At the base of the revolutionary army in Bar's brother, Lu Qi, who was fighting with Saab, looked at the Straw Hats and the gang who rushed to meet with Jinping, and his brows twisted.

At present, the revolutionary army is fighting the perverted existence of the dragon, and it is not defeated with less battles and more, if there is a third party intervention at this moment, especially with the existence of overlord-colored domineering, sooner or later the navy will fall behind, or even the whole army will be destroyed.

Golden opportunity! Fire Fist!

Saab punched out, and the sea of fire spread instantly, completely engulfing Luqi's figure.

At this moment, look at the East China Sea.

The great battle between the pacifists and the Hundred Beast Pirates has always been in a state of equal strength, and the only variable for now may be the Anilu and Akin who disappeared into the nine heavens.

"Pheasant, do it!"

Suddenly, two figures landed on the island.

Ice age!

In a breath, the sea surface freezes, the ice spreads, whether it is people or things, as long as the strength is not strong enough, all of them will turn into beautiful ice sculptures, which will be shattered at the touch of a touch!

The appearance of the two added some variables to this big war.

Holy Land Mary Joya.

"Sakaski, this time the five of us have given you enough face, and it is an unprecedented decision to invite so many of your naval cadres to the World Conference."

The bald old man, one of the five old stars, smiled politely, but the mockery in his tone was not audible to anyone present.

What is the difference between inviting naval cadres to the world conference and then letting the CP organization take the opportunity to control the navy and directly emptying the post of vice admiral.

"In previous years, the Navy only had one marshal in the world conference, so I hope that this time it will not break the rules."

After a little contemplation, the red dog slowly said that this move of the five old stars had greatly affected the secret plan between Lei Luo and the navy.

"You're just the head of a group of dogs raised by the world government, and you really think of yourself as a wolf king? You better not give a face today! The

long-haired old man, one of the five old stars, snorted angrily, obviously having great dissatisfaction with the attitude of the red dog.

Huangquan Hirazaka.

The maximum power of the corpse qi soul burial is roaring, and the terrifying power derived from it will tremble for anyone to see it.

The entire Yellow Spring was constantly shaking, and huge cracks were constantly spreading to the ground and space, even so, there were still countless souls that continued to expand, and then burst out with terrifying power.

"One word in one!"

It was the unpretentious sword again, but this time to Derelo's surprise, Kaido actually did not dodge and chose to resist this move.

Do you like to fight hard so much?

Lei Luo chuckled, and the nuclear energy in his body continued to fission, compress, and finally all condensed in his throat.

"Atomic spit ..."

However, at this moment, Kaido suddenly burst out, and his hands moved Leiluo's upper and lower jaws away in an extremely brutal state.

"Dragon Hot Cannon!"

At the moment when the atom's breath was about to come out, the hot breath in Kaido's mouth entered Leiluo's mouth first.


Two powerful energies met, bursting with a bang, and the terrifying power could rush wantonly on Leiluo's limbs!

Almost at the same moment, all the sword qi in Kaido's body was detonated.

"Ahem!" "Poof!"

At this time, Lei Luo, with smoke in his mouth continuously, his hands tightly covering his throat, his body curled up on the ground, and the sharp pain in his abdomen made him unable to maintain any additional form.

On the other side, Kaido was also half a pound and eight taels, and he was already in a weak period and forcibly used the Dragon Hot Cannon again, and when his body functions were almost completely necrotic, the sword qi of the Wanhe One Word burst out again.

However, under the situation of the two of them, the unstoppable accumulation of corpses and souls was undoubtedly added to the situation!

Kaido, who claims to be immortal, feels threatened to his life for the first time at this moment, and death is coming.

Lei Luo, who has the scabbard of Avaro and the Six Ku Immortal Thief, does not even have the strength to urge the two, so he can only hold on hard and maintain his will.

Lao Tzu went to your uncle's, but I didn't expect to be put on a plate in the end!

Looking at the constantly collapsing space around him, Lei Luo was indignant in his heart, he never expected that he would be shown by this brave and reckless man in front of him at this juncture.

"Detecting that the host's life is threatening, do you use the skill to travel back in time?"

At the moment when Lei Luo was almost desperate, the sudden sound of the system caused a long-lost essence to appear in his cloudy eyes again.

Yes, he will also go back in time, this is the big move of the old man of time in the League of Heroes, and he can be directly resurrected!

"Oh... Well...... Quick..." Relo

, who found that he couldn't speak because his throat was destroyed, couldn't help but rejoice again, fortunately, he could communicate through consciousness and system.

"Turn back in time and last five seconds."

When the sound of the system sounded again, Lei Luo almost fainted in anger, and he forgot the most important point, that is, the Great Trick of the Time Old Man must be triggered within five seconds to have the effect of resurrection.

The countdown of the system in his mind kept counting the seconds, and Lei Luo, who had no choice, desperately mobilized his remaining energy, absorbing all the souls around him on his body.


"Burst for Grandpa!"


The blue flames burst, the space shattered, the earth disappeared, and Kaido, who caught a glimpse of this scene, couldn't believe his eyes.

That kid actually chose to commit suicide at this time?

However, before Kaido could come to his senses, a dazzling white light suddenly rose from the place where Lei Luo was before, filled with a divine power that belonged to the great shore of the heavenly gods.

"This can't be! No way! Seeing

that the boy who came out of the white light was looking at him with a smile on his face, Kaido's facial features were completely distorted, and he now even suspected that he was hallucinating.

How could a person who had just died in front of him no longer die, and his body was blown into dust, how could he be resurrected so abruptly, this is impossible!

"So why are you surprised, if you don't die, I can't be resurrected?"

Relo gave Kaido a blank look, like looking at a hillbilly who had never seen the world.

The burial of corpses and souls continues, and this space is obviously on the verge of collapse.

Thinking that he might not be able to use the Corpse Qi Nether Wave in the future, Lei Luo still felt a little pity, but after thinking about it, if this space could not be repaired on its own, could the Corpse Qi Underworld Wave be used as a killing move?

Transferring enemies into a collapsed space and being shattered by cracks is exciting to think about, but this is only a conjecture at the moment.

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