Relo took the scroll and opened it, it turned out that this was the table of contents of the Book of Seals and a brief introduction to ninjutsu.

The first one to start with is "Forbidden. The Art of Multiple Shadow Avatars" is a ninjutsu learned by Naruto Ninja School when he graduated from the Seal Book in the original work, A-level, an enhanced version of the Shadow Doppelganger, using a huge amount of chakra to increase the number of Shadow Avatars, and can divide a thousand Shadow Avatars at one time.

Since the consumption of Chakra is too intense, the second generation of Hokage considers that people who do not have a large amount of Chakra will injure themselves or even endanger their lives by using this technique. Therefore, he listed it as forbidden and sealed in the scroll.

The second is "Ninjutsu. Multiply the Detonation Charm", an A-class infinite blasting ninjutsu developed by the second generation Hokage Senjuma. Stick a single detonator to the enemy's key points at lightning speed, and a single detonator can loop trillions of detonators infinitely and cause infinite successive explosions, which can loop indefinitely. The power is amazing, as long as you are possessed by an explosive charm, you can't get rid of it.

Relo then looked down.

"Space-time ninjutsu. Flying Thunder God's Art! "

Eight Gate Dun Jia!"


These ninjutsu are all a few special forbidden arts of Konoha.

Unfortunately, there is no dirt rebirth and some super sealing techniques.

It seems that the high-level of Konoha still holds these forbidden arts in their hands and does not give them a chance to flow out at all.

The forbidden arts that can be seen by other ninjas are all ordinary forbidden arts.

Lei Luo looked at the last "Eight Doors Dun Jia" in the catalog and fell into deep thought.

"Eight Doors Dun Jia", by unlocking the passage that binds Chakra in the human body, to temporarily obtain powerful power, when the eight doors are fully opened, also known as the "Eight Doors Dun Jia Array", you can instantly obtain ten times the power above the five shadows, but you will also die because your own life force burns out. Because this technique causes great harm and even death to the user. Therefore, it is listed as forbidden and sealed.

After pondering for a long time, Relo made a decision.

Multiple shadow avatars are not suitable for themselves, and the ability of shining fruits is not determined by quantity.

Multiplying the detonation charm, this one-time forbidden technique, Lei Luo did not like it even more.

As for the Flying Thunder God Technique, he didn't have a talent for spatial ninjutsu, and he couldn't learn it if he took it.

Compared to other forbidden arts, or forbidden techniques hidden by Konoha's high-level, the Eight Gate Dun Jia is undoubtedly the most suitable for himself.

He followed Teacher Chen to practice physical arts, his body already has a relatively strong foundation, learning the eight doors of Dun Jia can improve his combat power as soon as possible, and he can be elementalized, even if the eight doors are fully opened, he will not die because his body cannot withstand the pressure.

So Lei Luo spoke, "Lord Hokage, I choose 'Eight Gate Dun Jia'. Ape

Fei Ri listened to Lei Luo's choice, did not say much, after taking a puff of smoke, he reflexively found the Book of Seals, and handed over the cultivation method of "Eight Gates of Dun Jia" to Lei Luo and let him remember it in his mind.

"Eight Doors Dun Jia? It is indeed very suitable for you, and with your light and blood succession limit, it may have an unpredictable effect. "

At that time, the old man really wants to see who is faster between you and Watergate..." After

Lei Luo was sure that he had memorized all the contents of the "Eight Gates Dun Jia", Ape Flying Sun Chopper withdrew the Book of Seals and kept it again.

"Leiluo, the war is not over yet, in the future, on the battlefield, I hope you can cooperate with Watergate a lot and dedicate your strength to the peace of Konoha."

"You go back and rest for a few days, after which the Black Raven will take you to the new Dark Squad."

"Yes, three generations of adults!"

Relo said, but was noncommittal in his heart.

War, Konoha will definitely win.

However, the darkness hidden in the upper reaches of Konoha will also become deeper and deeper.

