"Boss, where is the little blond guy?"

After surviving the tsunami caused by Tichy, Anilu's exclamation suddenly came.

Blonde brother? Not good, Pony!

Suddenly found that the sea below was empty, and Lei Luo's figure instantly turned into a golden light and rushed straight to the bottom of the sea.

"You guys go back first, I have something to find some old friends."

After a long time, Lei Luo, who poked his head out of the sea, looked grimly at the place where Tiqi was before.

There is no trace of Margao in the depths of the sea, so there is only one possibility, and Titch has just taken advantage of the chaos to take Margao and escape.

On the second day, the Navy Headquarters shocked the whole world with a major release of the Four Emperors Blackbeard Pirates, ending at the hands of the Alliance of Peacemakers.

"These people are really not interesting enough, and finally gave me a life card for the pheasant."

Relo, who returned to the base camp, grumbled a few words, carefully put the small card in his hand into his pocket, and then turned his eyes to the calendar on the wall.

However, just when Relo saw today's date, he always felt that something important was about to happen today.

"Boss, Haixia Jinping came to visit."

Under the guidance of Gejies, Jinping, who looked a little anxious, walked in front of Relo.

"Jinping, didn't I already send Tina and Lei Jiu to garrison Fishman Island, why are you so flustered?"

For some reason, Lei Luo always felt that Jinping's coming this time had something to do with the uneasiness in his heart.

"Chief Relo, the Straw Hats are at war with Doflamingo in Dressrosa, I hope you can help."

Jinping plopped down on his knees in front of Leiluo, the Straw Hat gang has a great grace to reshape the entire Fishman Island, he will definitely not turn a blind eye to the life and death of Luffy and the others, but now Fishman Island still needs his protection.

Luffy vs. Brother Min?

Before Relo could clarify his intentions, a thunder rushed into the room, filled with wordless anger, and this person was Anilu.

Yes, the thing I was most afraid of still appeared!

Relo himself did not expect that when he was still a naval admiral, he had promised Anilu to settle accounts with Luffy, but later created people, especially now that the Peacemakers Alliance is still friendly with the Revolutionary Army, if Aniluhu is allowed to come, the consequence will inevitably be that the former allies will meet each other.

"That's it, Anilu, you come with me this time, there are some things, maybe after you see it with your own eyes, your thinking will improve."

At this moment, Dressrosa, who is the live narrator of the arena, is frantically fleeing with a weak Luffy on his back.

In the shrinking birdcage, the ordinary people led by Franky relied on the Hailou Stone Castle and tried their best to prevent the shrinking of the birdcage, as did Solon and Fuji Tiger on the other side.

"A group of remnants of the defeated general, just want to die!"

Brother Ming sneered, and the surrounding buildings slowly faded, turning into sharp silk threads, in the form of giant nets, towards the soldiers who came to stop him.

A terrifying cry of grief continued, but Minggo's footsteps did not stop, the shrinkage rate of the birdcage was also increasing, and everyone's lives were in danger, but Luffy was still four minutes away from recovery.

"Hey, hey, kill her, Rebecca!"

At the fingertips of Mingge, there are countless transparent silk threads, which bind Viola in front of him while urging the long knife in Rebecca's hand to keep approaching Viola's heart.

"No, who can save me!"

Rebecca desperately tried to stop her advancing body, but she tried her best to help, and could only watch as the tip of the knife got closer and closer to Viola's chest.


At this moment, a strong figure burst out from an extremely tricky angle and smashed the long knife in Rebecca's hand.


At that moment, the entire Dressrosa was chanting the man's name, which was the hope of all of them, about to knock out Doflamingo, the devil's straw hat Luffy!


Behind Brother Ming, who had a frozen smile, several large trees abruptly transformed into spikes of silk thread spirals, penetrating Luffy's body in the blink of an eye, and blood poured out.

"Is this the recovery they fought so hard for you for ten minutes? It's ridiculous!

Between the words, Brother Ming's left hand suddenly pointed to the ruins on one side, and then a scream came from an instant.

"Luo, it's not your turn yet, you'd better not move!"

Luffy, who was seriously injured, and Luo, who fell into a faint again, who else can stop Mingo's slaughter?

"Four gears! Rubber eraser, great ape king gun! I

don't know when, Luffy's figure appeared in the air, and the huge right fist the size of a house was contaminated by the overlord-colored domineering.

"Dare to compare with me in air combat? It's time for this to end! 16 divine murderous bullets God kills! Brother

Ming laughed maniacally, and everything on the entire island turned into sharp silk threads at the moment his words fell, merging and condensing into sixteen sharp spears shining with the golden light of God.


The attacks of the two collided with each other, the ripples of energy continued to spread, and the huge wave formed easily swept everyone watching the battle, which was the last blow of the two people who were kings, doing their best!

"See? Brother Ming is like you before, brutal and indiscriminate, and in the end, it is natural to face everyone's resistance. In

the air in the distance, two figures, one gold and one blue, looked at the sunglasses that fell to the ground and appeared many cracks, and they had already seen through the end of this battle one step ahead of everyone.

Dressrosa is like the empty island before, and Mingo is no different from Anilu, both of whom claim to be gods and rule their country at will, even if it is not originally owned by them.

However, the powerful strength has long blinded the hearts of the two of them, and the mentality of being superior to others and contemptuous of everything will eventually lead them to a path of tyranny.

"Hmph, I never attack someone who is seriously injured, count Straw Hat Luffy lucky."

Anilu snorted softly, turning into a flash of lightning.

Lei Luo, who was in this situation, just smiled, and then fell into the area wrapped in a sea of fire.

This is exactly where Saab just used his ability to burn the fruit to kill Bagers in seconds.

"Relo, why are you here?"

At the moment when Relo landed, Saab turned around and asked.


"Leiluo, I'll go and answer the phone first, I'll talk about anything later."

To Saab, who waved away at him, Relo just nodded, and then turned his gaze to Captain Bagers, the first ship of the Blackbeard Pirate Regiment, who collapsed to the ground and was dying.

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