Leiluo, these two words that originally only represented the strong in the pirates and navy, are now circulating throughout the world, whether it is Draco or ordinary people or fish people, everyone knows it.

The League of Pacifists, a group whose goal was to build a great era of peace regardless of race and class, also became a destination for all.

Sea off Fishman Island.

"What? Say yes to join us, how can you suddenly repent? Is it because we are going to war with the BIGMOM Pirates? Luffy

, who was holding Jinping tightly, never understood why he suddenly changed.

In another place, Nami put down the newspaper in her hand and stepped forward to punch Luffy in the head.

"Jinping, we will respect your decision, after all, that place has the same aspirations as Princess Othime."

"Thank you!"

After watching the Straw Hats and the gang leave, Jinpei turned around, and in the east where the sun was rising, he seemed to see the queen who used to represent love.

At this moment, on the Miles of Sunshine, Solo and Sanji, who have always quarreled constantly, had a long-lost tranquility.

"Hey, smelly cook, is that Wen Heke's family related to you?"

"Well, my old home."

Faced with Solo's sudden question, Sanji just took a deep puff of his cigarette and told about his childhood.

"So, the only thing I care about is my sister, that is, now that Relo should be my brother-in-law."

Solo, who was short-circuited by these emotional problems, drank all the wine in his hand and chose not to say anything, just quietly accompanying Yamaji.

"Green Algae Head, to be honest, this meeting, I already know the gap between me and you and Luffy, since I will go to war with Aunt next, will you be bored if I die?"

Suddenly, Sanji lit another cigarette, looked at the calm sea, and said slowly.

"Che, if you die, will it affect me to become the world's number one swordsman?"

"Well, that's good, I hope you can get your wish in the future."


"I, ah, continue to search for my Sea of Legends, but in the process, I will ask Franky to build me a knife, and then defeat Hawkeye to become the first swordsman by the way."

East China Sea.

With the arrival of Leiluo, the East China Sea has become the hottest area in the four seas, and a large number of people have found the island with the flag of peace.

"Not good! General Fujitora came with more than ten warships!

Gejess ran to Leilo who was fishing, and said with a panicked look.

The next moment, on the deck of the leading warship, a figure that all navies once knew was incomparably familiar with.

"Fujitora, long time no see."

Relo was not guarded at all, as if he was still a general in the navy, and then moved a chair and sat next to Fujitora.

On this warship, there were many familiar faces of him, those people were old people who had been born and died with themselves in the North Sea, and Fuji Hu's trip was obviously in some name, to give people away for himself.

"Hey, it's good that you can also make a show to the people above, otherwise it will be difficult for me and Marshal Chiinu."

"Hahaha, I don't care about this, what you want is your answer."

It turned out that long before Relo set off on the moon to find Anilu, he had had a long conversation with Fujitora, each explaining what his understanding of true peace was.

In the end, the two men came to the same conclusion: only by eliminating discrimination between classes and races can the so-called true peace be achieved.

"As long as there is enough time, you and I will establish the era of peace in our hearts sooner or later, and now you will not be so risky, and even hesitate to disrupt the pattern of the entire world."

Fuji Hu said seriously, he didn't want a person who shared his ideals to dissipate just like that.

Hearing this, Lei Luo just smiled.

With the existence of Draco and Lord Im, as well as the five old stars, the identity of the navy alone is simply not enough to establish peace.

This world is bound by a disorderly rule, under which is endless chaos, since you want to change everything, you must jump out of it, only in this way can you shake the deep-rooted ancient tree!

"It's better like this, you and I bet once, if you shake a number larger than mine, then the person gives it to you, I go, if you shake a number smaller than me, then you go with me, of course, if the number is equal, then go to war."

As soon as the words fell, Fuji Tiger took out two dice cups out of nowhere, each of which had a dice.

Fuji Hu is good at gambling, and every gamble must lose, this point Lei Luo is very clear, for his kindness, Lei Luo naturally will not refuse.

Dangdangdang... Boom!

After each glanced at the numbers under the sieve cup, Fuji Hu didn't have any expression, just looked at Lei Luo quietly.

"Fuji Hu, I'm five o'clock, I'll take the person away, thank you for working hard this time."

Lei Luo smiled, beckoned to a group of people with anxious faces in the distance, and then took his leave and walked off the warship.


At the moment when Lei Luo had just set foot on the island, there was a sudden sound of breaking wind behind him.

"This sieve of yours has sent you."

It wasn't until Fuji Hu left with all the warships and disappeared into the sea that Lei Luo opened his palm with a palpitation.

Subconsciously, he took the sieve and seemed to be a little too hard, and the crunch seemed to be broken.

"This... Rest assured, I will do what I said that day!

Relo looked at the sieve in his hand that had faded the case and said softly.

He already knew, what these people meant.

It was still a sieve, but it was a sieve made of ice, and on top of it, there was a point in the shape of a black fist, two points made up of two Buddhas, three points made of three points of golden light, four points composed of four small grasses, five points dotted with lava, and finally six points with the vague appearance of the word "all".

If Shanks broke his arm to save Luffy and pressed him on the New World, then now, Relo alone has the entire Navy to realize the hope of peace!

"Lord Leiluo, you caught a big fish, no, no, no, it should be a dragon to be precise!"

Just after Gejies's words, thunder suddenly roared in the originally clear sky, and rolling dark clouds pressed over, which seemed to herald the arrival of a storm.

"The most vicious dragon in the world will be our most powerful ally!"

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