"What do you say? Is there still a possibility of resurrection for Mr. Long and everyone? "

Shanks, can they also be resurrected?"


After getting a firm reply from the female emperor Hancock, Saab and Luffy finally had a smile on their faces that they had not seen for a long time.

In the past few months, the two of them have faced the endless pursuit and killing of the world government, and they have to desperately escape, and once they have time, they will definitely not rest, but train each other.

In order to avenge the deceased!

"Then Uncle Reilly, where are they now, let's go find them quickly!"

Luffy was already a little impatient to see Shanks, and now he had the strength to return the straw hat.

Similarly, Saab's mood is also very excited, if Relo can really resurrect the dead, then wouldn't it mean that Ace can too, and the three brothers have another chance to get together after they are young!

However, at the moment when Hancock took out Renly's life card, a water bomb was fired from a distance, shattering it.

"Finally found you two, and it seems that there is a surprise!"

Not far away, on the top of the mountain, a group of men and women in red suit uniforms looked down at the three Luffy below, with a sinister smile on the corner of their mouths.

"CP1, Loxda!"

Luffy and Saab gritted their teeth and said the name of the red free-haired man at the head.

That's right, I heard it right, it's called Loxda, a newcomer to the red-haired pirate group two years ago, wearing the identity of a pirate, but in fact, he is a big undercover agent thrown into the sea by the world government for more than ten years.

Anyone who participated in the second major event will never forget how the red-haired Shanks, who came to prevent the tragedy from happening again, was penetrated through his chest by his cronies behind him when Luffy's faction was about to lose.

It's just that even the five old stars didn't expect that the redhead's strength was so perverted, even if time was running out, he still turned the tide of the war with his overlord-colored domineering that could be called a perverted level.

If it were not for Lord Im's personal action in the end, I am afraid that the final result would be the complete defeat of the world government.

It can be indisputably said that in the first major event, Kebi stood up and fought for the last few seconds without fear of life and death, changing history.

And in the second big event, the person who changed history, only Closda is qualified to recognize.

It was also in the follow-up battle that everyone understood that the strength of this weak person who called himself a sea thief in the eyes of the world was terrifying to the level of a general!

"Saab, he will give it to me, and the others will be handed over to you."

"Luffy-chan, what about me?"

"Honestly stay here, they're too dangerous."

As soon as the words fell, Luffy and Saab's figures collided with CP1 in an instant, and only Han Cook held his forehead with his jade hand, and he could pass out at any time.

A big straight man like Luffy will never understand that his concern is the most dangerous attack for Hancock.

Holy Land Mary Joya.

The World Conference had long been over, but the people of many countries were surprised why their king had not returned, and only the navy had come to their territory, temporarily dominating everything in the name of protecting the safety of the other side.

"Im, this is the throne set up by the ancestors 800 years ago to build peace, do you want to break this precious peace!"


As soon as the little king of the unknown country finished speaking, his head exploded without warning, and the mixture of brain pulp and blood splashed on the ground, causing the kings who had spoken to other words to choose silence.


"Peace? Do you believe this ridiculous word?

"This is a world of the jungle, only we Draco are true gods, and between gods and people, they are destined to be two unequal existences!"

"Lord Im is the king of our Draco, what qualifications do you stupid mortals have to question the God King!"

"You four are also too fierce, learn the old man to do it directly!"

The five old stars sneered and looked at the kings who were bowed and overwhelmed in front of them, and their faces were full of ridicule.


Finally, someone chose to give in, and knelt in the main hall in a five-body position, and the disgusting mixture of liquid on the ground was ignored by him, allowing it to stain his forehead and long hair.

With the bowing of the leader, the last trace of dignity in the hearts of the other kings was shattered, and now they are no longer human beings, but ordinary mortals, ordinary people who have done everything to survive!

"Very good, good, good!"

Yim sat on the throne and laughed wildly, the reason why he dared to agree to Relo's three-year contract, in addition to the absolute affirmation of his strength, the biggest hole card was the powerhouses of these more than 170 allied countries.

If you ask those countries that did not join the world government or later withdrew, they may have been able to scream for a few days before, after all, they have the protection of the revolutionary army.

But now, they have only two choices: surrender or die!


Suddenly, the sound of a telephone bug sounded in the next room, and the long-haired five old stars turned around to bow to Im and bent down to salute, then turned and left.

"Lord Five Old Stars... No...... Not good...... Straw Hat Kid... He...... Not!

Before the words fell, the person on the other side of the phone worm was obviously abruptly terminated, but the phone that still did not hang up, so that the long-haired five old stars were still waiting quietly.


Sure enough, after more than ten seconds of silence, a young angry voice came from the phone worm again.

"I don't care if you are the five old stars or Yim, now listen to Lao Tzu, sooner or later, Lao Tzu will definitely beat you up!"

"Shameless little devil, who do you think you are!"

The long-haired five old stars were quite disdainful, even if the other party killed the terrifying existence of Loxda, he did not pay attention to it.

Mortals are mortals, and they will never be able to compete with God in their entire lives!

"Listen up, I'm the man who wants to be One Piece, Straw Hat Luffy!"


toot..." Looking at the phone worm that was hung up, the long-haired five old stars just snorted softly.

The next day, all the TV stations or newspapers were broadcasting a message - the empty throne welcomed its owner, the only god-king in the world, Lord Im!

On this day, everyone in the world saw all the heads of state agree, and those civilians who dared to resist also deeply understood why they did not wait for the king, only the navy.

When the time comes, the ruthless navy will not hesitate to take the life of anyone who protests.

Finally, the already extremely unequal system was broken, and the world was completely covered by a new dynasty!

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