Early the next morning, Relo was woken up by the sound of crying outside the window.

Yesterday's celebration of the hero's return to the village is over, and today's theme is to mourn the souls of those who died for the village.

War is bound to die, and although Konoha won this war, there were still many ninjas who fell on the battlefield forever, leaving only the undead in their families.

Relo got up and washed up, simply ate something, and went out.

I haven't been in the village for so long, it's time to go see Master today.

Walking on Konoha Street, watching people continue to gather in the direction of the memorial monument, Lei Luo came to Master Chen's house against the flow of people.

He is an orphan, and in the entire Konoha, perhaps only Hong, Yuyan, and Teacher Chen, can barely be considered his family.

He was really not interested in places like memorial monuments.

Soon, he came to Teacher Chen's house.

Stepped forward and knocked on the door, and with a "creak", the door opened.

Teacher Chen, who appeared in front of Lei Luo, had deep eye sockets and a tall figure, completely lacking the spirit of the past.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?" Lei Luo respectfully followed Teacher Chen into the room, and then asked.

Teacher Chen opened his mouth and his voice was hoarse: "Leiluo, I'm really happy to see that you are still alive."

"It's a pity that your senior brother is no longer there."

Lei Luo then realized that his senior brother, who had never met, still did not change his fate after all and died in this war.

Although Konoha won the war with Suna, he also suffered a lot of losses.

In addition, there are still a few hawks in Shayin who are not willing to lose, and are still operating on the border, in a vain attempt to start a big war again.

The crisis in Konoha has not yet been resolved.

Lei Luo comforted Teacher Chen, looking at his current state, Lei Luo was really relieved, so he proposed that he would move back in with his family.

It was possible that it was the blow of the disciple's death, and Teacher Chen did not insist as usual and promised Lei Luo.

At Teacher Chen's house, Lei Luo accompanied Teacher Chen to lunch before leaving.

Lei Luo went to Hong's home, but only saw Hong's father, Sunset Zhenhong.

Sunset Zhenhong told Lei Luo that Hong had just gone out on a mission with Xi Yan and the new team two days ago, and had not returned yet.

Lei Luo faced the true red gaze of the sunset, and he felt a little apprehensive for no reason, although he had not eaten red, but he only had a kick left at the door, and he was still a little embarrassed to face the future husband.

Sunset Zhenhong did not embarrass Relo, he had heard about Relo's merits in this war.

Coupled with his extremely special Light Escape Blood Succession Limit, being the son-in-law of their Sunset Clan was enough.

If, in the next war, Lei Luo can get more merits, maybe he can go further!

At that time, their sunset clan may go to a higher level because of Leiluo's existence.

Walking aimlessly down the street feels a little out of place with the surrounding atmosphere.

"Although Konoha was defeated in this battle, the losses were also quite a lot, but the battlefields of Iwain and Yunyin and Mist Yin continued."

"This kind of peace will not last long."

"Perhaps, soon, several other wars will begin!"

Just after turning the intersection, a dark part with a strange mask on his face suddenly appeared in front of Relo.

"Leiluo, codename Black Shark, member of the Black Crow Squad, is that you?"

"Master Tuanzo wants to see you, come with me!"


Lei Luo's pupils shrank, and hearing this, he already knew that the dark part in front of him came from the root.

Also known as the "Dark Training Department", the Root Division is directly subordinate to the independent organization of Konoha Elder Shimura Danzo and is neither controlled by Hokage nor under the jurisdiction of the Dark Ministry.

The so-called "rooted" person has no name, no feelings, no past, and no future.

Danzo put a spell mark on the tongue of the root member, "The Seal of the Root of the Tongue", and if the person who was cast the spell said anything about him, he would be paralyzed all over, unable to speak or move. Tuan Zang used this to bind his subordinates so that they could not tell secrets about themselves.

Lei Luo knew that with his performance on the battlefield this time, he would definitely attract Tuan Zang's attention, but he didn't expect Tuan Zang to send someone to find him so soon.

Let him join the root, Lei Luo is definitely unwilling, but now he can't tear his face directly, and he is not afraid of Tuan Zang, it is better to go and see it.

So Lei Luo spoke: "Okay, I'll go with you to see Master Tuanzang, and lead the way ahead!" The

root ninja listened to Relo's answer, did not speak, and walked directly towards the root base with Relo.

Bending left and right, but suddenly a dark part with a crow mask appeared in front of Relo, it was the squad leader Black Crow.

"Black Shark, Naruto-sama wants to see you, follow me!"

The appearance of the black crow is exactly what Relo wants.

"Yes! Captain!

Relo turned to the root ninja and said, "I'm sorry, it seems that I can't go with you to see Danzo-sama for the time being."

Then he followed the Black Raven towards the Hokage Building.

Although the root ninja was unwilling, he had no choice but to go back and report to Danzo.


Konoha Hokage Building, Relo and Raven appear in Hokage's office.

"Naruto-sama, the Black Shark is here!" The black crow said with a respectful face.

The third generation of ape flying sun chop put down the document in his hand, raised his head and looked at Lei Luo with a smile.

"Leiluo, you performed very well on this mission."

"The five-tailed pillar force of Iwain Village is seriously injured, which is a great situation for us in Konoha."

"The grass country front line can also reduce a lot of pressure."

"Your strength and merit are already enough to promote Shangnin, and after unanimous discussion among the village elders, you are now promoted to Shangnin."

Lei Luo listened to the words of the ape flying sun, although he was a little surprised, but it was still in his expectation.

"Thank you Naruto-sama!"

"Very good!" Sarutobi nodded in satisfaction, "Then the next step is the second appointment to you."

"After consideration, you are now promoted to the leader of the dark part and lead a dark squad."

This second appointment was a little unexpected for Lei Luo, but thinking about the summoning of Tuan Zang before coming, he could also understand that this was a pulling measure for Sarutobi to value his strength.

"The third item is a reward for you, you can choose a spell from the Book of Seals."

This third reward is the interest of Relo, Konoha's Book of Seals is a forbidden book kept by the Hokage of the past, and the scroll contains ninjutsu that cause great damage to the user and even death, but they are all very powerful techniques.

It stands to reason that although his credit this time is not small, it is not so easy to get access to the Book of Seals.

"Could it be that Tsunade secretly helped say something, or did Sarutobi want to play a "thousand gold to buy horse bones" and spend a lot of money to win me over? Relo thought to himself.

Immediately afterwards, Sarutobi picked up a scroll from his desk and handed it to Relo.

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