"In addition, the image of this battle was spread to the whole world, and all the crimes of Doflamingo were also known to the world!"


Just as the CP official's words fell, the ebony table next to the bald five old stars collapsed and shattered.

Doflamingo, once a member of the Draco, one of the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty, controls many industries around the world, and both black and white are his world.

The founder of the population auction on the island of Chambord Island, the clown who smuggles and sells arms in large quantities in the underground world, and the secret figure who provides the artificial devil fruit to the hundred beast Kaido...

These countless titles directly belong to Doflamingo alone.

Behind these black industries lies the birth of slaves, endless wars, and more powerful pirate groups.

However, for these small actions of his, the five old stars have always looked at it, the reason why they did not take action to arrest Brother Ming is because the panic that Brother Ming brought to the world, firstly, it can better serve the Draco, and secondly, it can unscrupulously raise the people's taxes, in addition, it can also effectively contain certain high-ranking naval officials who are bent on justice.

But now, the fall of Doflamingo means that all this will be brought to an end.

"Sakaski, order the entire navy to capture the Straw Hat gang and Luo gang!"

Because of the impact of this matter, the five old stars who were involved in their interests also regained their calm.

"You don't need to worry about the Navy's affairs, Doflamingo, don't want to get out of the undersea prison in this life!"

The red dog snorted softly and turned away, leaving only a cigar on the carpet in the room that had not yet been extinguished.

The unpleasant smell of tobacco and fur mixed with burning made a trace of killing intent flash in the eyes of the five old stars.

Alliance of Pacifists.

"Gejies, feeling that you who are powerful in the Eight Gates Dun Jia have completely ignored your Devil Fruit advantage, so that it will only magnify the shortcomings of turning you into a dry duck infinitely, do you understand what I mean?"

Lei Luo, who had returned from the underworld, took the opportunity to point out Gejie, who was cultivating, and his figure flashed and appeared in a secret room.

This is the most hidden secret of the entire Peacemaker Alliance, except for the staff inside and Relo himself, even Aniluo and Master Yi do not know anything.

And this is all because there is a man here who should have died a long time ago, Vince Mock Gaji!


"No need to give gifts, I brought something new this time, you can try to see if you can integrate it into the super soldier bloodline factor."

As soon as the words fell, a pale blue flame suddenly ignited in Lei Luo's empty palm, and among it, there seemed to be several villain-like air masses, lying there quietly.

These villains are not other things, they are the souls that Lei Luo has found after many hardships from the underworld, the essence of the saints of another world!

Lei Luo, who thought that he had come to the underworld of the pirate world with the help of corpse qi, after traveling a distance, accidentally found an ancient tree, and 108 black gold fruits hanging on it, and immediately told him that this is the underworld, the underworld of the Saint Seiya world!

"Master, these villains you brought are not genetics, and they cannot exercise any blood factors, but these villains seem to be composed of countless fragments, which hide an armor casting method."

After studying it, Gaji frowned at Relo and said.

How is armor cast?

Could it be the holy robe that represents the power of the constellations?

Lei Luo, who suddenly thought of something, came to the instrument in front of Gaji, and spied on the fragments contained in those villains, and the smile on his face became more and more hideous.

"Kaji, can you make these armors with the technology you currently have?"

The thought that soon he would be sitting on a group of troops with eight doors of dun armor and wearing armor that could fuse with the power of the constellation, Lei Luo's heart pounded.

If everything can really develop according to his expectations, then it is only a matter of time before the Four Emperors are dismounted.

"Master, the forging method of these armors is not difficult, but those materials..."

"What materials are needed, you directly say, I will handle it."

"The materials needed to make these armors are the stars that make up the constellations in the universe!"

The concept of stars in the universe may be an unattainable term for others, and it can be in front of Leiluo, but it is not that it takes some effort, it is not impossible to get.

After all, Anilu once lived on the moon, and Relo also got a secret method from the system that could be discarded in a vacuum state, and no matter how bad it was, he could rely on the fruit ability of Gejess to swim in the universe.

As for now, the only problem is how to bring back those huge stars.

"Master, these armors cannot be mass-produced, and each constellation can only correspond to one pair of armor."

Gaji suddenly said a word, directly helping Relo solve all the current problems.

"You familiarize yourself with the method of forging armor here, and I will be back soon."

At the moment, somewhere on the empty island.

"Governor, Bugers' life card too..." Poison

Q looked at the burning paper in front of him, not even daring to look up at Blackbeard in a rage.

A newcomer who suddenly appeared in Beihai completely broke his life's plan, which even if Tichy's mentality is good, he can't accept it.

The Blackbeard Pirate Group, which used to be mighty on the sea, now there are only four people left, such a gap, in other words, others have already had a nervous breakdown.

"Leiluo, the next time I meet you, it will be your time to die!"

Tichy gritted his teeth and said, even the fat face could not stop the violent green tendons.

"Hehe, Tichy, you are called evil and evil retribution, and if you betray your father, sooner or later you will be beheaded by Leiluo!"

Margao, who was intact but extremely weak in spirit, sneered and mocked.


At that moment, the entire empty island was shaking, which was Tichy's anger.

Originally, he took Malgao and wanted to seize the regenerative ability of the Immortal Bird Fruit to make up for the disadvantage that the Dark Fruit could not be elementalized.

However, just as he was about to carry out the plan, he found that Margao's body could not be destroyed at all, and there was no object on this huge empty island that was close to the sea tower.

"Okay, put away your temper, want to take revenge on Leiluo, just because we don't have the ability now, so we must ally with other forces, and it must be the level of the four emperors, I think, who to ally with, you should know better than me, Tiqi."

After a long time, the green pheasant slowly spoke.

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