"Finally caught up with you! Hatoya! Follow me back to the village! As a superior Shinobi, you should know the importance of human pillar power to the village! "

The person who came with short hair and no eyebrows, a mouth full of fangs, and a large cross scar on his right face, it was the Loquat Juzo led by the "Ninja Dao Seven"!

The knife behind Hagaya was his weapon, the decapitation knife.

With the words of Loquat Juzo, figures kept appearing on the tree next to him, it was the other six people of the "Ninja Dao Seven".

Watermelon Mountain puffer ghost, strong in size, holding a large knife muscle.

Orochimaru, long yellow thorny hair, a mask on the dark part of the mist on his face, slender limbs, and holding a long knife and stitches.

A grassy bait man, with a goatee, who is mowed with a blunt knife.

There is no pear, the top of his head is wrapped in bandages, he has one eye, his hair and beard are tied in bundles, and he is holding a flying droplet of a blaster.

Black hoe thunder tooth, long black hair, holding thunder knife tooth.

Ghost lamp full moon, holding double knife flounder.

Looking at the "Ninja Dao Seven" that appeared in front of him, Yu Ye looked solemn, while Yu Gao hid behind him with some fear.

"I'm sorry! I can't go back with you! I can't watch you kill Hataka! "

As the saying goes, first strike is strong, then suffer!

"Shui Duan. Foam Art", Yu Ye directly picked up the flute in his hand and blew out countless foams and floated towards the seven people in front of him.

"Bang bang bang !!"

The foam was constantly detonated by Yuye, and the seven people did not dare to hard connect, so they could only dodge everywhere.

The foam ninja method is the secret technique of the Yu family, which has more explosive power and binding power than ordinary water dun.

"Shui Duan. The Art of Mist Concealment! Loquat

Shizang's hands were sealed, and the mist in the mountains and forests suddenly appeared, constantly pervaded, shrouded in thick fog, and Yu Ye's eyes had lost the trace of the seven people.

"Yutaka, be careful!" Yue Ye said to Yu Gao beside him with a solemn expression.

Yutaka nodded obediently.

"Since you refuse to go back obediently, then don't blame us for making a move!"

A cold, harsh voice came from the thick fog.

"Shui Duan. Strong acid foam", a huge foam was blown by Yuye towards the source of the sound, and the "boom" detonated without causing any effect.

"Don't work in vain! Just grab it! Another

hoarse voice came.

Four huge water balls flew out of the thick fog, "Water Escape. Iron Cannon Jade", directly attacking Yuye.

In the face of the attacking water ball, Yuye directly dodged in an instant.

But a water dragon suddenly condensed behind him, and continued to attack him with its teeth and claws.

"Shui Duan. Bursting foam", Yutaka continuously blew out foam, facing the oncoming water dragon, blowing it to pieces.

"The abominable Ninja Dao Seven, can't go on like this, you have to find an opportunity to break the situation." Yuye thought to himself, but there was nothing he could do for a while.

"Shinobi. Burst bubbles

" "Water escape. Water chaos

" "Water escape. Burst the bubble

" "Shui Duan. Aqua Bomb"


All kinds of water ninjutsu are constantly intertwined, impacting everything around, and the mountains and forests seem to turn into a ze country.

Ha Ye took Yu Gao to constantly dodge the attacks of the seven people of the ninja knife, and released one ninjutsu after another, attacking all parts of the mountain forest.

The rumbling explosions continued unceasingly, but there was no major effect.


The long knife needle protruded from the thick fog and pierced Haga's arm.

"Next time you won't be so lucky! Hatoya! "

The long ineffective attack, the pain from the wounds on the body, and the interference of the words of the seven people finally made Yuye a little unable to hold on.

"Thunder burial. Lei Yan: "Black hoe Thunder Fang, use thunder knife teeth to make thunder and lightning flow from the ground and attack Yuye."

The paralyzing sting of being struck by lightning became the last straw, causing Hagaya to fall to his knees at once.

"Master!" Yutaka looked at Yu Ye, who was kneeling in front of him, and the feeling of fear in his heart was swept away, leaving only a heart full of resentment.

He hated the ruthlessness of the village and his own powerlessness.

At this moment, the six-tailed rhinoceros suddenly spoke in Yu Gao's body.

"Little ghost, as long as you let go of your mind and let me control your body, I will help you kill these little insects in front of you, and you will be able to save your master."

Resentment had filled Hataka's heart, and he didn't even think about directly agreeing to the six-tailed rhino.


The powerful Chakra gushes out from Yutaka's body, and the white Chakra continues to permeate around Yutaka's body, constantly overwhelming the grass and trees on both sides, and finally turns into a huge white slug, while Hataka and Hagaku are wrapped in its body.

Exactly the six-tailed rhino!

The seven people hidden in the art of mist concealment could not hide in the induction of the tailed beast.

The six-tailed rhinoceros roared up to the sky, and when it opened its mouth, it was a corrosive strong acid liquid, which sprayed directly towards the seven people of the ninja knife, and the trees in the middle were corroded one after another, and everyone quickly dodged.

The corrosive liquid fell on the ground, and immediately corroded the ground into potholes.

"Shui Duan. The watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost made a seal in his hand, and released five water mackerel to attack the rhinoceros dog.

The mackerel hit the rhinoceros without causing any damage, but it caused the rhinoceros to feel some pain.

Seeing that the little bugs who had dodged the attack still had the guts to attack themselves, the rhinoceros was furious.


The voice of the six-tailed rhinoceros is different from that of other tailed beasts, but like a snake, a shrill sound, from which everyone can hear the anger contained in it.

The six-tailed rhinoceros rushed directly towards the watermelon mountain puffer ghost, and the tail behind him had already enveloped him head-on, blocking the direction he dodged.

I saw "Boom! With a sound, the watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost was directly slapped into the ground, and his body was bloody, which was very miserable.

Although there is not much friendship, but the villain is also a teammate, and others will not watch the watermelon mountain puffer ghost be killed directly.

"Shui Duan. The Art of the Great Waterfall", the three hands of the Loquat Ten Zang, the No Pear Shinbait, and the Tongcao Wild Bait Man were sealed, and three huge waterfalls fell from the sky, fused into one, and directly washed away the six-tailed rhinoceros dog, and the ghost lamp full moon is the opportunity to use the technique of hydration to save the watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost.

The six-tailed rhinoceros looked at the little insects that injured him in front of him and wanted to escape, and when he opened his mouth, a black energy ball appeared in his mouth, and with a forceful spit out, the "tailed beast jade" smashed towards the seven people of the ninja knife.

"Go and die! Damn humans! "


A deafening explosion sounded through the sky, red light erupted, and a mushroom cloud rose from the ground.


The four of Leiluo, who had been on the road for a day, found a place near the water source in the mountains and forests and stationed down.

After hunting some prey in the forest and comforting their five internal organs, several people took turns to keep vigil to rest.

In the middle of the night, the canine tooth who was doing the vigilance task quickly woke up several people.

Quickly got up, several people no longer had the slightest sense of sleep, listening to the continuous explosions from the distant mountains, Relo decided to go and see the situation.

"There is a situation, there are people fighting in the dense forest ahead!"

At this moment, a more violent explosion sounded, so loud that it was like it was in the ears.

The ground beneath his feet also shook noticeably.

What is even more surprising is that the light that erupted in the distance directly illuminated the entire mountain forest!

"Go! Go see what's going on!

Relo led the squad members towards where the voice came from.

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