With the passage of time, more and more strong people gathered on the island, among which the most surprising thing for Relo was Smogg, who brazenly announced his withdrawal from the navy.

As for why the world government has always left the Peace Alliance alone, this is only a superficial phenomenon, and there are still some small actions behind the scenes.

After all, once the five old stars order to launch a large-scale war, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction and protests among the masses.

Imagine that if this happens, people's definition of the Alliance of Peacemakers is bound to surpass the world government, and if Relo is agreeing with the leader of the revolutionary army, Dragon, then the world will really change.

However, what the five old stars did not expect was that the Alliance of Pacifists and the Revolutionary Army had already formed an alliance, the former was responsible for dealing with pirates and the navy, and the latter was promoting the idea of freedom and equality.

"Ding! System Mission Trigger: Destroy the Legend! "

Annihilation Legend: For each group of pirates eliminated by the Four Emperors, you will receive god-level draw points*1, and killing a Four Emperors will earn god-level draw points*1.

This is the task issued by the system last month, and the content makes Lei Luo very big.

Originally intending to develop indecently in the East China Sea, he used a few years to create a fully dressed combat uniform and proficient in the eight-gate Dun Jia army, but he received the task of fighting with the Four Emperors.

Moreover, what made Lei Luo feel most speechless was that this mission must kill a Four Emperors within three months before the follow-up to the war can begin, otherwise it will be regarded as a failure of the mission.

The Hundred Beast Pirate Ship, the captain is Kaido, the bounty is as high as 4.611 billion, and there is no need to say much about the strength.

Even if Kaido aside, each of the six sons under his command has a bounty of more than 100 million, and above them, there are more terrifying three plagues, starting with a bounty of one billion.

The red-haired pirates, Captain Shanks, bounty 4,0489 billion Bailey, and this is only the Navy's estimate, after all, redhead is not the existence of Kaido who endangers one side everywhere.

In addition, the difference between the red-haired pirate group and the hundred beast pirate group, as well as the combat effectiveness and number of cadres, it is no exaggeration to say that the seven highest-level cadres of the red-haired pirate group, none of the real combat power is comparable to the three calamities, it is definitely more than enough.

BIGMOM Pirates, captained by Charlotte Lingling, with a bounty of 4.388 billion, although her strength may be much worse than the above two, but her Devil Fruit ability is definitely the most difficult and deadly.

Moreover, Auntie has many children, although the strength of the highest cadre Dessert General Star is slightly inferior to the three calamities, but because of the marriage, Auntie's sphere of influence is still the emperor with the widest range.

"So my goal seems clear."

That's right, after thinking about it, Relo locked his ultimate goal on the Blackbeard Pirates.

As the most established four emperors, Blackbeard's bounty is only half of that of the other three emperors, and his crew members are even more bounties before reaching the level of more than 100 million, don't be detained in the undersea prison, presumably in terms of strength.

And the most important point is that Blackbeard became the Four Emperors, stepping on the shoulders of the Whitebeard Pirates, and this can completely make up for the lack of combat personnel for Relo.

An island in the New World in the second half of the Great Voyage.

Relo came here alone, looked at the grave of Whitebeard and Ace in front of him, and just sighed silently.

Whitebeard, as the remnant of Roger's era, Ace, as Roger's son, the existence of the two of them, in the final analysis, is to promote the arrival of a new era.

"Hey, boy, get away, don't bother us!"

"That's right, people who used to be in the Navy are not welcome here!"

Looking at the voice, a trace of anger appeared in Leiluo's heart, but more helplessness.

Those who spit out rude mouths are all remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates, famous big people in the New World, but now, they live a life of drunken dreams all day, relying on the effect of alcohol to numb their nerves.

"No wonder you will be defeated by Blackbeard, I think you guys too..."

Before Relo could finish speaking, a blond man in his 40s grabbed the wine bottle next to him and smashed it.

Blackbeard Tichy is the source of anger in each of their hearts.

"It's ridiculous, Malgao, who is known as an immortal bird, is also a waste in the end, it's a real pity that Whitebeard still regarded you as the most cherished family member before his death, I see that except for Ace, everyone you present is garbage, and you don't deserve to be called Whitebeard's son!"

Relo's tone was directly full of mockery and ridicule, but it seemed that Tiki was not mentioned this time, and Margao and his group did not react, and even willingly scolded.

Their brother was killed by another brother, and then the most respected father in his life was also the head of the death and that person, and finally they wanted to avenge the two, but they found that they were not opponents, and they failed miserably, and made the other party use this station of understanding to become the emperor of the sea in one fell swoop.

Such a ridiculous experience happened to the group of drunkards in front of them, and a series of blows had long made them not know how to face the world.

"Now that I have already withdrawn from the Navy and established the Alliance of Pacifists, I want to invite you to join my alliance and join me in eradicating the Blackbeard Pirates!"

Relo said tentatively again, but all that responded to him was the empty wine bottle that followed, and the cold angry gaze.

"It seems that Whitebeard is really old, his brain is not good, and his eyes are still blind, otherwise how can he recognize you as a son!"

After being rejected three or four times, Lei Luo didn't bother to continue wasting time here, but at the moment when he dropped a word and was about to leave, there was a rapid breaking wind behind him.


Relo did not make any dodges, but chose to cast iron blocks to resist this person's sneak attack.

"If you say a bad word about your daddy again, Laozi will tear your mouth apart!" Now roll! The

smell of unpleasant wine went straight to the sky, and Lei Luo, who frowned slightly, glanced at the red-faced Malgao who appeared beside him, and a smack in his heart.

Since you can't wake up with scolding, then wake up! However, it is necessary to use words first to stimulate the fighting spirit in Margaw's heart.

"You've been with Whitebeard for thirty years, and you've learned this over the years? It seems that Whitebeard is not as powerful as I thought.

"Oh, by the way, Whitebeard must have been beaten every day, otherwise he wouldn't have so many scars on his body, and he is also known as his name, which is a manifestation that he never runs away."

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