"God will not save your destiny!"

Relo just snapped his fingers, and the temperature of the entire Marie Joa instantly plummeted, and even the tall building that represented the absolute face of the world government was completely frozen into an ice sculpture.

From afar, it looks like a huge iceberg, very majestic.

Looking at the whole world, there is only one person who can do this, Qingji Kuzan!

"Sure enough, Kuzan, you have a good hand at Infernal Affairs, but what's the use?"

The figure of the five old stars holding the original Ghost Che moved.

The knife was not unsheathed, nor did it strike, but the solid ice that froze the tall building turned into dust and fell in the blink of an eye.


In the shadows, the figure of the green pheasant emerged, with a shocking wound on its body.

This is the true strength of the five old stars, surpassing the higher level of admirals!

"Can you still laugh when you die?"

The bald five old stars chuckled, picked up a piece of broken ice on the ground at random, and smashed it into the green pheasant with his backhand.

Attack the pheasant with ice? Lei Luo, who wanted to intervene, also chose to wait and see.

However, at the moment when that piece of crushed ice was about to touch the green pheasant, the armed color domineering instantly covered it.

"It's not good, this bald donkey's armed color domineering is a little different!"

Lei Luo was shocked, because he found that the solid ice had all been transformed into armed color domineering!

According to common sense, armed color domineering can only cover the surface of the object, and such a substance that is completely condensed by armed color domineering has never appeared.

And this, for those with natural Devil Fruit abilities, is undoubtedly the deadliest threat!

"Hehe, five old guys, are you old enough to forget your old man's iron fist!"

At that moment, two wrinkled fingers stretched out from behind the wall, firmly clamping the strange substance.


At this moment, the five old stars instantly understood why Lei Luo came alone, and also understood why the green pheasant would expose his identity in such a dangerous situation.

All this is to let the world government relax its vigilance, because their goal is to free the core senior management of the imprisoned navy!

"You stupid pirates, what are you waiting for!"

The five old stars angrily scolded Kaido and the others, however, except for the CP organization, no one listened to them.

Just kidding, which of the pirates present is not the same as the past on the sea, saying that there is no one else to do anything but Im!

"Don't waste time, go first!"

After roughly estimating the combat strength of the two sides, the Warring States who had just escaped made a decision at the first time.

"What to escape, Lao Tzu's eight doors are opened, and one punch is smashed to death, do you believe it?"

Fighting has always been what Karp is looking forward to, especially when the opponent's strength is not weak, his hands are already hungry.

"Fuck your uncle, if you don't eat or drink during this time, we don't have the strength you have!"

After making an OK gesture to Relo, Sengoku dragged Karp and led everyone to flee to the beach, leaving Relo alone to retreat again.

Strange, what's the situation?

Looking at the departing figure of Sengoku and the others, Lei Luo found that he did not see the figure of the red dog, but this is not the point, the point is that the five old stars actually stood there, letting the high-ranking naval officials pass by, and only lowered their gloomy face, without any words.

"Im, what do you mean by looking down on us?"

Only after the last Kebi and Berumeber escaped from sight did Relo say the name.

Let the five old stars, who are the highest representatives of power in the world, dare to be angry and dare not speak, except for the Lord Im who stands on everything, I am afraid that there is no second person, not even Karp!

"Of course not, I didn't look down on you, I just thought it would be more fun."

In the tall building, there was a mixed voice of male and female voices.

"Have you practiced the Sunflower Treasure Book? How to talk yin and yang weird. "

Sunflower Treasure Book? I don't know what you're talking about, but one thing you remember, I'll wait for you for three years.

When the words fell, Lei Luo only felt that the space in front of him suddenly cracked after a tremble, and a beautifully packaged box appeared in front of him.

"A little gift, I hope to be able to enter the eyes of the thunder chief."

"It's a pity that I don't have any gifts for you."

After snorting coldly, Lei Luo directly turned around and walked away.

After a long time, there was no one in the Holy Land Square, and the damage under the tall building was repaired, just like Lelo had never been here.

"These bastards, don't wait for me!"

Walking to the shore, Lei Luo found that the ship when he came could not even see a single hair, and he couldn't help but complain a little.

"That's it, fly back."

However, at the moment when Lei Luo had just entered the boundary of the East China Sea, the gift box given by Yim in his arms suddenly exploded, and a round thing plopped into the sea under the action of gravity.


At that moment, Lei Luo's forehead was bruised, and the clenched crown caused his head to tremble, and endless anger was instantly ignited in his heart, burning and unable to extinguish.

He never thought that Im would actually make such a big joke with him.

The spherical object that fell into the sea earlier turned out to be the head of Marshal Akainu!

"In three years, I will definitely finish you with my own hands!"

Relo's fists clenched and the blood ran down his fingernails and slipped into the sea.

"Ding! System Mission Activation: Endgame! "

Endgame: Overthrow the world government three years later, kill Im, and exterminate the Draco!

This will be Relo's last task in this world.


"Call! Shout out to Lao Tzu! "

In the underground secret room of the World Government, the five old stars continue to pour all kinds of liquids into the container where Sanji is, but everything that can be linked to words such as corrosion and high temperature has been thrown by them.

During the day, the group of pirates and Lei Luo actually let the five of them be so deflated, although it was Lord Im's order, but the five people who had never been treated like this naturally couldn't swallow this breath.

Sanji, a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, the biological brother of Lei Jiu, the main mother of the Peacemaker Alliance, he is the perfect combination of the pirates and the pacifists, and his screams are the most beautiful music in the world!

"Add lava directly, I want to see how long he, a bird that can be resurrected infinitely in flames, can last, I can't wait to hear his roar and beg for mercy!"

At the same time, a clown-like figure, carrying several corpses, came to the Union of Peacemakers.

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