Evil eyes, a pair of scarlet eyes that have never appeared in the world, the most prominent feature of the current Admiral Relo!

The original report that appeared in the newspaper kept echoing in the minds of Tiki's people.

Looking at the slightly pale black-bearded group of black thieves, Marco smiled softly, they had personally experienced the special ability of Relo's eyes, but compared to Rafitte, it may be the difference between human and hell.

One glance to kill, yes, just one glance, Lei Luo is enough to kill a strong person who shocked the world in seconds!

"Sure enough, Whitebeard is right, you are really a conceited and rash person, in this case, you are not guarded at all."

The sudden sound in his ears made Tiqi's body tremble, and the pitch-black mist instantly enveloped his body, but what awaited him was not an unbearable blow, but a sharp scream around him.

The sixth captain of the Blackbeard Pirates, the chest of the crescent hunter Katrin Butterfly, was pierced by a golden thunder spear!


Just as Lei Luo was about to strike at the next person, a roar that looked like a human and a beast came from his back.

Looking back, there were still some Catrin butterfly beauty, some of them were just nine-tailed foxes with white hair all over their bodies and a silver moon symbol on their foreheads, and they were angrily swooping towards Relo.

"Relo, you have to pay attention to the fact that Katrin is possessed by the Nine-Tailed Fox Fruit of the Animal Illusion Beast, and she must be killed nine times to be killed!"

The information that Margau told at that time suddenly came to Relo's mind.

A large part of the reason why Whitebeard lost the so-called end was because the suspended animation Catrin suddenly burst out and seriously injured Margao.

Dodge to the right!

Just when Relo was about to continue to strike and completely end Katlin, who had only five tails left, the domineering warning suddenly launched.


The nine-tailed fox whose left eye was scratched raised its head and roared, and the pain drove it to swing its claws and hit the empty air somewhere without hesitation.

The sound of iron clashing, the appearance of shining Mars is not reasonable, and there is only one sentence that can explain all this.

Rain no Hiru, the one with transparent fruit ability!

"What's the matter to wait for Lei Luo to be solved, if anyone is fighting infighting now, Lao Tzu will kill who first!"

Tichy's furious voice sounded, and at this moment, the black tide surged on the sea, turning into a monstrous wave towards Margau and his group.

Hate, jealousy, hatred, fear, anxiety... In the black tide, all kinds of negative emotions continue to gush out, and the strong gravitational force continues to absorb everyone's thoughts, even if they know that entering the black tide, the end is only to be twisted into powder, but they still can't suppress their inner despair.

"Damn, it's this trick again!"

Margao snorted angrily, in order to prevent himself from being affected by the ability of the dark fruit again, he had already been prepared, he directly twisted his elbow, using pain to wake himself up.

However, Malgau dared to do this because he had the ability to regenerate infinitely, while others did not.

At this critical moment of survival, a thunder light suddenly pierced the black tide, shining on the bow of the white-bearded pirate group, and immediately after, a second thunder and lightning appeared, and then gradually spread, enough tens of thousands of thunder burst out, completely tearing the black tide wave to pieces.

"Boss, we're coming!"

The people who came out of the negative emotions only saw a ship with the word peace written on it in the distance, there was a large number of centaurs dressed in specially made combat uniforms, the two people at the head, the sword qi on the left side was added, and the thunder on the right side was around, even if they did not make a move, it was enough to imagine the strength of the two!

"Margao, the one who uses the sword is called Yi, the one who saves you is called Anilu, these cadres are handed over to me, the others are handed over to my people and your people, as for Tichy, I meet your requirements!"

With a wave of Leiluo's big hand, countless golden rays converged into three barriers, dividing the battlefield into three areas.

This battle is the first battle against the four emperors, and it is also the first battle of the peace army under his command!

Although the complete version of the scientific and technological combat suit has not yet achieved mass production, the bloodline factor cloning technology has not yet been implemented, and the eight-door Dun Jia is just in contact with all talents, but Lei Luo has enough confidence, because in Blackbeard's team, there is still one strongest person who has not appeared, that is, the former admiral - the green pheasant!

"After beating for so long, eat an apple!"

"Oh, thanks."

A backhand laser cannon smashed Van Oka's raised gun hidden in the shadows, and suddenly someone next to him handed over a delicate and attractive big red apple.

However, just when the sweet juice and tender flesh touched Leiluo's mouth, there seemed to be two words written in his eyes that looked at the poisonous Q in front of him, lying groove!


A blast sounded, and the apple in Leiluo's hand exploded, such a good opportunity, how could the cadres who had experienced hundreds of battles let it go!

Claws, heavy fists and long knives came one after another, extremely fast at the same time, but not lacking in power, all of them bombarded into the smoke, the powerful countershock, even Yu no Shiru almost couldn't cover the famous knife thunderstorm in his hand.

The smoke cleared, and Lei Luo, whose face was white and black, quietly looked at the poisonous Q suspended in the air, showing horror.

What is the ability of that rib surrounded by black flames? Where did the hand bones that were already about to be pinched to death come from?

"You can force me to use Susanoo, your strength is not bad, but why hasn't anyone broken 100 million in the bounty..."

Before Lei Luo finished speaking, a palm the size of a ship suddenly stretched out from under the sea, and slapped heavily on Susano, the fierce force, instantly lifted Lei Luo, and his figure was like a cannonball on the sea surface with a wave tens of meters long.


Relo, who had just stabilized his figure, suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and even a faint crack appeared on Susano's ribs.

With the flesh alone, without the blessing of the devil fruit and domineering, such a terrifying huge force can burst out, and there is only one person under the whole world!

Relo looked up, and the figure that only showed his head and one-third of his upper body, which was already comparable to the size of a small mountain, was the one who injured him.

Captain Seven of the Blackbeard Pirates, San Juan Wolf!

"Hey, where did you just run, do you know that my bones are about to be crushed by him!"

The unloved-looking poison Q collapsed on the deck, complaining to the wolf with a crying tone in his tone.

"I'm sorry, I ate too much and fell asleep, hahahaha..."

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