"Hey, have you heard, there is a concert on Island 33, and the people are full

!" "Isn't it? I bought a ticket, let's not talk about it, I'm afraid I won't have a place later

!" "The world tour of the King of Souls concert is really hot!" After

dealing with the matter of compensation, Lei Luo and his group were about to leave, when they suddenly heard the above conversation when passing by Island 20.

In just an instant, the skeleton figure in a suit appeared in Relo's mind.

"Don't go back yet.

"Evil Eye, are you going to go to the concert too?" "

No, let's go to a tavern on Island 13 for a few drinks."

Lei Luo grinned and walked ahead of himself.

At the same time, on a certain island.

With a gunshot, all pedestrians subconsciously leaned to the sides, revealing the scruffy fat man holding a pistol and wearing a straw hat and holding his girlfriend who was bleeding tightly, and the long-nosed man crying helplessly.

"You two are a bit like the guy I'm looking for, so I shot.

The man in the straw hat said unhurriedly.

"Besides, I seem to think you have an opinion about me!" Before

the words could even fall, another gunshot rang out, and two bodies clinging to each other appeared on the ground.

"Straw Hat Luffy is too much

!" "It's really a pirate of the Evil Era

!" "Hey, the two of them still have a heartbeat, come and carry them to the hospital with me

!" "Straw Hat Boy, you wait, the navy of Island 24 will come soon!"

When did Uncle Ben put the Navy in his eyes? You don't have eyes!"

the man known as Luffy the Straw Hat didn't seem to be half afraid, but before he could finish, a tall young man with a backpack the size of two people on his shoulders walked past him, and the brute force directly knocked him to the ground.

"It's broken, quick, everyone get ready, another person is going to be sent to the hospital."

Looking at the back of the young man in front of him who didn't know who he had provoked, the surrounding crowd said helplessly.

"Hey, you stop

!" the man known as Luffy the Straw Hat roared angrily, and at this point, he was sure to shoot the young man who hit him!

"Hmm? Did you hit someone? Sorry, goodbye!" The

young man turned around, dropped a sentence, and continued to walk forward.

In the blink of an eye, several strangely dressed men suddenly appeared all around, fat or thin, tall or short, enveloping the young man in the middle, and Luffy the straw hat even put the musket in his hand against the young man's face.

"Hey, boy, you seem to be very inflated, you actually dare to treat Lao Tzu's head with this attitude!"

"Hehe, don't scare the children, after all, my gun often goes off." Straw

Hat Luffy and his group were like rogues, singing and verbally intimidating the pair of youths.

Recognize the identities of these people, then get afraid, kneel down and beg for mercy, and finally turn into a cold corpse... This is the script in everyone's mind.

"I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry, so I'll trouble you guys to let it go."

With the young man's words, the entire street instantly fell silent.

How dare he talk to people like this, does he feel that his life is too long and he wants to leave this wonderful world sooner?

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, the young man actually pushed Luffy away from the straw hat as he said, and walked towards the front without incident.

"We seem to be looked down upon again!"

Straw Hat Luffy smiled angrily, the sound of the musket loaded in his hand so obvious.

Among the masses, the old people sighed helplessly, the men dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, and the women covered their eyes and those of the children.

Gunshots rang out, the smell of gunpowder filled the air, and the young man stopped.


don't know if it's an illusion, Straw Hat Luffy actually felt that he missed the shot he just had.

However, just as he was about to step forward to find out, the young man slowly turned his face back and glared angrily!

Straw Hat Luffy and his group, for some reason, all fell to the ground, while the young man continued to move forward in the shock of everyone.

Island 15.

Relo's group, who was approaching Island 13, did not wear a naval uniform in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, and drowned in the crowd as ordinary tourists.


Suddenly, Lei Luo was stunned, then frowned and turned to look into the distance.

Immediately after, Master Yi and Anilu were the same, and it seemed that in that direction, something big happened that surprised them.

"General Relo, have you found anything?"

asked the unknown Gerjes, scratching his head.

At this time, Lei Luo's eyebrows gradually stretched, and a smile appeared on his face, and he turned around and continued to walk towards Island 13.

"Gerges, when you get to the tavern, you'll soon know who we'll see on this trip. "

Several places in the Chambord Islands.

"Woman. This is a real woman!"

excitedly shouted a blond man in black with a cigarette, his appearance like a neuropathy in the eyes of passers-by.

"Finally got rid of the Navy, but why did Brooke suddenly have a concert?" a

tall black straight sister with sunglasses looked at the newspaper in her hand in bewilderment.

"After two years, the relationship between Yamaji and Solon seems to have improved!"

a humanoid reindeer with a bowler hat and a blue nose looked at the blonde and green-haired men in front of him, a smile on his face.

"Usopp, you've become a lot stronger in the past two years

!" "Well, I've graduated from the weak trio, and you and Choiba will be protected by me, the big hero!" The man and

woman who were laughing on the street were the same people that Luffy the straw hat was looking for earlier.

Island 13.

Solon, don't sleep, come and see if there is anything unsatisfactory!" This

is a man who is nearly two meters tall, and most of his body has been transformed into instruments, and at this time, he is calling for the green algae-headed Jianhao lying under a tree not far away, and there are several empty wine bottles next to him.

"Franky, your skills are really getting better and better, I can feel that everyone and the annoying cook are on their way to the tavern, and we will meet again soon." "

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