"What do you say? The Navy went to war with the Revolutionary Army? "

At the Pacifist Alliance base, Relo couldn't help but fall into deep thought when he heard the information collected by Gejes.

According to the original plan, the Navy's attack should be in the final battle, why this action was so sudden, and no one told Relo about this step.

"Chief, according to the news transmitted by the revolutionary army, the leader of the navy this time is not Marshal Akainu and the three generals, but a new man named Luqi."

"Okay, you go down first, tell everyone to be ready to support."

After sending off Gerges, Relo walked into the underground chamber.

Lu Qi, the captain of the world government's internal affairs organization CP9, is known as the strongest member of the CP9 organization in nearly 800 years, according to the original plot, two years later he reprimanded the red dog and made him dare not do anything.

Around a small island dozens of miles outside the main base of the revolutionary army, there were more than twenty large naval warships docked, and at this moment, all of them were waiting quietly.

"Report to Commander Luchi, these are the Navy soldiers who quietly absconded on the way."

Under a towering tree, Luki, dressed in a white suit uniform, was passing the time by teasing the pigeons on his shoulders, and only then did he raise his head when the former boss in front of him, named Spandam, brought back a group of people.

"How many people are there?"

"1400 people."

"Let everyone come to the island as well, and remember to bring guns."

After finishing the command, Luki continued to play with the pigeons on his shoulders, completely unaware of the more than a thousand people tied up in front of him.

After a while, everyone on the naval warship, except for a few members who remained behind, appeared in front of Lu Qi and surrounded the deserters tightly.


Suddenly, Luki backhanded a loud slap on Spandam's face, and the huge brute force threw it away, falling to the ground, with several broken teeth in addition to blood in his mouth.

"Don't you understand what I'm saying? All of them!

After doing all this, Lu Qi did not have half an emotional fluctuation on his face, and still waited silently in place, until the soldiers guarding the warship all arrived here.

"Tie Spandam to my side."

Looking at Spandam, who was dying on the ground, Luki kicked him aside with a very disgusted kick.

Next, it's time to deal with these deserters.

"Everyone obeys the order, shoot!"

What the? Shoot? Killing companions is the most forbidden rule in the Navy, did I hear it right?

This is the voice of every unmoved navy.

If Marshal Akainu was present, at most, it would only punish them, and would definitely not take their lives, why was this superior in front of him who had never been seen before, so cruel.


A gunshot rang out, and a naval soldier crashed to the ground, startling a large number of birds perched in the canopy of trees.

"Those who disobey orders will not be killed!"

Lu Qi, who casually crushed the rifle in his hand, turned directly and silently retreated to the side.

Bang bang bang....

The next moment, the entire island was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder, mixed with the smell of blood that dyed the ground bright red, and the anger that erupted from the depths of everyone's hearts.

"You all feel very upset, don't you?"

Luki sneered and kicked Spandam over.

"I tell you now that the duty of the navy is to always obey orders, whether it is the waste under my feet, or those navy who absconded, since they have violated their duty, then they are all criminals who have been kicked out of the military!"

As soon as the words fell, Luqi stomped his foot sharply, and Spandam's body exploded instantly, turning into a blood mist, and the only evidence that he had come to this time was the eyeballs that rolled down in front of everyone and seemed to be constantly begging for mercy.


With another soft sound, the eyeball completely exploded, and everyone's eyes once again focused on the white clothes that were stained red with blood.

"See, this is the weak, because his weakness will be played wantonly by pirates, so as to be unable to defend the security of the country, after witnessing the collapse of countless countries, I came to a conclusion, that is, weak soldiers, without any right to survive, instead of letting them live in the navy like a cancer, it is better for us to end their ridiculous lives!"

That's right, in Luqi's eyes, the law of the jungle is the most basic rule, weak people don't talk about fighting, they don't even have the qualifications to live, except for wasting air and food, they don't have the slightest use value.

If this is the case, then what is a weak person?

The Dao power is only 9, and even less than normal people Spandam is weak, and those soldiers who flee without a fight are also weak, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, they do not have the right to choose to continue to live.

"You're still so extreme, Luckey!"

In the crowd, a man with a figure far beyond ordinary people, wearing a CP0 mask, slowly walked out, and beside him, there were other members who were also wearing white suit uniforms.

"Is CP1-CP9 convened?"

Instead of answering the visitors' questions, Lucy asked them.

"Oh, it's all here."

"Very good!"

"Little Luqi, there seem to be a few little mice in your navy!"

In CP0, a young woman with short blonde hair suddenly grinned.

The next moment, I saw the woman raise her slender jade finger and head towards the direction where Lu Qi was.

Looking at that posture, this seems to be the finger gun in the Navy Six!


warning, several soldiers in the navy with their heads bowed tightly covered their throats with their hands, but even this could not stop the blood that spewed out.

"Your flying finger gun is getting scarier, Stussy!"

That's right, this blonde woman is one of the several emperors of the dark world, an old monster Stussy who calls her aunt Xiao Lingling and has lived for an unknown amount of time.

"Huh, are you being sarcastic about me? I have been groping for decades to realize this trick, but you have already practiced it in just one morning, and I am a female stream that has you horror!

Stussy smiled slightly, and what he said stunned all the navies present.

Decades have not left any marks on her face, which is already an incredible thing, and Lu Qi learned this unpredictable trick in only one morning, is this the horror of the legendary CP0?

"Since everyone has arrived, then stop talking nonsense and start a war."

With that, Lu Qi walked towards the warship alone.

What the marshal of the navy does not dare to do, those who dare not kill, today there will be CP to do, and the CP will kill!

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