
At this moment, a blue firebird flashed.

Months later.

"The dog thing that pit daddy in the system didn't tell me in advance that the price of reverse use of corpse gas was actually the consumption of life!"

Lei Luo, who opened his eyes in confusion, was still cloudy in front of him.

With the Six Library Immortal Thief, which can be called a BUG skill, his lifespan has long been almost infinite, so the way of consumption has changed to the aging of physical functions.

The main thing is that this aging seems to be permanent and cannot be compensated for by ordinary means.

System? Consume life?

Guarding in front of Relo's bed, Gejess wondered if his leader had made a mistake in his brain because of this accident.

However, soon he was stunned in place, and then a long-lost smile appeared on his face.

"The boss is awake! The leader is awake! The

cheers of surprise resounded throughout the Pacifier base that was still under construction just for a moment.

"Really? The boss woke up?

"I knew the master must be fine!"

"Gejes, go and wake up Lord Lei Jiu and Lord Tina, why are you stunned!"

After a few pleasantries with the people who arrived, Relo turned his gaze to the pheasant and Margao.

Through the explanations of these days and Malgau's proof, everyone also knows his identity as an undercover agent.

"Green pheasant, little horse brother, how is the revolutionary army over there?"

The base was destroyed, the peacemakers temporarily lost all communication equipment, and Relo, who was worried about the alliance, had to ask the two.

However, with the appearance of the revolutionary army, the joy on the faces of everyone present instantly faded by half.

"What happened? What about Sanji? Wait a minute, why is this pheasant just an ice doppelganger? Lei

Luo, who sensed that something was wrong, was suddenly shocked, and this abnormality seemed to have announced the end of the revolutionary army.

It's just that he doesn't want to believe his conjecture yet.

"After we were resurrected that day, Sanji rushed to support as soon as

possible, but..." Lei Jiu did not continue, but took out the newspaper of the past few months and handed it to Relo.

The navy won a complete victory, and the top of the revolutionary army and the Straw Hats fled!

Unexpected joy, Kurozu Yamaji was arrested!

Conscience discovery? Except for the red-haired Shanks, the other four emperors announced their entry into the navy!

After the war, the Straw Hats and his gang came to the naval headquarters again with the top of the revolutionary army!

History is playing out again, the redhead comes forward!

At the end, the five old stars came forward, the revolutionary army dissipated and the redhead died!

The disturbers of society, only the last evil left - the Union of Pacifists!

"Sanji him..."

Lei Luo looked at the titles that were bolded and enlarged, and turned his head to look at Lei Jiu.

There was no answer, no physical expression, just endless silence.

"Impossible! The Celestial Storm Star Bennu Bird is a Hades Holy Cloak that can be reborn infinitely in flames, and Sanji cannot die!

Lei Luo roared, he couldn't believe that during the time he was asleep, it could actually become like this.

A long time passed before Relo's emotions gradually calmed down.

"How many people are still alive after this big event?"

"Saab and Luffy, who were rescued by the dragon and the redhead desperately, are only the two of them."

Faced with the answer given by everyone, Lei Luo just asked lightly: "Why don't you go to support!" "

Yes, why did the Alliance of Pacifists as an ally not come to the aid, if they were, the scales of victory would surely shift.

With the support of the Alliance of Pacifists, the revolutionary army would not have perished, the red-haired pirate group would not have dissipated, and Sanji would not have died!

Unfortunately, there are no ifs in life.

This cannot be blamed on anyone present, because the moment they learned the news, they were already in ruins.

Moreover, the news of the redhead and the dragon's death in battle has already arrived.

"Three years, during this time, find Saab and Luffy, develop our army, and make a final declaration of war against the world government!"

This is the highest instruction given by Lei Luo!

Holy Land Mary Joya.

"It's really a masterpiece, it's all like this, it's actually alive!"

In the underground secret room, the five old stars, who represented the highest symbol of power in the world, actually knelt behind a figure whose face could not be seen clearly.

And at this moment, in this big basement, apart from the six of them, the only thing that counts life is the Sanji who is soaked in strong acid, destroying and regenerating the continuous reincarnation.

"Lord Im, it seems that these armors of the Peacemakers Alliance not only bless combat power like combat uniforms, but also have more terrifying hidden effects."

The long-haired old man among the five old stars smiled coldly.

On that day, he personally executed Yamaji and never imagined that after a few seconds, the flames on the battlefield would gather in the sky and turn into black flames and burn.

Among them, it was the resurrected Sanji.

The characteristic of the Celestial Storm Star Bennu Bird is that it is infinitely resurrected, but the resurrection time needs to be determined according to the injury.

After Relo's return before, Yamaji did not complete the resurrection, precisely because the injury was too heavy.

"Find a way to remove his bracelet and give it to me."

Im dropped a sentence and turned away, such a temptation, even if he was a high-ranking person, he was not immune.

After watching the only king of the world leave, the five old stars looked at each other, and their faces were all helpless and bitter smiles.

Yamaji's bracelet, they have tried various methods, and even did not hesitate to corrode the musculoskeletal body of Yamaji as he is now.

But even if this is the case, Sanji can be reborn in the flames, and the bracelet that represents the holy robe of the underworld has no way to start.

"It seems that an attack on the Alliance of Pacifists is necessary to hope for a solution."


As soon as the bald five old stars spoke, the ground instantly shook, and an overlord aura mixed with icy killing intent rushed straight to the brains of the five of them.


"I heard that it was Yamaji who you captured, right?"

High in the sky, Kaido, Auntie, Tichy, and the powerhouses of the CP organization have tightly surrounded Relo, and at this moment, Relo's hand is pinching Luo's throat.

The next moment, a light blue flame burst out from Leiluo's palm, but in a moment, Lu Qi's eyes became dim, and only endless decaying aura spread in his body, and there was no sign of a living person, and his soul completely dissipated.

"Can you defeated subordinates be able to stop me? Call Wu Laoxing and Yim to Lao Tzu to get out!

"Hmph, not too old, not a small tone, Leiluo, but today you throw yourself into the net, don't blame us for bullying more!"

The five old stars who walked out of the basement snorted coldly, obviously directly issuing a killing order.

"In three years, the Alliance of Peacemakers will surely set foot on Mary Joa, and as I said, God will not save you from the end!"

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