The ship's boss walked into the cabin again and said to the four of Leiluo: "Lord Ninja, the waters of the Land of Water have arrived. Lei

Luo nodded when he heard this, took the squad members, avoided everyone on the ship, and left under the eyes of the ship boss.

The sea is calm, and the sun shines on the sea, like a piece of fish scales, sparkling, which can be described as a picturesque scenery.

But everyone in Relo had no intention of appreciating it.

Four figures stood on the surface of the sea, and Firefox asked Leiluo: "Captain, there is still some distance from the land of the Land of Water, what should we do now?"

Lei Luo replied, "Don't worry, look at me!" "


Relo pretends to be psychic and actually summons Tam directly.

I saw a huge whirlpool suddenly appear at everyone's feet, frightening the three of them to make a guarded posture directly.

Then a huge catfish emerges from the whirlpool and emerges on the surface of the sea.

"The world is a river, and I am its king." Tam spoke, "Nice to meet you, my master!

Relo said to the stunned three who looked at the huge Tam: "This is my psychic beast, it's called Tam, he can take us directly to the Land of Water."

Then he turned to Tam and said, "I'll trouble you this time, Tam."

Tam nodded like a gentleman, "It is my pleasure to help you, master!" "

Abyss Diving" is Tam's skill, he can take his teammates to dive within a certain range of water, and now Tam's skill level is MAX, and this teleportation distance has reached 8500 meters.

Tam opened his mouth wide on the surface of the water, waiting for Relo and the others to enter.

"Let's go!"

Saying that, Relo walked into Tam's mouth with the squad members.

In the original plot, he also relied on psychic skills Toad to sneak into Yuyin Village, and Tam, as the king of the river, carried several people to the abyss at a time.

Compared to Jiraiya's psychic toad, it is more useful.

Tam closed his mouth, spun and dived and disappeared into the sea.


And at the same time, the Land of Fire, Konoha Hidden Village.

I don't know when some rumors suddenly appeared in the village.

There are several villagers next to each other.

"Have you heard? This time the border was attacked by Yunyin, with heavy losses, and many ninjas were sacrificed, which was all the result of Qimu Shuo Mao's hand!

"No, did I make a mistake?" What does this have to do with Qimu Shuomao?

"Haven't you heard? It is said that a while ago, Qimu Shuomao led a team to Yunyin to carry out a secret mission, but the mission failed, which led to this attack!

"Oh, you mean that! I also heard that it was said that the mission could have been completed smoothly, but in order to save his companions, Qimu Shuomao abandoned the overall situation and voluntarily abandoned the mission halfway.

"Save your companions? I don't think it's that simple, abandoning the task is a big taboo for ninjas! Qimu Shuomao is an elite Shinobi, how could he make such a low-level mistake?

"Who knows? Maybe someone secretly colluded with Yunyin and betrayed our Konoha? Otherwise, how could we have suffered such heavy losses in this attack!

"I think so, I don't rule out this possibility..."

A whirlpool suddenly appeared on a deserted river in the Land of Water.

A huge catfish appeared on the surface of the water, followed by a wide mouth, and four people walked out of his mouth.

This trip is the four of Leiluo.

"Tam, thank you, you go back first." Relo said to Tam, then lifted the summon, and let Tamu go back to Valoran.

"Captain, I didn't expect you to have such a powerful psychic beast." The canine voice said excitedly to Relo.

Lei Luo didn't say much, nodded "um", and then said: "Let's go, see what is the situation in the country of water now." "


Swish, swish.

In the dark mountain forest, one after another figures rushed by, and the grass and trees on both sides were swayed by the wind driven by those black shadows. The black shadow stopped from time to time to check, as if it was chasing some trace.

In the mountains and forests.

Two black shadows flew between them, looking back from time to time, even if they did not see the pursuers, they did not stop.

After running for a long time, they finally stopped, and only then did they see the appearance of these two black shadows.

This was a middle-aged man wearing a sky-blue robe and looking elegant and steady, and his long running made him constantly gasp and look slightly embarrassed.

And he still holds a child about 5.6 years old in his hand, with a little confusion on his immature little face, but his handsome face looks very cute, and he must be a handsome guy when he grows up.

"Master, why are the people in the village chasing and killing us?" The child asked, his heart full of doubts.

"Yu Gao, I don't blame you for this, but you know, there is a monster sealed in your body, and he has caused a lot of damage to the village, so the village will send people to chase us. But don't worry, Master will definitely protect you. The middle-aged man touched the child's head and comforted him with a kind face.

It turned out that these two people were the six-tailed man Zhu Li Yutaka and his master Yuye.

"Yu Gao, you are the greatest hope of our Yu clan and will definitely be able to lead us to rise again!" Ha Ye said in a firm tone.

"Hmm! Master, I will work hard! Hataka nodded his little head seriously.

It turned out that when he was in Wuyin Village before, Yu Gao had just become a six-tailed human pillar force, and there was no way to control the power of the six-tailed people in his body, and the sealing technique of Wuyin Village was not very perfect, and it was a little loose.

When the seal was loosened, the six-tailed rhinoceros found an opportunity to occupy Yu Gao's body, ran out, and wreaked havoc in the village of Mist Yin. And the poor informant of Konoha, who had no news, died in the destruction of Rokuo.

Looking at the destroyed village, the three generations of Mizukage were furious, feeling that Yutaka was a failure in the human pillar force, and wanted to withdraw the six tails from Yutaka's body after Yutaka was awake and replace it with a human pillar force.

But for Yugaku's master, Yu Ya, Yu Gao is all the hope of their Yu clan, and the human pillar force will die after being pumped out of the tailed beast, and he will not watch this happen. So he escaped from the village with Hataka.

The third generation of Mizukage blocked the Land of Water and sent the Ninja Blade Seven to lead the team to arrest Hayako and Hataka. Although Hataka is a six-tailed human pillar force, he can't control his own power, and Hagaya is only a slightly stronger upper Shinobi, and the Ninja Blade Seven is enough to deal with them.

Hataka and the two rested in place for a while, then prepared to continue on their way and leave the Land of Water in a hurry.

Right at this moment.


Ha Ye pulled Yu Gao to dodge instantly, and a large knife passed and nailed it to the tree behind him.

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