Compared to the excited and happy mood in the hearts of the Straw Hats who were about to converge, Lei Luo's face was gloomy at the moment.

In the slave selling posters posted everywhere, he saw the little girl who was rescued by himself when he first came to the pirate world, in the form of a finale auction.

"Change your behavior, target Island One, population auction!"

Master Yi and the three did not know why Lei Luo suddenly chose to let go of the Straw Hat gang, who were pirates, but from Lei Luo's expression, they read the cold and bone-deep killing intent.

At this moment, in a resplendent underground hall, there are people from all over the world, there are pirates adrift on the sea, and there are rich people with prominent status, the most noticeable of which is the man sitting alone in the front row, next to more than ten black-clothed bodyguards and wearing bubble hoods.

That's the most honorable Draco in the world!

"This auction item is called Blasting Rock, don't look at it is only the size of a palm, the power that can burst out after the container is shattered is enough to erase any small island from the world, and it costs 50 million Baileys!"

On the auction stage, the host pulled down the red cloth, revealing a crimson rock hidden in it that was wrapped in various secret instruments.

"55 million Baileys!"

"60 million Bailey!"

"100 million Bailey!"

The sound of price increases continued to sound, and soon the rock was pushed to a price beyond its own value.

Yes, this is the most chaotic area, even the things that are banned by the world government are endless, as long as you have enough money, you can get everything you want.

Seeing that a group of lowly people behind him actually fried a broken stone for such a sky-high price, the Draco man Mikaya Sheng smiled contemptuously.

A group of garbage who have never seen the world, this kind of thing in Lao Tzu's family, still no one wants to look at it on the street.

The blast rock soon sold for 140 million Baileys, and none of the next few items sold for less than 100 million Baileys.

Auction has always been a game for the rich, most people are not to buy what they urgently need, in their eyes, this is a game, a squandering game that ordinary people cannot imagine in their lifetimes.

"This man has a peculiar ability, that is, everything he touches has a probability of being converted into gold with a hundred percent purity, starting at a price..."

Before the host could finish his introduction, the burly man suddenly broke free of the iron chains on his hands with brute force, and the rough big hands touched the host's terrified face.

"Hehe, the finale item is temporarily changed to a 100% pure golden man, starting at 10 Bailey, start!"

I saw that the man who was still an auction item before suddenly turned against the customer, and auctioned the host who had been standing on the stage for a long time.

This scene did not frighten anyone present, but made their blood rush and their hearts pound.

I haven't seen such an exciting picture for years!

"Hey, later you will send someone backstage to chop off the man's hands, and I will hang them in the living room to show my relatives and friends."

Mikja Saint suddenly became interested, but his target was not the frightened looking golden man, but the hands that turned the host into gold.

"4 billion Baileys once!"

"4 billion Bailey twice!"

"4 billion Bailey sold! Congratulations to that white-haired little brother for unlocking the last obstacle of the big shaft for us! With

an iron cage covered by red cloth being pushed to the stage, the entire auction hall instantly fell silent, and everyone's eyes were firmly locked on this large shaft.

"The main axis of this auction, the only clan from the mysterious island in the North Sea, it is rumored that the women on this small island have special blood flowing in their bodies, as long as they spend the night with them, they will gain the power to control the water, starting at 10 billion Bailey!"

As soon as the host's words fell, the already peaceful environment became more quiet, and everyone's eyes kept rolling, as if they were thinking about some plan.

10 billion Bailey, for the rich people present, is indeed an astronomical amount, but this money is definitely worth the money, and it is the deadliest temptation to obtain abilities comparable to the Devil's Fruit without turning into a dry duck.

Of course, if you don't have enough money, it may be a good way to kill people and seize treasures afterwards, and then destroy the corpses and destroy the traces.

"I give out 10 billion Bailey!"

In the center of the second row of the auction hall, a spirited little brother disdainfully skimmed the slag behind him.

As the top three super-rich people in the pirate world, 100 Bailey is just a month's expense for him.


A sudden gunshot, the smell of blood instantly filled the entire auction hall, and a pitch-black deep hole appeared in the eyebrows of that little brother.

It is common for someone to kill people here, but if someone dares to shoot a super-rich man with a prominent background in front of so many people, isn't this equivalent to announcing his tragic death?

"10 billion Bailey, this little girl belongs to me, my words are over, is there anyone against it?"

Looking at the thick smoke rising from the sky, the person who spoke, that is, the murderer of this incident, was none other than Draco Mikaya Sheng!

Wealth? Power? Status? Who can compare to Draco.

As for the ranking of those rich people in the outside world, it is just that the Draco people do not want to participate, because among the Draco, even if they just randomly pull in a family, they have the financial power to absolutely crush the first place in the rankings.

Draco shot, who dares to bid?

Mikja Saint chuckled, how could this garbage deserve to sit behind him?

"Congratulations... Congratulations to Lord Draco for winning this big shaft.

As the host's voice fell, several servants carefully pushed the iron cage towards Mikya, who flashed a trace of lewdness in his eyes.

What ability to control water, what North Sea mysterious family, these are not important, in the eyes of Mikaya Sheng, this little girl who is already a beautiful embryo at a young age, worth far more than 10 billion Bailey.

Because Mikja Saint is a severe pedophilic and child abuser!

"Hehe, this little face is really tender!"

Through the iron cage, Mikja Sheng's fingers pinched the little girl's face heavily, and the tone of his speech became extremely vicious.


A slap sounded, and a big red handprint appeared on the little girl's already wrinkled red and swollen face.

"Come on, bring her to my room!"

For the smiling Draco in front of him, no one present dared to stand up for justice.

This is Draco, the only nobleman in the world, a man above everyone!

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