"General Pheasant, you... No, it should be Kuzan, deputy governor of the Blackbeard Pirates!

After knocking Quinn over with a punch, Smogg looked coldly at the person in the distance.

The green pheasant general is the most promising candidate to become a marshal in Smogg's mind, but it is such a person with a true righteousness in his heart who would actually join the Blackbeard Pirates, how can this make him not have a wave in his heart.

"Smogg, you have become stronger, now you, I'm afraid I'm not sure I can easily defeat you."

The pheasant chuckled and responded.

Not being able to easily defeat Smogg does not mean that Smog cannot be defeated, but the terrifying blessing brought by the pitch-black armor he is wearing now, the green pheasant who saw the demise of the BIGMOM pirate group with his own eyes, could not help but pay extreme attention.

"Two fools, reminiscing in front of Lao Tzu, don't they put Lao Tzu in their eyes!"

A carp fights straight, Quinn blocks Smogg's view, such a flexible fat man is rare.

At this moment, the great battle at the pacifist base was also suspended because of the arrival of Tichy and the pheasant.

Of course, except for the two killing gods above the nine heavens.

"Hehe, everything should be over, today is the time of death for you peacemakers!"

A contemptuous gaze swept across everyone's faces, and Tichy sneered, he had been waiting for this day for a long time.

The battlefield, which was originally inseparable, suddenly joined two general-level terrifying existences, which is enough to turn the tide of the battle!


At this moment, pitch-black flames burst out, bypassing the ice sculptures one after another with great spirituality, and attacked the laughing Tichy.

At that moment, the pitch-black flame collided with the thick black fog, and the terrifying high temperature actually made the frozen island faintly show some signs of melting, and the sharp pain from the flesh also made Tiqi, who had the dark fruit, roll all over the ground in a embarrassed posture.

Sanji, who was worried about the safety of the Straw Hats, would never allow any outside forces to intervene and break the current war situation, especially since the other party was Luffy's heart enemy in a sense.

"Hey, pheasant, don't hurry up and help put out the fire!"

Sanji's flames couldn't hurt Tichy half a hair at all, but the double superimposed sharp pain was unbearable for him.

But then again, the blackbeard rolling on the ground looked at Sanji with more greed in his eyes, these Hades Holy Clothes that can bring about a terrifying increase, he must take it for himself!


The green pheasant blew casually, and the gas exhaled in its mouth instantly turned into a cold wind, easily blowing away the black flame.

What are the intentions of these two people coming here? Both sides are puzzled by this question.

According to Kaido's plan, the current Pheasant and Tichy should be blocking the red-haired pirates, and they should not appear here.

Similarly, in the eyes of the Peacemakers Alliance, Blackbeard who captured Malgau should have fled as far as he could, and why did he dare to appear.


Just when everyone didn't know why, a blood shadow in the air mixed with thunder light fell, and the killing intent that permeated it made the temperature that had plummeted due to the ice age become even colder.

"How can you fool have a virtue with your father, you can't fight to death!"

Anilu's voice spread, he never imagined that Akin, a perverted monster, would actually be able to complete a more advanced evolution when only half of his body remained!

Now Ah Jin has completely lost his human appearance, except for the golden king character accident on his forehead, his whole body hair is blood-red, like a hell blood demon god from hell, which makes everyone's hearts tremble.

It is like this, even if it is the three plagues, it can only guarantee undefeated, and Kaido and Aunt must join forces to knock it unconscious, thereby lifting the form of the Devil Fruit.


A roar full of slaughter came from Akin's mouth, and the bloody aura emanating from his body was extremely rich, slowly condensing into a shocking killing word in front of him!

Just this one word shocked the hearts of all the strong people present, even if they were just watching from one side, they only felt a sense of killing madness, constantly attacking their consciousness, and were about to completely corrode and assimilate them!

"Damn, you think Lao Tzu is afraid of you! Thunder Feather Sword Zizi Type Nine Heavens Divine Feather Falling Thunder Tribulation!

Anilu's right arm flicked, and the Thunder Origin Thousand Feather Sword in his hand soared into the sky.

At that moment, the feathers made of thunder pulp fell from the air like a sudden rain, and above the nine heavens, thunder roared continuously, and one after another the dragon chanted endlessly.

Looking up, a dragon and a sparrow entrenched in the sky, carrying supreme divine power and red rushed down, wanting to twist everything along the way into powder!

This trick must be hidden!

This was the only thought in everyone's mind, but in front of Akin, who had been confused by the killing demonic qi, the concept of hiding had never appeared, even once!


Ajin, who had a more and more hideous smile, did not hesitate for a minute, holding the double killing word in his hand, and went straight to the thunder dragon and thunder finch.


Anilu smiled, this fool in front of him is just a beast that only knows destruction, in the face of such an offensive, the first thing he thought of was not to attack Anilu's body, but to use the means of killing and killing, hard and rigid dragon finches!

"Anilu, be careful!"

However, at this moment, Master Yi, who sensed the abnormality, hurriedly struck, but even for the first time, his sword qi still did not block the bursting red light.

That's right, the huge killing word that Akin left behind earlier is not a decoration!

"Well... What a terrifying two people, these are simply two terrifying level existences!

Tichy subconsciously took a few steps back, instinctively driving him away from this dangerous area.


After a long time, the thunder light and blood qi dissipated together, a head fell from the air, if not faintly visible the faint king character, I am afraid that no one can think that this is the monster full of killing intent just now.

On the other side, Anilu, who was sturdy and beaten, was uncomfortable even if he was dressed in the holy robe, and he could clearly feel that there were many cracks in his internal organs, and there was a lingering thirst for killing in his divine consciousness.

"Anilu, don't be lost by killing intent! Read it as I please! Master

Yi, who was standing next to Anilu, could see most clearly, at this moment, Anilu's eyes were surrounded by veins, and the whites of his eyes turned dark red, which was full of thirst for blood.

"Big Brother Ember, Big Brother Quinn, let's take everyone and escape here first."

Drought Jack's voice even trembled, he had just seen that under Akin's only remaining head, flesh and blood were constantly wriggling, and he was about to enter a new terrifying form.

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