
After laughing, the evil wolf slammed his fist into the wall of light that Lei Luo had set up earlier, shattering it with just one blow.

"I seem to have been slapped in the face."

Lei Luo looked at this scene and smiled, it seemed that he still underestimated the combat power of the Blackbeard Pirates.

In the face of a giant with terrifying brute strength, it is obviously not the best choice to fight hard with your own small body, so the pretend Godzilla Immortal mode is turned on!


With an eternal and long beast roar, everyone in the battle shifted their attention to the location of Lei Luo, which was a monster phantom surrounded by red lotuses!

"What kind of monster is that?"

Whether it was the Peacemaker Alliance, Malgao's group, or the Blackbeard Pirates, they were shocked in their hearts, this monster that exuded an extremely destructive aura all over his body, they had never seen it before!

"Brother Yi, quickly inform everyone to evacuate!"

Anilu, who was the first to return to God, hurriedly turned into the God of Thor, grabbed the peacemakers alliance soldiers around him and turned into a ray of thunder and disappeared.

Relo in the form of Godzilla has destructive power, and it is not what humans can imagine!

Taking advantage of the gap when everyone withdrew, the huge phantom that was half black and half red continued to compress his gaze, and finally all of them were withdrawn into Leiluo's body, at this time, his skin had all turned into the appearance of a red lotus, and the veins flowing with violent blood under it were also like the terrifying power, at a glance.


A breath of steaming white gas exhaled from Leiluo's mouth with a low muffled roar, and the unbearable heat made the sea surface boil.

However, the most frightening thing was when he opened his eyes again, the endless flow of fire replaced his eyes, and the rich and terrifying aura of destruction instantly filled the heavens and the earth!

Without the slightest sound, Lei Luo's figure suddenly appeared in front of the evil wolf.

"Hey, big man, do you know how much pain you made Lao Tzu just now!"


The unpretentious punch was thrown, without half a point of power, and even hit the body of the evil wolf without pain or itch.

Is this kid bluffing?

Seeing that Leiluo's attack was completely different from the aura that permeated his body, Hiliu and the others couldn't help but frown, but even so, they still didn't let their guard down.

"Hey, peacemaker cadre, your leader won't find himself invincible, so he pretends to scare off the Blackbeard Pirates, right?"

"That is, since you want to escape, then don't take us, we have to avenge Daddy!"

Hearing the shouts of the people beside him, Anilu gave them a blank look, and Master Yi shook his head helplessly.

This is the sorrow of the weak, what the strong do, they do not understand and cannot feel.


Sensing that something was wrong, Tichy's arm shook, and the space in front of him suddenly vibrated with an extremely fast frequency, and then exploded with a bang, separating him and Margao.

"Green pheasant, you still don't make a move!"

Blackbeard's roar resounded throughout the sea, and the fear that could not be hidden overturned the suspicion of the weak in an instant.


A biting cold wind suddenly hit, and the originally clear sky suddenly rolled with dark clouds, and crystal snowflakes fell in the air, falling on the surface of the sea.

When snowflakes meet water, they should have melted, but these snowflakes are not, but the moment they touch the surface of the sea, they instantly disintegrate, releasing an ultra-low temperature of the absolute zero level, and in the blink of an eye, they will freeze the sea surface and everything on it in the posture of thousands of miles of ice.

One thought is enough to change the climate and environment, and a cold figure instantly appeared in everyone's minds - former Admiral Qingji Kuzan!

"What are you guys waiting for? The evil wolf is dead, don't take this opportunity to escape! Seeing

that his cadres had actually surrounded Lei Luo, whose body was covered with a layer of white frost, Blackbeard cursed angrily.

These fools, haven't they been discovered yet, and the frozen Lei Luo is just an afterimage?

"Isn't it too much to take me seriously to want to leave just by the ice age of the green pheasant?"


A desolate scream came, and the enchanting nine-tailed fox was instantly ignited by the flames, and above its head, stood Lei Luo looking down on everyone.

The nine-tailed fox, born with nine tails, has nine lives, but Katrin, who still has five tails left, turned into a scorched black skeleton in an instant, covered in frost.

"Relo, if you continue to strike, Margao will die because of you!"

Seeing his subordinates being killed one after another, Tichy's figure appeared in front of Margao, who was accidentally frozen into an ice sculpture, and he only needed to pinch so lightly, and another torn corpse would be added to the ice.


Relo raised his hand, and a golden beam shot out, shattering the head of Van Oka who had escaped in the end.

"You can move it and try it."

This is Relo's reply, he hates being threatened the most, since someone does this, then come and see whose chips are heavier!

With the death of another companion, Hiliu and the others did not dare to turn their heads.

In the battle just now, none of them used all their strength, the purpose was to test Leiluo's strength first, but who would have thought that this kid did not play cards according to common sense at all, and he would make a big move when he came up.


The Shock Fruit ability was activated, and Blackbeard's palm space continued to vibrate, and that hand was getting closer and closer to Margao.

At this moment, he deeply understood that if the timid first came to himself, then the end would be inevitable.


Lei Luo sighed, raised his hand to two more laser rays, and then said: "I said, you'd better not move!" "


Looking at Pizarro and Choate, who had completely lost their breath of life in front of him, Blackbeard finally chose to compromise.

Seeing this, Lei Luo looked at the blackbeard below with contempt, just chuckled, and the ice sculpture that blocked Margao shattered by inch.

However, at the moment when Margao was unsealed, a blue bird completely carved from cold ice appeared out of thin air in front of Leiluo, which was one of the green pheasants' tricks!

"Let's go!"

Tiqi didn't dare to hesitate for a moment, and the Shock Fruit ability was instantly activated, and with him as the center, all the ice layers began to vibrate, and the frequency became faster and faster.

In an earth-shattering noise, the ice age was shattered, and the terrifying waves crashed wantonly on the sea, and an earth-shattering tsunami struck in an instant!

After a long time, the wind and waves calmed down, and only two ships covered in golden light and a somewhat dissatisfied figure remained on the sea.

"Che, or was it escaped? But, Titch, you have to remember that the next time you meet me, you won't be so lucky!

"Boss, where's the little blond guy?"

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