"That's Hawkins' Demon's Descent Phase, which can greatly enhance his abilities in all aspects, Anilu, remember to be careful next!"

The person who reminded Anilu was not Relo, but Gerges.

At this moment, Relo, who was helpless, let out a long sigh, because he saw everything clearly as a bystander, but the party Anilu was attracted by Master Yi's move and was played by Hawkins.

Knock knock!

Sensing that the battle on another battlefield was about to end, Anilu, who had returned to his senses, also chose to beat the taiko drum on his shoulders and directly decided the victory with Hawkins.

"Hey, even if you can transfer damage, there must be an upper limit, right? Next, let me see how you transfer Lao Tzu's trick! "

One after another thunder flashed, making the originally clear sky instantly darkened, among the thick dark clouds, there were thunder pythons bursting out of it, scarlet triangular eyes locked with the scarecrow on the ground, and the snake letter condensed by thunder pulp contained supreme thunder.

"50 million volts python disaster, fall!"

Anilu raised his arms and shouted, hundreds of thick thunder pythons roared down above the firmament, just a little bit of thunder light scattered, it was enough to blast the construction along the way out of a scorched black hole with a large bowl.

The straw doppelganger of Hawkins below is also struggling to blend the surrounding flowers and plants with its own straw, wanting to create an absolute defense.

Even if the body has escaped, the doppelganger must cooperate to act, after all, this is Hawkins' professionalism when playing enemies, in order to enjoy the incredible look of the opponent when they meet for the second time.

Endless sword qi, galloping army, roaring thunder python, and straw-condensed harbor collided with each other!

Screams, explosions, roars are endless, and the dazzling aurora is even more difficult to open.

"Hahaha, Lao Tzu is really the strongest!"

After a long time, Anilu's rampant laughter came from the dust, and at this moment, the soles of his feet were only endless gravel and scorched black flowers and plants.

On the other side, Master Yi's long sword gently picked at Becky's chin.

This moving and static picture, the contrast is extremely strong, but in the final analysis, it is all to highlight the strength of the two.

"Hey, every time!"

"That's the house I just built!"

"Looks like it's going to be sleeping on the streets again."


In the face of the victory of the navy, the inhabitants of the island not only did not mean to celebrate, but complained one after another, which made Relo quite different.

"Mr. Lei, oh no, Lord Leiluo, as a naval admiral, you work hard day and night, you may not know something..." The

restaurant owner was still so perceptive that he said the reason for Lei Luo for the first time.

It turns out that in the hearts of ordinary residents, they are afraid of the invasion of pirates, but they are even more afraid of the war between the navy and pirates.

In the former, handing over the money may also leave a life, and the lost wealth can only be made up for in time.

But the latter, the more fierce the battle, the more serious the damage, not to mention the innocent casualties, the destruction of the town alone has caused most people to lose their families.

Yes, successfully seizing the pirates can forever prevent them from plundering the opportunity to loot money, but one batch after another, the pirates have never stopped, and the battle has never stopped.

In the end, this is just a big or small loss for ordinary people.

"Do you mean that the previous navy never gave any compensation to these residents?"

In the face of Leiluo's question, the restaurant owner did not know how to answer.

If you answer yes in good conscience, then your business on this small island can be closed.

But if he told the truth, the killing intent that Lei Luo burst out to the world that day, even through the screen, the restaurant owner felt it clearly, and once he did that, the consequences were most likely to attract the attention of the pair of generals.

"Yes, that's right, you navies have never compensated us! The yellow ape two years ago was like this, the red dog three years ago was also like this, and even the green pheasant five years ago just used his ability to repair the house, but how long can those ice cubes last! Just

when the restaurant owner was in a dilemma, an angry woman rushed out of the crowd, looking at her downcast appearance, she must not have had a good life over the years.

In order to enforce the so-called justice, do not hesitate to use any means, even the emotions of the people who are protected by themselves, is this also considered the Navy?

Yes, this is the Navy!

Whether before or now, Relo will give an affirmative answer.

In the face of the mushrooming pirates, all the Navy can do is quickly resolve the battle and go to another place, and if some people delay building houses for too long, others may die.

Between the invective of the people's hearts and the safety of the people, Gangkuku, Sengoku and Red Inu will firmly choose the latter, and Lei Luo will not be an exception.

As marshals, the three red dogs must start from the big picture.

The Navy's expanding base simply does not allow for a trace of economic waste, let alone compensation for unintentional damage, which can never be borne by a Navy with almost zero taxes.

However, Relo is different, he has nine hundred million Baileys in the storage space of the system, which is his personal property that he can use at will.

"Since it was my subordinates who caused the damage, then I will naturally make compensation."

As soon as the words fell, Relo snapped his fingers, and two piles of Baileys as tall as a hill appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Two hundred million, is it enough?"

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