As usual, Relo got up early, washed up, ate breakfast, and went out towards the Dark Base.

Coming to the previous Dark Squad room, Relo pushed the door and entered.

The black crow was already waiting in the room, but the night owl and hummingbird were not there.

"Night owl, they have a mission today, go to the village to patrol, let's go, I'll take you to the new squad room, your team members are already waiting for you."

"Trouble you, Captain Raven," Relo began.

"Don't be so polite, you're on my level now."

After the black raven finished speaking, he took Relo around the base again, and then stopped in front of the door of a room.

There was a knock on the door, and with a "please come in", the black crow pushed the door open.

Looking at the three people waiting in the room, Black Crow directly pointed at Lei Luo and said, "This is your new captain, Black Shark." "

Hello Captain Black Shark!" The three of them shouted in unison.

Immediately afterwards, the black crow said to Leiluo: "You just took over the squad, you can ask me if you don't understand anything, you should be busy first." Then

he turned and left.

Entering the room, Lei Luo looked at the three people staring at him in front of him, and he didn't know what to say for a while, remembering the scene on the day he just reported to the dark department, so he directly spoke: "Let's introduce yourself first!"

"I, codename Black Shark, will be your captain in the future, and I am good at light escape and physical skills."

A ninja with a dog-faced mask was the first to speak: "I, codename Inuya, am good at reconnaissance and physical skills.

Then a fox mask ninja: "I, codename Firefox, am good at fire and wind.

Finally, a female ninja wearing a snake-faced mask: "I, codename Red Snake, are good at snake ninjutsu and fire escape."

After listening to the introduction of the three team members, Relo also had some simple guesses about their identities.

Inuya is good at reconnaissance and physical skills, plus this code name and mask, it is estimated that it belongs to the Inuzuka clan.

Firefox is not characteristic enough to be sure.

And Red Snake is good at snake ninjutsu, but isn't snake ninjutsu unique to Orochimaru?

Looking at the look in the eyes of the red snake looking at him, it seemed to know his true identity under the mask, and he also knew him.

Could it be that the red snake is....

A name came to Relo's mind.

"Is it red beans?"

Although Lei Luo was basically sure in his heart, he did not show it.

Relo already understood the intricacies of his squad.

Inuya, as a member of the Inuzuka clan, must be a staunch Hokage supporter, which should have been specially arranged by the three generations of ape flying sun, and it can also be regarded as a kind of surveillance.

And the red snake, that is, the person who may be the red bean, should be the person of the big snake pill, and he also came to check on his situation.

Although Firefox did not show anything special, Relo still suspected that he might be a person from Tuanzo, or of course a person from Ape Flying Sun.

Now that you have an understanding with the squad members, no matter where they came, they will be teammates who will do tasks together in the future, but you still have to keep a vigilance.

In the next few days, the tasks that Relo received were all simple patrol tasks, although a little boring, but also made several people in the squad more familiar.


Time was fast, and a month passed in the blink of an eye.

And at this moment, Lei Luo is rushing to the dark base.

Early this morning, Relo received a special instruction that he knew that Hokage had assigned a mission to their squad.

So he didn't delay for a moment and went directly towards the dark part.

"Black Shark, this is the task that Naruto-sama has entrusted to your squad." The ninja of the Dark Mission handed a scroll to Relo.

Relo took the scroll, and this was the mission book this time.

Relo opened the mission book and looked at it, and understood that this mission was to infiltrate the Land of Water to spy on intelligence.

The mission book says that the country of water has recently suddenly recalled most of the ninjas, and it seems that there is something big, but the informants lurking in the country of water have not heard anything, so they have to send the dark department to investigate.

Relo returned to the room, where the three members of the squad were already waiting.

"Captain, have you received the task?" Inuya looked at Relo who walked into the room and asked.

"Well, our mission this time is to dive into the Land of Water to investigate intelligence!" Relo nodded.

Relo briefed several team members on the situation explained in the mission statement.

Then he continued: "This mission is urgent, we need to leave immediately, any of you know more about the country of water, you can talk first."

Hearing this, Firefox spoke, "Captain, I went to the Land of Water before to do a mission. I suggest that we get out of the Land of Waves first, and then use the inner equipment in the caravan to avoid the guards and safely dive into the Land of Water.

"Okay, then we'll do what you say, what do you think?" Relo asked, looking at Inuya and Red Snake.

Neither Canine Tooth nor Red Snake said there was no problem.

"Then prepare the supplies and go!"


After leaving Konoha through a special passage in the Dark Section, the Relo team headed directly towards the Land of Waves.

When the dark part is on a mission, everything that has a signature cannot be carried, such as a forehead protector and other things, and even some iconic ninjutsu cannot be used.

Once you encounter ninjas from other villages, something too iconic will reveal the affiliation of the dark part. Unless it is some special task, such as chasing down and killing the rebels, it is not allowed to do this.

Wearing the standard suit of the dark part, the four people with the mask specially picked some inaccessible places to hurry, just to hide their eyes and ears and try to avoid revealing their whereabouts.

A few days later, the four of them arrived in the Land of Waves smoothly.

The Land of Waves, a country without its own ninjas, is sandwiched between the Land of Fire and the Land of Water, relying on the snorts of the two great powers to survive.

The four of them arrived at the dock of the Land of Waves, where the dock was bustling, with a large number of ship merchants coming and going, dragons and snakes mixed, and the four people who used transformation techniques to turn into ordinary ninjas were unobtrusive, approaching a cargo ship engraved with Konoha's code motif.

The owner of the cargo ship is a big man with a fat waist and a thick waist, who is loudly shouting at the workers carrying the goods, and when he sees the four people coming over, he is just about to ask out loud, but he saw the code word made by Lei Luo, and immediately signaled the four people to enter the cabin with his eyes quietly.

Inside the cabin, the mighty man outside suddenly became groveling, and said respectfully to the four people, "Lord Ninja of Konoha, what can I do for you."

Lei Luo asked, "Has there been any movement in the Land of Water recently?" We need to enter the territory of the Land of Water as soon as possible.

When the big man heard this, he hurriedly said, "The country of water is suddenly under martial law, and we don't know what happened, but I'm afraid it will be difficult to help you pass the inspection." "

It's okay, you just need to send us to the waters of the Water Country, we have other ways," Relo said.

"Yes!" The big man was helpless, but he still agreed, and then went out to complete the ship, and soon set off.

The sea was calm and the ships were running smoothly, and before you knew it, you entered the waters of the land of water.

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