"Whew..." Looking

at King Mu who escaped from sight, Lei Luo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Without the power of the five-tailed human pillar, the Iwa Shinobi army could not resist the attacks of the Great Snake Pill, Wave Feng Shuimen, Lei Luo and other dark forces, and they were quickly eliminated.

And in front of the Sand Hidden Camp, Jiraiya and Kiki Shuomao also steadily suppressed Luosa and Chiyo and others.

Looking at Suna, who suffered heavy losses in Konoha's attack and the attack of the one-tailed five-tailed two-tailed beast, Luo Sha finally made up his mind, gave up those who were no longer able to rescue, and joined forces with Chiyo and Kaizo to temporarily force back Konoha's attack, and fled with the remaining ninjas.

And although Chiyo is unwilling, she can't change the situation.

Fuku and Ichio have become prisoners of Konoha, the medical force has lost most of it, and the Shinobi have suffered heavy casualties.

If the fight continues, it is still a question whether the village of Shayin exists.

And this operation has achieved the effect that Konoha wants, and the heavy losses of Sand Hidden are no longer worried, so they did not send troops to continue the pursuit.

Sagaku had fled, and Orochimaru commanded Konoha's ninjas to start cleaning up the battlefield.

Although death is the destination of ninjas, when the surviving ninja cleans up the battlefield, he looks at his teammates who laughed in the past, and now he has become a cold and mutilated corpse, which is inevitably a little gloomy.

After cleaning up the battlefield, the Konoha ninja began to retreat, the place where Konoha would camp had been determined beforehand, and by the time the combat troops retreated, some of the personnel in charge of logistics had already set up the tents for resting.

Konoha's field hospital and medical ninja are also gathered here, ready to treat the wounded.

Of course, they are not just waiting, in fact, in the process of war, many seriously injured ninjas will be quickly transferred out of the battlefield, and then sent here for timely treatment.

In line with the principle of urgency, only at this time will the less injured have the opportunity to begin to be treated.

By the end of the battle, Qimu Shuomao, Orochimaru and the others had already sent people to send information to the village.

Soon after, he received a notification from the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun. All the Konoha ninjas in Mt. Kikyo remain, some of them are stationed, and the rest can return to Konoha Village.

A long time has passed since the war with the Sand Shinobi Village, and many people have not even returned home for several years.

The war has lasted so long, and now it is finally over, and everyone is like an arrow!

So on the day he received the order from Hokage, Kiki Shuo Shigeru announced the opening, leaving some ninjas stationed on the border, and the remaining ninjas returned to Konoha in three groups to recuperate.


Ten days later, Kiki Shuomao finally led the army back to Konoha.

The Konoha ninjas returned victorious, the whole village boiled, and the villagers cheered.

Under the arrangement of the intentional person, the voice of the Great Snake Pill and the Wave Feng Shui Gate has almost reached the highest, and the prestige of Qimu Shuomao itself has become higher this time.

Lei Luo and the other dark department did not follow the large army to meet the cheers of the villagers, but entered the village in advance, returned directly to the dark department to submit the task, and then disbanded and went home.


In Leiluo's opinion, the higher Qimu Shuomao's prestige, the more dangerous he is.

Throughout the entire Konoha Hokage position inheritance, it is actually in the same vein.

Needless to say, the first Hokage Senjukuma is the younger brother of the pillar.

The three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash are disciples of the Thousand Hands.

The fourth generation of Bofeng Shuimen is the apprentice of the ape flying sun.

The fifth generation of Mezune, the granddaughter of the first generation of Senjuju, and the disciple of the third generation of ape flying sun.

Sixth-generation Muki Kakashi, a disciple of the fourth-generation Wave Feng Shuimon and a grandson of Jiraiya.

It can be seen that the position of the Hokage has an extremely strong bloodline master-apprentice inheritance relationship.

A banner wood shuo mao, its own faction, want to become a Hokage, it is really a little difficult.

What's more, there is also a Shimura Danzo in the shadows who has coveted the position of Hokage for decades!

Kiki Shuo Shigeru wants to run for the fourth generation of Hokage?

Hard, hard, hard!


After returning home, Relo contacted the system directly and began the lottery!

The system roulette wheel flew out and stopped in Leiluo's mind, and I saw that the six prizes above were

: S-class props: Devil Fruit * Sonic Fruit S-level weapons: Black Knife Night

S-level props: Emperor tools * Lion King

S-level skills: ninjutsu * Flying Thunder God Art S-level


: elixir * Qinghai Shoudan S-level

equipment: Zhongya hourglass

Lei Luo browsed through, You already know the information about the individual prizes.

Devil Fruit * Sonic Fruit, from the One Piece world, Superhuman Devil Fruit, can turn its roaring voice into a destructive laser cannon (sonic cannon).

Black Knife Night, also from the One Piece world, known as the strongest black knife, is one of the 12 supreme fast swords, is the sword of Hawkeye Mihawk, one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, and the strongest swordsman in the world.

The Lion King, from the world of Crimson Eyes, is a belt-type emperor tool that allows users to beast themselves and improve their physical abilities by leaps and bounds, and their sense of smell is also enhanced and they can search for enemies. The meaning is "the lion never dies", improving one's resilience, even if the hands and feet are cut off and the eyes are poked blind, it can stop the bleeding on its own and reconnect.

Ninjutsu* Flying Thunder God Technique is an S-class space-time ninjutsu developed by the second-generation Hokage Senjutsu, which uses techniques to achieve teleportation. The caster will leave the Flying Thunder God Technique on the target beforehand, which can make the caster or objects that are in indirect contact with the caster's Chakra teleportation. It can be used to attack, shorten the distance of long-range ninjutsu, disrupt, surprise opponents, and divert targets, as well as evade and escape in critical situations.

Elixir * Qinghai Shou Pill, from the Dou Breaking Sky World, can increase people's life expectancy by ten years, and a person can only take one pill in his lifetime.

Central Asian Hourglass, a magical piece of equipment from the League of Legends world, which immunizes the user from any damage for 2.5 seconds, but cannot move and attack, and has a cooldown of up to 24 hours.

Looking at these prizes, Lei Luo, who was accustomed to the system, had no waves in his heart.

"System, start the lottery!"

Roulette wheel turning....

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for obtaining S-class equipment: Central Asian Hourglass! Lei

Luo took out the Zhongya hourglass from the system space and played with it in his hand.

The Central Asian hourglass is simple in style, with a flow of golden sand, and there is a hint of magic in the flow.

Lei Luo shook it hard, "It looks like a glass, but I didn't expect it to be quite strong." System

: "Please also ask the host not to do this childish move, the equipment obtained by the system lottery cannot be destroyed, and you can use it when you put it in the system space, and you don't need to take it out."

Leiluo: "I didn't expect that the system space also has the effect of the equipment bar, with this equipment, it often represents a life..."

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