"Hey, everyone listen to Lao Tzu!"

Lei Luo's sudden loud shout caused the entire Mary Joa to instantly quiet the two.

The last words of a generation of young people deserve careful listening to by all.

"In this world, there is good and evil, but what is good and what is evil?"

"I have seen the Straw Hats fight to protect ordinary people, I have also seen the Navy oppress the masses, and I have personally killed the ultimate oppressor Draco, who is above the Navy, pirates, and everyone!"

"Now I am sentenced to death by the world government, but I do not regret it, because what I have done is absolute justice, this world is shrouded in a shadow at this moment, each of us is a caged bird, let those high Draco wantonly crush and play!"

When -

only a minute passed, a long bell came, which was the bell that represented the beginning of the execution!

Why the bell was ringing ahead of schedule was clear to everyone present, because what Lei Luo said was the truth, and in order to consolidate their status and interests, the World Government and the Draco would never allow anyone to expose their essence in front of the world!

At the moment when the special spear in the executioner's hand was about to be inserted into Leiluo's body, two figures suddenly rushed out of the crowd, and the long sword in his hand was Yu Thunder Spear, easily blocking the spear that ended Leiluo's life.

"What kind of people are you who dare to undermine the highest punishment of the world government!"

As a naval marshal, the red dog's eyes sank, and the overlord-colored domineering instantly opened, and the two-meter executioner crashed to the ground.

For the red dog's approach, Relo just smiled and expressed his gratitude.

"The era of great peace in my mouth is an era in which everyone is equal, an era without classes!"

When the words fell, Lei Luo suddenly broke free from the handcuffs of Hailou Stone, his figure flashed, and a shadow avatar turned into golden light and rushed to Tina and Lei Jiu's side, as for his body, he was looking at the five old stars on the tall building playfully, and the slightly raised corners of his mouth contained extreme contempt.

Suddenly, the sky at the top of the tall building suddenly changed, and a huge slash was born between the lightning and thunder, and it appeared in front of Lei Luo in an instant.

Seeing this, Lei Luo did not dodge, but raised his right hand that clenched his fist, and the armed color domineering instantly covered, and he greeted it without fear.


The two powerful forces collided, and the energy aftermath was difficult to withstand even the space, and the provoked wind even swept away all the weak people, even if it was a lieutenant general level existence, it was difficult to stand firm.

"Is it finally here?"

The right fist turned into a claw and suddenly squeezed Leiluo, who crushed this slash, looked at the five old men in black suits who appeared in the air, and said slowly.

"Relo, Lord Im has given the final order, you, you will kill!"

Among the five old stars, the old man with long white hair and beard spoke, and at the same time, the overlord-colored domineering that crushed everything fell on Leiluo's shoulder like Tarzan.

Good guys, these old things are really powerful!

Leiluo, who stabilized his figure, was just about to counterattack, but a crisis alarm sounded in his mind when he saw the domineering look, and the direction was his diagonal rear.

Damn guy, actually planning to make a sneak attack on Lei Jiu and Tina!

"Susano, turn on!"

"Pretend Godzilla Immortal Mode, on!"

Two behemoths with a terrifying aura appeared out of thin air, the supreme coercion skipped everyone's hearts, unable to disperse, and the two pairs of scarlet eyes with nine pitch-black jade above the giant locked the five old stars in the air.

"Karp! Warring states! Red dogs! Yellow Ape! Not ready to make a move yet? Is the Navy raising you for watching?

Suddenly, a quiet and majestic voice sounded, not loud, but enough for everyone to hear clearly.


For this mysterious existence, Lei Luo is also curious about his true identity, but he needs to find out next time.

After all, Lei Luo didn't want to fight with this group of people who had been secretly delaying time for themselves.

"Bye bye you!"

Relo grinned at the five old stars and fluttered away with the four of Tina.

"Want to go? Really old man is vegetarian! Eight-foot qionggouyu! The

yellow ape that let go of Smog jumped up, and in its shining body, countless light bullets struck like a rainstorm, straight towards Relo.

"Meteor Volcano!"

The red dog who turned into lava slammed into the air with a fist, and the huge fist condensed from hot magma instantly raised Mary Joya's temperature by several degrees.

At this moment, the Warring States are also clasped together, the big Buddha form opens, and the shock wave in the palm bursts out!

As for Karp, he will never be so fancy, and the iron fist wrapped in black light is his deadliest killing move!


As the current marshal of the Navy, the red dog made another move, and at the same time there was a lightspeed kick from the yellow ape.

Groove, the four of them come really!

Feeling the huge energy aura behind him, Lei Luo was shocked in his heart.

But for some reason, in the face of the siege of the four peak powerhouses, Lei Luo's domineering hint to him was to flee in a straight line, without any dodging and defense.


Lei Luo just violently increased his speed to the limit, and there was a succession of vomiting blood sounds behind him.

"Damn it, let that kid escape!"

The Warring States who rubbed his face was still in the form of a big Buddha, but the huge fist mark was a gloomy face of the five old stars.

It turned out that after Lei Luo suddenly increased his speed, the yellow ape's light-speed kick hit Kapu, and Kapu's iron fist fell on the face of the Warring States, and the air in the hands of the Warring States who did not stand firmly bombarded the five old stars at the same time, and the huge body even smashed the execution table, causing the direction of the red dog to shift, and coincidentally knocked the yellow ape into the distant building.

What is it? Acting brightly? Why didn't the four of you make your debut?

For everything that just happened, perhaps there is nothing abnormal in the eyes of ordinary people, but in front of people with slightly stronger strength, they absolutely do not believe that the top four combat forces in the navy will actually make such an oolong incident.

Everything was obviously intentional because they agreed with Relo's idea.

"Come, take four high-ranking naval officers down to heal their wounds."

Im's flat voice sounded, seemingly unconcerned about what was happening in front of him.

"Oh, right!"

Suddenly, Lei Luo's figure flew back.

"In the next few days, I will establish a new naval force in the East China Sea, called the Alliance of Pacifists, welcome everyone to join!"

When the words fell, Lei Luo turned into golden light and disappeared, but his words spread throughout the world through live broadcasts.

Alliance of Pacifists?

The four of Karp looked at each other and smiled, and looked heavily in the direction of the East China Sea.

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