Carolus, also known as the golden-winged roc bird, can easily reach 90,000 li with one shock of its wings!

Looking at Anilu, who was almost in absolute speed ahead and pressed Akin to the ground and rubbed, Lei Luo smiled gratifyingly, this kid's current strength, even if he met a general, he would not let it go.

"What a terrifying speed! What a domineering thump!

"Such destructive power and speed in the world can only be compared with light!"

Unlike Leiluo, others are extremely shocked in their hearts, no one expected that this little-known newcomer Anilu would actually be like his leader Leiluo, and his debut would be the peak!

At this moment, the wind suddenly roared between heaven and earth, and the Dao wind blade was unmatched, and at an extremely tricky angle, it attacked towards the gate of Anilu.


Overflowing sword qi spread out from Master Yi's body, which was equally invisible but contained terrifying power.

"Hey, this is a battle between the two of them, honestly watch!"

In the face of the reprimand that came out of Master Yi's mouth, Yan Zheng's eyes sank, and the black clothes covering his body gradually transformed into the appearance of his skin, and his hands and feet turned into claw forms.

His own Young Governor was beaten like this, how could he choose to stand idly by?


However, just as Ember Zun made a move, the white tiger Ajin, who was suppressed by thunder on the ground, suddenly raised his head, and when a dissatisfied roar came out of his mouth, an extremely cold killing intent flashed in his eyes, and the target was directed at Ember alone.

This is a battle between two men between Akin and Anilu, and no matter who it is, even his father Kaido himself, Akin will never allow any interference.

Ember, who was stopped from making a move, snorted coldly at Master Yi and honestly returned to his human form, because at this time, Akin's breath not only did not have any decay, but also received an inexplicable promotion.


Another low beast roar came out of Ah Jin's throat, and at that moment, his originally white hair stood up, and all the wounds on his body healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the rich black shiny hair covered it all.

The black and white hair and the king character on the forehead, it seems that at this time, Akin is more like the posture of the white tiger, the king of beasts.

"The defense power has actually doubled several times in a row!"

Seeing that his offensive was difficult to achieve any effect on Akin for a while, Anilu instantly understood why Relo wanted him to give his full strength in the first place.

This opponent in front of him is simply a monster that is strong when it is strong!

"Lei Yuan Thousand Feather Sword!"

Only to hear the uproar, thousands of thunder mixed with golden divine feathers condensed in Anilu's palm, a strange long sword cast from thunder, covered with dense feathers carved, appeared in front of everyone's eyes.


The long sword fell, and the slash that looked like thunder but was not thunder tore through the space in the blink of an eye and arrived in front of Akin's eyes.

At this time, with the corners of Anilu's mouth slightly raised, the slash split into a thousand, and with the help of the spatial crack left before, he escaped into it and disappeared.

That's it?

An extremely absurd idea was born in the hearts of everyone, is this trick of Anilu just to intimidate?

Suddenly, before this idea disappeared, within a radius of ten meters around Akin, whether in the sky or underground, there were falling feathers floating one after another, coupled with the brilliant thunder light, which was quite beautiful.

Remember, real danger is always hidden beneath a beautiful exterior.


The colorful feathers collided, and countless invisible slashes mixed with thunder fell on Akin's body, and a roar of pain came out of his mouth again.

Fight back, Young Overseer!

The three calamities secretly clenched their fists, looked at Ajin who was once again open in front of him, and kept urging in his heart.

Fight back? How to return?

Anilu's speed can reach 90,000 li in one breath, plus his battle area is very cleverly chosen the air that he is best at, and Ajin, who has not learned the moon step, what does he rely on to fight back?

Can't fight back, do you have to sit still? No!


At the moment when Anilu raised the Lei Yuan Thousand Feather Sword again, Ah Jin found an opportunity to open his mouth and roar.

Endless killing intent and high fighting spirit were perfectly integrated, and then in the form of sound waves, Anilu's body was tightly surrounded, and at this moment, Anilu felt like he was in a quagmire, and his actions gradually began to become difficult.

"Sure enough, tiger creatures will do this trick."

In Leiluo's memory, no matter what world a powerful creature like the white tiger appeared in, it must have such an unguardable means of sonic attack.

As for why he didn't remind Anilu beforehand... If you can't deal with even a little emergency, what qualifies you to be called a strong person?


Dazzling thunder burst out from Anilu's body, and the blue-blue aura that originally appeared due to the Eight Doors Dun Jia soared into the sky, dispersing the sound wave in one fell swoop.


What's going on?

An indifferent voice that suddenly appeared in his mind made Anilu's body suddenly burst, because at this moment, the sound wave that was dispersed by him actually solidified again, turning into a blood-red killing word, blocking in front of him.

And Akin had already pounced, and his claws shining with metal light wanted to tear everything apart.


The two forces of the brutal force collided, Yu Wei turned into a hurricane and swept in all directions, and the land under the two people shattered inch by inch, spreading like a spider's web, at the same time, a figure mixed with black, white and red fell into the ground and smashed a deep pit in front of everyone.

In the end, the air is still the home of Carolus, and the White Tiger's offensive only breaks out, and the follow-up is insufficient.

"Understand, Thunder Feather Sword One-Shaped Thunderbolt Feather Fall!"

Deeply felt the horror of Akin, Anilu no longer had any left hand, the long sword in his hand was collected by his waist, and there was no more terrifying power in the air, only a golden feather slowly fell, attracting everyone's attention.

Twenty meters... Ten meters... Five meters... Three meters... One meter....

At the moment when the golden feather fell into the deep pit, a knife-pulling style appeared in Anilu's hand!


The heaven and earth, which had finally fallen silent, were once again replaced by the roar of falling thunder, and nearly a thousand thick thunders above the nine heavens crashed down, like the light of daylight, instantly illuminating everything!

After a long time, the thunder light retreated, and everyone's eyes were still in a state of panic, but even so, it did not affect their perception that the previous killing aura still dissipated along with the thunder light.

"Damn, the power of this move is still not enough!"

Just as Anilu muttered, a pair of scarlet eyes appeared in the pit.

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