"Dark Black Shark!"

Saying that, Lei Luo's footsteps started lightly, and a light disappeared in place in an instant.

"Remember the name that is going to defeat you!"

When the next second the words sounded, Lei Luo had already appeared above Han's head, "Guangdun. The light in Tiancong Cloud Sword's hand wrapped the Ice Wheel Pill and slashed directly into Han's head.

"Good speed..."

"Konoha Dark Black Shark?" I remember the name, then let me have fun with you, boy! Saying

that, the chakra on Han's body became thicker, the color also became blood red, and the tail behind him had become three.

Just as Lei Luo made a move, the long-lost system prompt sounded in his mind again.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for triggering the mission to the top.

"Step on the peak: the host's current strength is already at the forefront of the ninja realm, please defeat the five-tailed Mu King to verify your strength!"

"Mission Reward: God-level Draw Points*1."


The entire ground exploded, and I saw the violent Han's whole person turn into a crimson light and instantly disappear in place.

When he reappeared, he had already come to the top of Relo's head, and the three Chakra tails behind him whipped down like steel whips.

The flapping tail carries a strong wind, and the space in front of it seems to be shattered.

But Lei Luo reacted instantly and flashed. But the Han in front of him has disappeared again.

While dodging the non-stop crazy attacks of the blood-tailed beast-like Han in front of him, Lei Luo's mind turned sharply, and he constantly thought about countermeasures in his heart.

"How to restrict him, if only I could seal it!"

"Do you want to use the power of the Ice Wheel Pill?"

"Alas, there is no way about that, that's it!"

"Sit in the frosty sky, Orochimaru!"

With Lei Luo's words, the ice wheel pill in his hand entered the initial solution state, and a half-moon-shaped chain appeared at the end of the ice wheel pill.

"Vacuum Multilayer Ice Wall

" and "Prism Ice Array"

faced Han who attacked again, Lei Luo did not dodge, but two thick ice walls appeared in front of him in a row to resist.


The first ice wall was directly shattered by Han, but the cold touch made the violent Han have a trace of consciousness.

But the body instinctively continued to hit forward, smashing the second ice wall, but also directly crashed into the "six-clothed ice formation" that Relobu had done.

Thick solid ice covered Han's body, forming a huge ice ball that Han froze into.

"Lord Han!!"

Seeing that the tailed beastly Han was actually frozen by Leiluo, the entire battlefield suddenly quieted down strangely, and I saw the surrounding Yannin suddenly exclaimed.

If the five-tailed man Pillar Lihan, whose strength reached the shadow level, fell into the hands of Konoha, then this mission would undoubtedly lose his wife and break the army, and so many Iwa Shinobu who died in battle also gave their lives in vain.

But at this moment, a new change took place on the battlefield again.

I saw that the tailed beast man trapped in the huge ice ball finally went completely crazy, and countless crimson chakras gushed out like bubbles, instantly bursting the entire ice ball.

In everyone's shocked gaze, I saw that Han's body began to appear with a huge white body.

"This is?!"

Feeling an unimaginably large Chakra gushing out in front of him like a mountain roaring tsunami, all the ninjas on the battlefield were stunned.


A white monster with sharp horns growing like a foal and a dolphin appeared in front of everyone.

Opening his mouth and roaring, a burst of sound waves visible to the naked eye spread out, and some of the ninjas with insufficient strength around him even had blood flowing from their ears.

It was the five-tailed Mu King!

"Abominable human, I'm going to pierce your body with sharp horns!"

As soon as the words fell, he rushed directly towards Lei Luo.

"Pierce my body? Then I'll break your horns first! Relo was also furious.

Swastika solution, Big Red Lotus Ice Wheel Pill!

A pair of frost wings appeared behind Lei Luo with blossoming ice lotuses, and directly flew in the air with him.

"Ice Dragon Roar"

The huge ice and snow dragon rushed towards King Mu with the cold aura of Sensen.

Looking at the frost dragon rushing over, King Mu raised his head and let out a roar, opening the giant mouth that occupied half of the horse's face, and the Yin and Yang Shuchakra was highly condensed in King Mu's mouth in a ratio of 2 to 8, quickly becoming a black energy sphere, and constantly expanding.

"Tailed Beast Jade!"

The black chakra ball catapulted out at an astonishing speed and collided with the ice dragon.


The stone shattered explosion, the tailed beast Chakra exploded, the amazing energy tore and twisted and destroyed everything tangible, and the shock wave formed by the explosion destroyed everything around it, setting off a powerful storm that swept in all directions.

"Ice Dragon Spinning Tail Absolute Sky" Lei Luo swung the ice wheel pill to cut off the storm in front of him, and the tip of the knife pointed at it was frozen everywhere.

"Millennium Ice Prison!"

More than ten thick pillars of ice rose up and connected to each other to form a sealed cage, locking King Mu up, and the cage was still shrinking.

King Mu was constantly struggling in it, and he saw that the ice prison was about to be broken.

Relo stood in front of the ice prison and made a final move.

"The Four Realms Freeze!"

The space in front of Lei Luo was frozen, and the frost spread towards King Mu in the ice prison.

King Mu looked at the spreading frost and also felt the threat of death.

The tailed beast was originally part of the Ten Tails of Chakra's creation god, and was born because the Six Dao Immortal Tai Mu Yu extracted the Chakra of the Ten Tails in his body and used Yin Yang Escape Technique to create it. The Ten Tails became an empty shell due to the loss of Chakra, forming the Golem of the Outer Path.

It is precisely because the tailed beast is made by Yin Yang Escape Technique, it is itself a polymer of Chakra, and it does not really die.

But King Mu didn't want to experience the feeling of being unconscious, muddy, and floating in space.

The strong man breaks his wrist, the beast breaks his tail!

King Mu shot fiercely, directly detonated the Chakra of his own tail, broke the ice prison, and dodged Leiluo's fatal move.

Five tails become four tails, which looks a little funny.

"Abominable human, don't let me see you again in the future!"

King Mu, who was seriously injured, had cruel words in his mouth, and Lei Luo was also careful to guard against King Mu's attack, but King Mu's next action made Lei Luo's jaw drop.

After King Mu finished his cruel words, he actually ran away directly and hit him with Guangdun Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu, and he could only splash a wave, and there was really no way to stop him, he could only watch King Mu run out of sight.

"I lean, what the hell! Such a big tailed beast, how can you say that you ran away?! Lei Luo was speechless for a while.

King Mu, who attacks wantonly, is really powerful, but his fleeing figure is also really funny.

The system's prompt sounded in Relo's ears again.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for completing the mission and stepping on the pinnacle, defeating the five-tailed Mu King, and obtaining the mission reward god-level lottery point*1. "

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