
A sudden golden beam of light pierced the wall of the auction hall, straight to Mikaya's head, and in the blink of an eye, the headless corpse crashed to the ground, the blood mixed with brain pulp, and the stench was unpleasant.

Dead, Draco is dead, someone killed Draco!

The prisoners who were subjected to the most brutal punishments in the world were all without exception who dared to disobey the existence of the Draco, but now, someone actually killed the Draco in front of so many people!

This is really... Great joy!

Although they thought so, the people present would not hesitate to confess the killer when they were interrogated by the Navy, because they also called themselves human beings.

"Big brother?"

In the cage, the little girl's eyes had long been blurred with tears, and she couldn't see who the figure that suddenly appeared next to him was, but she could feel that familiar feeling.

"Go, big brother take you back."

Lei Luo's heart was in severe pain, and the right hand that was filled with golden light gently caressed the little girl's red and swollen face.

This is a hand different from Mikja Saint, so warm, so reliable, so ... Soon, the little girl fell asleep after a long absence.


Master Yi casually slashed the iron cage with a sword, and then his gaze swept coldly across the faces of everyone present.

There is not a single person who came to the auction who is not the perpetrator of this tragedy!

"Go back first."

Lei Luo suppressed the anger in his heart, picked up the little girl and turned and walked out of the auction hall.

"Who is that person?"

"Whoever he is, report it to the navy now, otherwise you and I will be implicated!"

"The last Draco incident two years ago, I didn't expect that this time it would actually be intensified again!"

"Death is death, anyway, Lao Tzu is still alive!"

The cold words that kept coming from his ears made the anger in Lei Luo's heart become more and more high, and he turned back to look at everyone angrily, and did not choose to make a move, only Master Yi and Anilu turned into two rays of light and left first.

Terrifying cold killing intent, scarlet evil eyes... He is Admiral Evil Eye Relo!

"General Leiluo, I have done as you ordered, and I have dealt with it."

After Gerjess snorted a few times, the rich oxygen shield wrapped all the guests present in the host.

"You take her out first, and I'll help the two of them by the way."


After seeing Gojess walking out of the auction hall with the little girl in his arms, Lelo looked down at everyone present.

Why did the pirate straw hat Luffy beat Draco two years ago, and now the evil eye Lei Luo, who is a naval admiral, directly killed him?

The kid who just left said that after processing, what did he do?

Wait a minute, why does the stone in Relo's hand look so familiar?

Groove, isn't that the blast rock that was just auctioned?


Relo smiled grimly, casually crushed the protective device of the blast rock, and threw it into the oxygen mask created by Gejies.


A loud deafening noise mixed with sky-high flames spread on Island One, but fortunately it was protected by sword qi and thunder, and did not affect innocent passers-by and surrounding buildings.

Headquarters of the Navy.

"Relo, do you know what you're doing!"

The furious red dog threw a thick pile of documents directly in front of Relo, with red-headed words written on it that the five old stars of the world government had decided to sentence Relo to death.

For the fate of the death of the Draco, Lei Luo has long been mentally prepared, but what he didn't expect was that the five old stars would actually do things so decisively, even if the current navy is in a weak position in the face of pirates and the revolutionary army, he will be sentenced to death for his general-level combat strength.

"Hey, Relo, where are you going!"

Chi Inu looked at Lei Luo, who turned away after sorting out the documents in front of him, and roared angrily.

"According to the process, tomorrow is my execution day, you can rest assured, I will not escape."

After flicking a word lukewarmly, Lei Luo turned and left, leaving only the red dog alone, silently burning the documents in his hand.

The next day, the center of the great route, the pinnacle of the Red Earth Continent, the holy land of Mary Joa.

At this moment, there are countless powerful people and journalists from all over the world, and the scene is far more magnificent than the original four admirals award ceremony.

It's just that the protagonist this time is only Lei Luo, and he is still wearing a sea lou stone bracelet and standing straight on the execution table.

"What is that kid doing, why is this all of a sudden!"

Karp and Sengoku clenched their fists, they didn't expect that Lei Luo, who had always acted steadily, would actually make such a reckless move.

As an admiral, directly killing the world's famous rich people in front of everyone's eyes is already a capital crime, but if Chi Inu and others intercede for him, he is still in the position of a general, and there is still a chance to make meritorious contributions to the crime.

However, Relo killed a Draco, and even the entire navy could not change the instructions of the world government.

Will the execution of Lei Luo eliminate the anger of the Draco?

The answer is definitely no, because in the documents given to Relo by the red dog, it is clearly stated that Tina and Leijiu, who are Relo's spouses, will also be imprisoned in the Great Prison under the sea.

"Five minutes to go, Relo, do you have anything to say?"

Akainu let out a long sigh, this was the only person he regarded as the future successor to his marshal!


Before Lei Luo could speak, a golden light penetrated the thick smoke in the air, and the yellow ape buckled the furious Smog to the ground.

"Smogg, what will be discussed tomorrow."

The yellow ape leaned down and whispered in Smogg's ear.

Mary Joa, the residence of the Draco, and the world government is also here, if Smog dares to mess around, then the navy will lose another vice admiral.

"Relo, why? Why the are you doing this! Smogg

, who was suppressed by the yellow ape to death, hated his incompetence at the moment, and could only roar at Relo's incompetence.

Why did Relo's fault affect Tina, why!

Looking at the figure of the Iren who was bound by chains in the distance, Smog wished that the criminal who killed the Draco was himself, not Relo, if he could, he could give up everything and only bear everything for Relo and spare Tina's imprisonment.

On the execution table, Relo's still looked at life and death, his gaze looked at the furious Smogg, and then swept over the red dog, yellow ape, Karp, Sengoku and others with a sad face, and then looked back at Tina and Lei Jiu in the distance behind him, and finally looked at the crowd from all over the world in front of him.

That ugly face is really disgusting!

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