"How's it going, Bucky?"

Bucky had just returned to Bucky Street on Kalebali Island, and today's patrol Hawkeye was the first to step forward and ask.

"Hey, why are you kid so disrespectful every day, I and Shanks still hugged you when you were young!"

"Yes? I don't remember hugging.

Hawkeye's identity has always been a mystery, not many people know who his parents are, but Bucky is clearly a small group of people.

"Too lazy to play with your kid here, what about your dad?"

"Everyone is waiting for your news inside."

With those words, Bucky walked directly into the tavern in front of him and discussed his next move with Hawkeye's parents, Hades Renly and Xia Qi.

As for Hawkeye's question at the beginning, when he saw that Bucky came back alone, the whole person was obviously a little lighter than before, and he already knew the answer.

Pacifier Base.

Now that more than half a day has passed since Bucky left, but Relo is still sitting in place, looking at the corpse in front of him unmoved.

"These are all heavyweights, and if I want to resurrect them, I will probably have to break my life!" But let's draw a prize first. After

feeling Leiluo's thoughts, the system directly called up the turntable, but this time seemed to be a little different from the past.

SSS-level prop: Queen Mother Peach.

SS-class weapon: Judge's divine pen.

SS-level props: Heaven-conquering Solid Yan Dan.

SS-level exercises: Flame body source flow.

SSS-level rewards: Nine secrets.

SS Level Reward: King of Realm Fist.

Special reward: Breaking the limiter.

"System, what does that special reward mean?"

Breaking through the limiter, Relo certainly understands that as long as he can do this, then he will gain incomprehensible power, which can be understood with just one blow against any enemy.

What the hell was baffling him as to what this particular reward was.

"The special reward is this big benefit, if the host can draw the special reward for the first time, you can continue to the second lottery, but if the first time does not draw a special reward, then just like before, you can only draw once.

"So, let's get started."

The fruit of the sacred tree planted by the queen mother is divided into three levels: 3,000 years ripe, 6,000 ripe, and 9,000 ripe, and the SSS reward in the system is naturally the highest 9,000 level.

As for its effect, it can truly make the eater live the same life as heaven and earth, the sun and the moon, even the Liuku Immortal Thief is absolutely incomparable.

The judge's divine pen, the artifact held in the hand of the judge of the prefecture, a stroke can determine the life and death of all things, and the life span of life is just a thick ink flying, zero or double.

Heaven-conquering Solid Yan Pill, god-level elixir, the effect is as its original name, the great creation of heaven and earth, so that the eater can maintain his youth forever while also having a long life, and will no longer be eroded by the years.

The source of the body, realized by Zhang Huaiyi of Dragon Tiger Mountain, is called the end of the technique, which can make the user understand the avenue, whether it is physical arts or exercises, they can no longer be bound by the form, and everything is as they wish, it is enough to burst out the top, even beyond the peak of terrifying power.

The Nine Secrets, coming from a certain higher world, are nine god-level secret techniques that represent the highest achievements in nine different fields, comparable to the Great Emperor's exercises, and are the supreme divine techniques that every cultivator dreams of.

You can enter the forbidden state, and it is easy to skip the challenge.

Soldier skills, control all the divine weapons in the world, whether you recognize the Lord or not, you only need to use a look, and the weapon eats the Lord on the spot.

Fighting word skills, the ultimate combat method, the power is against the sky and the changes are endless.

Even if there is only a drop of blood left, it can be used as a basis to be reborn again.

All the words, there is a probability of increasing the combat power tenfold in battle, and there is no need to say more.

The number technique, the most defensive, once practiced, can surpass the world's cognition and reach another invincible realm.

The combination of words and formations can peek into all its mysteries at a glance, and the prestigious-known formation grandmaster is just Erer's garbage.

The former word technique, majoring in Genshin, can predict the future.

The first speed in the world, can even reach the passage of static time.

Realm King Fist, originating from a special universe, can stably multiply its strength several times in a short period of time, and its value depends on the strength of the user's body, but the side effects are extremely large, and if it is overused, the world will add a completely disabled waste.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the SSS-level reward: Nine Secrets!


Hearing the exhilarating three S's, Lei Luo couldn't help but gasp.

Although he did not draw a special reward, the Nine Secrets were definitely not at a loss, but soon Lei Luodu's passion dissipated by half.

The two words of the nine secrets need to look at the face, and the words and phrases seem to be of much use in the pirate world, and the former tips are almost the same as the ultimate domineering, as for the speed of the word recipe, it seems that the speed of light is already the limit here.

"However, just the three words of fighting, fighting, and counting are enough, after all, you can't be too greedy to be a person."

After completing this lottery, Lei Luo put down his heart, and countless flames burst out of his body, enveloping the souls of the red-haired people.

After all, in that high world, there was a legend circulating - nine secrets in one, invincible in the world!

Bucky Street at this time.

"What? Hancock sneaked out again to find Luffy? Hearing

this, Bucky couldn't help but have a headache.

In order to always be alert to the sudden raid of the world government, their group would be guarded every day and night, and the female emperor Han Cook sneaked out after her own patrol, apparently not once or twice.

"Don't worry, Xia Qi gave me and Luffy's life cards to Hancock this time, there should be no accidents."

Reilly smiled and drank the spirit beside him in one sip.

"I hope."

In the face of Renly's calm and calm, Bucky felt that his eyelids were jumping all the time, and it was difficult to calm down.

"The most important goal now is to bring the dragons over and resurrect Relo, and I am still very interested in this teenager who has been singing all the way since his appearance."

Xia Qi on the side lit a cigarette and said slowly.

Somewhere above the sea.

"Your Majesty's Seven Martial Seas are difficult to protect yourself, do you dare to come to find death now!"

"Saab, Hancock is his own, and she has the smell of Uncle Reilly."

Inside the cave, two slightly haggard-looking young men slowly walked out of it.

"Luffy-chan, it's really good that you're okay!"

This man, at such an age, is too heavy.

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