Kaido, who threw Relo to the side with his backhand, collapsed on the ground, and his fists swung in severe pain left one deep hole after another in the ground.

"It's all like this, there is actually such a strong destructive power."

Looking at Kaido who was like a mad demon in front of him, Lei Luo frowned slightly, for some reason, he always had a sense of foreboding that grew in his heart.


On the ground, Kaido's huge body that kept rolling jerked violently, and then the roar resounded in the sky, and the pain brought by the broken internal organs turned into a root sword, constantly stimulating his brain.

Can't waste such an opportunity again!

The sense of foreboding in Lei Luo's heart became stronger and stronger, and the Hades Saint Robe that locked his head suddenly opened, and an atomic breath with an extremely destructive aura surged out from his mouth, approaching Kaido's head.

Atomic breath, Godzilla, the king of monsters, is all the nuclear energy in his condensed body, compressed to the extreme, a ray of destruction ejected, powerful enough to wear everything into the most basic atomic form!

"What! I actually dodged it! I

don't know if it was a coincidence or somehow, Kaido, who had already been bleeding, rolled his figure, and coincidentally passed by the atomic breath, and the land under him was completely dissipated, and even the dust was not left.


At this moment, the explosion in Kaido's body finally ended, and a long and rough breath slowly spit out from his mouth.

"That's how it feels, cool!"

Kaido, who got up from the ground, shouted, if it weren't for the large and small wounds on his body that had not healed, Lei Luo really had to wonder if his move was really not destructive at all.

The internal organs are broken and undead, which is obviously beyond human cognition.

But this is Kaido, an undead monster, a monster who takes pleasure in suicide!

"Dragon Hot Cannon!"

In Leiluo's shock, Kaido was bowed, landing on all fours like a beast, and the terrifying heat continued to emanate from his mouth, and the fire became brighter and brighter.


When the fire condensed to the extreme, Kaido's entire body slipped back tens of meters because of the countershock force, and a terrifying hot breath with a hundred feet shot out, straight towards Leiluo.


At this moment, Lei Luo understood why he had a foreboding feeling in his heart before, and the destructive power contained in Kaido's move was even greater than the eruption of the large submarine volcano!

In the face of such a devastating move, even if it is as strong as Lei Luo, he does not dare to choose to be hard easily.

Central Asian hourglass! Bite!

The heat flew by, there was no grass everywhere, even the space was faintly broken, and in the air of Huangquan Hirasaka, there was only a figure made of gold, suspended alone.

"What kind of trick is this, why did you block my killer move so easily!"

Although Kaido, who was paralyzed on the ground due to collapse, was shocked in his heart, his years of combat experience constantly forced him to maintain his inner peace, seize all the time to absorb the energy around him, and replenish his previous consumption.

After 2.5 seconds, the golden light on Leiluo's body surface flashed away, looking at the desolate surroundings, he subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

If it weren't for the Central Asian hourglass, a bug-level life-saving artifact, I'm afraid that my current self would almost become a scum!

For a time, Kaido was unable to fight again, and Leiluo, who could not completely destroy it, was helpless, and the two fell into a silence of extremely tacit understanding and non-interference with each other.

Damn, what the hell can I do to destroy this monster!

Lei Luo, who was connected to the aura of Huangquan Hirasaka, could clearly feel that if Kaido's attack just now came two or three more times, there would be a crack in this space.

Strangle Kaido with a rift in time and space?

This idea was quickly denied by Relo, I am afraid that when this space completely collapses, Kaido will never let himself go, and the final end is to put it bluntly, and the two of them will turn into dust in the space crack.

This is obviously not the answer that Relo is looking for.

"Hey, system, does my Jiugou Jade Reincarnation Writing Wheel have the skill of killing ashes together?"

Suddenly, Lei Luo suddenly thought of a special move by Datumu Kaguya.

Killing ashes together, a trick that uses its own bones as a weapon, but whenever touched, it will turn into flying ash along with the bones, this trick is obviously the most effective means to deal with Kaido in front of him.

"I'm sorry, killing ashes together is a unique ability for those who have used the fruit of Chakra, and the host cannot learn it."


Feeling that Kaido's aura gradually stabilized, Lei Luo was a little panicked.

For now, Relo has won the battle, after all, compared to the seriously injured Kaido, he is almost unharmed, but because the enemy is Kaido, an undead monster, Relo must completely eliminate it to be considered a real victory, otherwise, everything is empty talk.

However, the strongest move that Lei Luo can burst out so far is to condense his own power and use the Hades Holy Clothes as the medium of the universal slash, but the power of this move can only do to severely damage Kaido.

"If only my Hades Cloak were Hades's, killing a Kaido is just a matter of moving a finger!"

After thinking about it, Relo made a decision that he felt crazy.

All the souls of Huangquan Hirasaka are detonated with the accumulated corpse qi, and the most powerful corpse qi soul burial breaks through the attack, and the ten thousand words attack the inside, and then adds the mending knife of atomic breath, with Kaido's current state, it is absolutely impossible to resist!

However, there is a great risk in doing so, that is, when the power of the corpse qi and soul burial completely erupts, I am afraid that even Lei Luo will be involved in it.

In addition, such a high-intensity move will inevitably shatter this space, and the subsequent spatial cracks are enough to make Lei Luo die.

"Use the world in the Heavenly Emperor, so that you can get out at the moment of the explosion."

Faced with the system's kind proposal, Lei Luo just sighed helplessly.

If you want to make the power of the corpse qi soul burial reach the peak, I am afraid that there is no place other than the underworld.

"Then use the Avalon scabbard and the Liuku Immortal Thief!"

Being reminded by the system like this, Lei Luo remembered that he had forgotten for a long time and had always been regarded as a passive skill - the Avalon scabbard, which can heal all injuries, and the Liuku Immortal Thief, which can make the user live infinitely and truly immortal!

"System, I love you to death!"

"Get out!"

Now that everything was ready, Lei Luo didn't have any worries, and the blue flames flying out of his palm did not enter the depths of every soul.

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