"Tichy, do you really think that you are still qualified to propose an alliance with us now?"

On Cake Island, the rough female voice with the ultimate mockery laughed wantonly.

The aunt, who was in a good mood today, looked at the two short figures in front of her, sneered, and then turned around and continued to eat the caramel puff tower.

Four Emperors Blackbeard Tichy? This kind of goods, is it also good to stand side by side with the other three emperors?

Being looked down upon, not even being looked at squarely, although Tichy was very upset in his heart, he did not show it.

After all, the purpose of his coming with the green pheasant this time is to unite with the BIGMOM Pirates, so as to complete the revenge of the Peacemaker Alliance, as for the follow-up plan...

"Charlotte Lingling, there is a saying I think you should have heard, the enemy of an enemy is a friend."

The person who spoke was the pheasant, the former admiral pheasant who was considered a nightmare by all pirates.

"A little junior dares to call me by name!"

The aunt who stopped the movement of her hand slowly turned her head, and the overlord color domineering and soul spells were all opened!

A former admiral of the navy, a former crew member of the Four Emperors, who gave them so much courage, how did they dare to talk to this emperor, is it Warring States Karp or Whitebeard Newgate?

At that moment, with Aunt as the body, the invisible coercion enveloped the entire cake island in the blink of an eye, like a layer of fishy blood clouds from hell, which made it difficult to even breathe.

The Soul Fruit ability can deprive one of the fears of its lifespan at will.

If you don't know it, if you understand it, the only effect is to increase the endless fear in your heart and pave the way for the exertion of its fruit ability.

Is this the strength of the traditional four emperors!

A drop of cold sweat slipped from the foreheads of the pheasant and Tichy, the only time since the two of them were born that they had already felt death calling their souls before they could fight.

Out of the instinct of protective consciousness, the green pheasant and Blackbeard released their overlord-colored domineering at the same time.

Only listening to a loud bang in the air, the sky was cloudy, the wind was howling around, and the sea was even more aroused, even the cake island was split in half in an instant, one of which was the aunt and her many children, and the other side was only two figures covered in darkness and ice.

"Mom, let's talk to them, if you continue, the terrible price will definitely exceed your imagination."

Seeing that the two sides were deadlocked, Katakuri glanced at the Blackbeard duo with trepidation.

With that, all the previous visions dissipated, and Perospero silently used candy to repair the cake island.

"Tell me, what is the purpose of your alliance."

"Leader of the Peacemaker Alliance - Relo!"

Months passed, and during this time, the people of the East China Sea bowed down reverently in the sky, because every once in a while, there would be a shooting star, surrounded by thunder, carrying dazzling light across the sky.

"Finally gathered one hundred and eight Hades Galaxy."

Putting down the last fragment of the star in his hand that flashed with a dark black glow, Lei Luo stretched his exhausted body, and the long-lost comfort continued to hit his brain, and a moan came out of his mouth.

This is something that Relo did not expect.

Originally thinking that the villain stored the method of casting the holy robe, he immediately carried back the star fragments containing the power of the five constellations such as Pegasus and Phoenix.

Yes, Gaji accidentally discovered during the forging process that the method of forging created was actually the Hades Holy Clothing, an immortal army under the command of Hades!

"Master, in these days when you are away, a man who calls himself a gambler sends a message and asks you to call him as soon as you return."

When Master Yi reported to Lei Luo about the major events that had happened during this time, he took out a letter with a dice drawn on it.

"Well, got it, then you guys place these star fragments."

After returning to his house, Relo walked to a wall, his fingers tapped lightly on it, and the floor under his feet separated, and a lightless underground dark room appeared.

"What do you say? Jinping was pressed into the dungeon by his aunt and will be executed in three days? On

the Miles of Sunshine, Luffy and the others were shocked and seriously injured.

Fishman Island was originally a territory sheltered by the BIGMOM Pirates, and as a native of this island, the Sun Pirates also became a vassal force of Aunt many years ago.

However, because of the emergence of the Peacemaker Alliance and Princess Otohime's dream, Fishman Island was transformed into the territory of the Peacemaker Alliance, and Jinping, as a generation of sea heroes, led the Sun Pirates to Cake Island a few days ago for the sake of righteousness, in order to inform Aunt of the news of its withdrawal.

Those who betray or quit without permission will not be killed!

This is a well-known rule in the world, the rule that belongs to the BIGMOM pirate group, even if it is their own biological children, once the above situation occurs, they will be stripped of their life by the aunt without hesitation, not to mention the sun pirate group without any blood relationship.

"Damn, that guy from Green Algae Head just got off the ship and headed for Wano Country!"

Yamaji frowned at Luffy's extreme understanding.

As a friend valued by Luffy, not to mention being captured by the Four Emperors, even if it is executed by the Navy, Luffy will once again choose to make a big fuss about the Navy headquarters.

"So, the green pheasant has prepared a big move!"

Lei Luo smiled sinisterly, the so-called gambling stick was none other than the current Admiral Fuji Tora.

"The red dog side is about to fall out with the five old stars, so our action must be accelerated to avoid..."

Lei Luo, who was discussing with Fuji Tiger how to fight next, heard the voice of Lieutenant General Mole through the phone worm, and soon, Fuji Tora's voice sounded again, which was full of solemnity.

"Leiluo, the Sun Pirates under your command will be executed by Charlotte Lingling in front of the world in three days by depriving us of their entire life, but you have to endure it, you can't ruin all our plans because of a single Jinping!"

"Toot ... Honk...... "

I still shouldn't have told him."

Fuji Hu, who put down the phone worm in his hand, sighed helplessly.

As Jinping, who has left the navy and is even the captain of the pirate group, the navy must not choose to take risks, especially when the other party is still one of the four emperors.

"Hey, Marshal, contact the pheasant, our plan is about to change."

After being quiet for a while, Fuji Hu took out the crimson phone worm.

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