The three generations, the danzo, the dark part, the root, and the Konoha that exist with them really make Lei Luo unhappy.


Early the next morning, Lei Luo arrived at the long-lost fourth training ground.

Since you have already obtained the cultivation method of "Eight Gate Dun Jia", you should master it as soon as possible and improve your combat effectiveness.

The so-called "Eight Doors Dun Jia" is because in the meridian system of Chakra flow, the places that inhibit and control the Chakra in the body are "eight doors" such as opening the door, resting the door, giving birth door, wounding door, du door, jing gate, shocking door, and death door. The eight doors will set a limit on the amount of chakra in the body, and if you can open the eight doors, you can get a powerful chakra, which will lead to a trick that is dozens of times more powerful than the original.

Lotus only needs to open an "open door". Li Lianhua needs to open at least three doors. First, it will open the "open door" to break through the inhibition of the brain, and open the "rest door" to force an increase in physical strength, and then you can make Li Lianhua from the opening of the third "birth door".

Towards the peacock, the mysteries used after opening the sixth of the eight doors of the Dun Jia. The punch is fast enough to rub into the air and make flames!! Then the air is struck to form a shock wave that destroys the target, and the flame shock wave scatters like a peacock opening the screen, hence the name. Kai once used this technique to kill the elephant doppelganger of the dried persimmon ghost mackerel in seconds, and the enemy who was hit would fall to the ground and die on fire!!

Day Tiger, the mysteries used after opening the seventh of the eight doors of Dun Jia. Turning into a white tiger devours the other party, the speed and range are terrifying.

Xixiang, the mysteries used after opening the eighth of the eight doors of Dun Jia. Also known as the Eight Gate Dun Jia Array, a perverted mysteries in exchange for burning the body.

After recalling the contents of the Eight Gates Dun Jia in his mind, Lei Luo began to try to cultivate.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, the first door to open is out of the brain, and if you are not careful, you will become an idiot or even die.

Relo carefully used the Chakra to impact the door, and then continued to increase the amount of Chakra.

After a moment, he finally smashed the restriction and opened the door.

"Open the door!" With the bruises on his head, with Leiluo's good physical foundation, the first door opening did not affect him in any way.

So Relo continued to manipulate Chakra to storm the other doors.

"Open the door!"

"The door is open!"

"The wounded door is open!"

"Dumen open!"

All the way to the fifth gate, the furious energy vented out, green gas enveloped the whole body, and the powerful momentum made the ground under his feet crack, and Lei Luo felt the pressure coming from his body and felt a trace of pain.

"Has it reached its limit?"

Strong against the pressure, Lei Luo continued to attack the sixth gate "Jingmen", but no matter how Lei Luo impacted, Jingmen also stood still majestically.

After a long impact and feeling the scenery gate that had not changed in the slightest, Lei Luo gave up.

The momentum tightened, the five doors closed, and Relo regained his calm.

"Now I can be regarded as having initially mastered the eight doors of Dun Jia, and then I have exercised my body to continuously improve my physical strength."

Immediately afterwards, Relo began the training plan he had set for himself, boxing a hundred times a day.

Lei Luo began to play the set of boxing techniques that Teacher Chen had taught to exercise his body, and he shouted loudly.

Gradually, the clothes on Lelo's body were already wet with sweat, and the muscles on his body began to ache.


When the punch reached the thirtieth time, Lei Luo stopped and used Teacher Chen's secret operation Chakra to eliminate fatigue and restore his body.

After recovering, he resumed boxing.


When Lei Luo completed today's cultivation goal, the sky had already darkened.

After running Chakra again to recover his body, Relo returned home tired.


Time passed quickly, and 10 days passed almost in the blink of an eye.

Lei Luo completed his boxing and physical training every day, and also added weight to himself and constantly improved his physical strength.

And today, it's the day he went to the dark department to report to meet the new team members.

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