In the basement of the Pacifist Alliance base, Lei Luo kept dialing a few phone worms in front of him, but found that no one answered at all, which couldn't help but make him feel a sense of foreboding in his heart.

"Senior Karp, tell me quickly what happened at the Navy headquarters!"

After a long time, someone finally answered the phone worm, and Lei Luo also breathed a sigh of relief, but soon, his face became gloomy again because of the sound coming from another part of the microphone.

"Relo, the current navy has been completely taken over by CP0, and as for Marshal Akainu and Teacher, they are under house arrest in Mary Joa by the World Government."

This is Kebi's voice.

"Kebi, how many people did Lucie take, and where are you now?"

"All navies, besides, you need to pay attention, it seems that Kaido is going to attack you..."

Before Kebi could say, the call was abruptly hung up.

At this moment, there is no need to know too much, even if it is a guess, Lei Luo has already guessed the mystery.

The world government will take action to eliminate the Revolutionary Army and the League of Pacifists, two forces that threaten their righteous position.

Boom -

the sudden shaking of the ground and the rolling heat wave overhead, instantly aroused Leiluo's premonition, the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, coming!

At this moment, in the dark air, a dark blue dragon hundreds of meters long continuously spewed flames and hurricanes from its mouth, which was already comparable to the attack of natural disasters, and could not be resisted by manpower.

The current Pacifiers Alliance, because more and more territories have been invested in the territory under which they have found refuge, except for a few core members in the headquarters base, there are not actually too many combat members.

In other words, this invasion of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group was ostensibly deep into the tiger's den, but it actually hit the snake seven inches hard, which was the deadliest part.

"Leiluo, come out quickly and die!"

In the air, Peros Pero, who was holding a candy crutch, drank violently, and beside him, stood the Three Calamities, the two shoguns, the rain no hiryu and the poison Q, and the volley of the six sons.

"Hey, last time my boss respected that glutinous rice man for his kindness and righteousness, and let you go, that's how you treated your benefactor?"

Anilu, who was dressed in the holy robe, smiled disdainfully, except for the dragon above his head, the only thing that could make people feel threatened was the tall man with dark wings and no skin exposed to the air on his body.

This person is definitely not simple!

"Hmph, you are casually saying now, next year today, I will definitely come here again and give incense to all of you!"

Perospero laughed, the reason why they chose to take the initiative to attack was all because someone provided them with a map of the distribution of all the top echelons of the Union of Pacifists.


A laser light appeared out of nowhere, so fast that it didn't give people time at all, and its target was Perospero's thin throat.

"What! Unexpectedly took the boss's attack! Not

only Anilu, but even Master Yi, who had always been calm, could not hide the shock in his heart at this moment.

The man who emerged from the Hundred Beast Pirate Group like a ghost actually collapsed Leiluo's attack at once.

Who is he?

Whether it is the navy or pirates, all powerful people have long been deeply imprinted in the minds of Anilu and Master Yi, and the man in front of him who is dressed in ordinary clothes has never appeared.

"Oni Akin!"

Lei Luo slowly stepped forward, with a slight hint of doubt in his voice.

"We haven't met, why do you know my pseudonym in the East China Sea?"


At that moment, Lei Luo's whole person was stunned, he never thought that the little pirate he met when Luffy recruited Sanji, the little pirate who left a sentence to meet in a new world, would actually show such a terrifying strength in this situation!

"Young Governor, the Governor has commanded that if you don't make a move, try not to make a move, even if the person in front of you is an enemy who hurts your mother like that."

The black-winged man who made Anilu feel a hint of danger said with concern.

"Ember, don't worry, I'll pay attention."

Akin nodded at Ember, and according to the conversation between the two of them, it seemed that the former had some dark disease.

No, Young Governor, can it be said that this Akin is Kaido's child?

Wait a minute, no one in the Peacemakers Alliance has ever destroyed any family recently, so why the word enemy?

Could it be that Akin's mother is the aunt who belongs to one of the four emperors?

Thinking of this, Lei Luo's eyes when he looked at Akin had a deep sense of jealousy.


With the ear-shattering dragon roar, a cloud of heavenly fire suddenly descended in front of Lei Luo.

"You are the Lei Luo who injured Lingling like that?"

As soon as Kaido, who turned into a dragon in the air, spoke, a kingly aura that perfectly fused anger and killing intent instantly enveloped the entire Pacifist Alliance base, and a firm idea was born in the hearts of everyone on Leiluo's side.

Compared to Kaido, Auntie is even worse than half a cut, and as for Tichy, at least a whole level difference!

This was the most powerful enemy they had ever seen.

"What about me, not me?"

Looking at the heavenly fire in front of him that easily burned the rocks, Lei Luo sneered.

It's just that now the two sides have not yet started a war, the reason for the Hundred Beast Pirate Group is not clear, and Lei Luo is waiting, waiting for the return of other combat forces.

However, Relo's scheme seems to have been recognized by Perospero at a glance.

"Lord Kaido, there are a group of cadres wearing special armor under his command, those people may not be very strong, but when they put on the armor, they can at least complete the volley six under your command."

Speaking of this, Perospero turned his head and glanced at Relo contemptuously.

"In addition, I heard that Lei Luo also has a trick called Eight Gate Dun Jia, which once injured the powerful move of naval hero Karp!"

Hearing this, even a fool understands that there are spies in the navy, and even in the alliance between the revolutionary army and the pacifists, there will be such little mice.

Right now, for the Hundred Beast Pirates, it was the best time to annihilate the Peacemaker Alliance, and once all their high-level leaders returned, the outcome of this big war would be unknown.

"Can you hurt Karp's tricks? Little ghost, you'd better use that trick directly to fight for a few seconds for your life!

Although Kaido's words were extremely mocking, he did not directly order to act, and this scene could not help but make Perospero and others quite anxious.

At this moment, Ember gave Perospero a blank look, and Akin sat directly on the ground very casually.

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