Who is Kaido? A moody and suicidal perverted maniac!

In his eyes, he has never bullied the less, only one enemy, and the stronger the other party, the better.

Peros Pero's words were indeed a reminder that Kaido was the best time to attack, but what he did not expect was that it was precisely because of this remark that Kaido's desire to wait for all the cadres of the Pacifist Alliance to return.

"Leiluo, let's talk."

After a long silence, Akin suddenly spoke.

"Talk? What to talk about? The two of us, as you said, have absolutely no intersection. In

the face of Akin's sudden conversation, Relo couldn't understand his thoughts.

"Talk about you and me, I'm afraid I'll kill you, so ah, let's talk about what peace is!"

Talk about peace? You are a pirate, and you are still the child of the two pirate emperors on this sea, what qualifications do you have to mention these two words?

"Hey, I don't care what kind of gold or silver you are, if you want to fight, don't be here mother-in-law's, like a mother!"

Before Relo could speak, Anilu bore the brunt.

Having learned to arm the color domineering and the eight-door dunjia, in addition to the blessing of the Hades Holy Clothes, he has unprecedented confidence in his strength, even if the other party is a powerful existence that looks ordinary, Anilu believes that he will definitely not lose.

With the help of Anilu, Ajin's attention was captured, and Master Yi took the opportunity to start an exchange of ideas with Leiluo.

"Father, how about this person be handed over to me?"

In the face of Anilu's provocation, Akin did not directly fight back, but looked up at the dragon in the air.

"As long as you pay attention to your body, the rest is whatever you want."

"Thank you, Father!"

After getting Kaido's approval, Akin just smiled at Anilu.

So fast!

Before that smile could disappear from his eyes, a pair of strangely shaped iron canes were wrapped in armed color domineering and landed on Anilu's chest.

"Anilu, little..." All

this happened so fast, so fast that Relo saw everything, but he didn't finish his reminder, it was already over.


Anilu, who took a full seven steps back to stabilize his figure, spit out the bloody phlegm in his mouth, and his face also appeared unprecedented solemnity.

This time's opponent is so fast that he can't even catch the domineering power, and he also has such terrifying brute strength, it seems that he has finally found an opponent, an opponent who can measure his true level!

"Eight Doors Dun Jia, Seventh Gate, Shocking Door, Open!"

Anilu glared angrily, his whole body was instantly wrapped in blue qi, even if he stood there motionless, no one would doubt the incomparably domineering power in his body!

Kaido, who looked down on all this below, the excitement on his face became more and more furious, and he was also curious to the extreme about the combat power that Relo could show later, and even now he couldn't control the idea of killing Relo.

"Yes, you really have the qualifications to say what you just said."

Seeing that his strength had entered the complete body of Anilu, even Ember, who was the head of the Three Calamities, frowned, secretly calculating in his heart whether he could defeat it.

However, instead of being shocked, Akin looked at him with approval, and even applauded, expressing his approval of Anilu.


However, before Akin could say anything, the sharp pain in front of his lower abdomen had made it difficult for him to maintain a standing posture, and he knelt on the ground hunched over.

So weak? Didn't he hide his strength?

Not to mention Relo and the others, even Perospero and Yu no Hiru began to doubt the strength of Akin.

Whether this man, who carries the bloodline of two emperors and can easily defuse Leiluo's attack, is false or powerful, this is obviously only known by the three calamities.

"Look at it well, don't blink, he."

Plague Quinn smiled lewdly, and there was a deep fear hidden under the smile, especially when there was a laugh from under Akin that was obviously panting from severe pain, and the smile on his face completely disappeared.

"Blood... This is my blood, I haven't seen anything so beautiful in a long time, and in return, I'm going to kill you!" "

The moment Akin raised his head again, there was a hanging palm and corner of his mouth, not bright red, but a strange green liquid, that is, his blood, completely different from everyone's blood!


A high-pitched roar full of murderous aura came from Akin's throat and lasted for a long time without dissipating.

At first, this is still a human voice, after a few seconds it is a little non-human, then it gradually looks like the roar of a monster, and finally, it completely becomes a pure tiger roar, a white tiger roar above everything!

At that moment, Senbai's thick hair grew out from Ajin's whole body at an extremely fast speed, and on his forehead, there was a king formed by golden hair that exuded a supreme domineering aura!

Animal Fruit Myth Species White Tiger Fruit!

"Anilu, don't be big, hide your hole cards, otherwise you will regret it later!"

Lei Luo said hurriedly.

The White Tiger Lord Killing is one of the four holy beasts, not to mention, Ah Jin will definitely be more courageous and stronger in the time it takes to stimulate the fruit form, if he can't solve the battle in a short time, he will inevitably grow to an extremely terrifying point.

A point where even Relo was not sure that he could defeat it.

Hearing Relo's urging for Anilu, Ember couldn't help frowning, because Relo's conjecture was completely correct.

Ah Jin's fruit ability will indeed make him endlessly stronger, but this comes at a price, and the irrepressible sense of battle and growing power will endlessly erode his consciousness.

The reason why the people of the Hundred Beast Pirates Group let Akin pay attention to his body is not that he has been injured and has a hidden disease that has not been cured, but because Akin under the last all-out outbreak has completely gone crazy and has been dominated by killing intent, even if it is Kaido, he must be assisted by his aunt to defeat him without hurting Akin.

"Originally, I didn't plan to expose this trick so early, but since the boss you said so, then I won't hide it."

As soon as the words fell, the wings of the underworld saint robe behind Anilu shook, and endless thunder in the dark clouds in the air slammed down, all gathered in his body.

"1 billion volts Thunder Galuro!"

The thunder light dissipated, and when Anilu appeared in front of everyone again, it was more like a bird because of the thunder outside his body and the holy clothes of the underworld, the mythical king of strange birds that feeds on dragons, Garulo!

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